Tianshuang City, Niuwei Lane.

Lin Qingxue met her future parents-in-law in the Ye family's house.

Naturally, it was the first time for the Ye family to meet Ye Fan's Taoist monk.

"Qingxue has met her father-in-law and mother-in-law!"

Lin Qingxue saluted Ye Tian and Ye Liumin according to secular etiquette.

"Okay, okay, our Xiaofan is really lucky to be able to marry a wife as wise as Miss Qingxue!"

Ye Fan's parents seemed very happy, and Mrs. Ye Liu even took Lin Qingxue to chat for a long time.

After that, Mrs. Ye Liu introduced other members of the Ye family to Lin Qingxue. As the sister-in-law, Lin Qingxue naturally prepared gifts for Ye Xiaoying and others.

The family soon became familiar with each other and enjoyed themselves every day.

"Dad, Mom, let's set off tomorrow and go back to the countryside to have a look!"

Ye Fan told the purpose of coming here.

"Okay, then let's clean up.

When they heard that they were going back to their hometown, everyone seemed very excited and packed up their things and threw them away.

Early the next morning, Ye Fan took Lin Qingxue and his family out of Tianshuang City and embarked on the road back home.

This time Ye Fan did not use the "Feitian No. 1" to rush on the road. Instead, he rented three carriages in Tianshuang City and walked slowly towards his hometown.

Ye Fan's purpose of doing this is naturally to let his family members experience folk life.

After all, they are mortals originally. They will inevitably feel a little bored if they stay in Tianshuang City all the time.

The carriage traveled all the way south, and in the evening, after walking about seventy or eighty miles, it arrived at a rural village in Sishui County called "Yanggu Village".

Ye Fan's family are all mortals, so traveling all night would definitely be unbearable.

So, Ye Fan stopped with his family.

"Uncle, I will go to the village and ask if there is a place where I can rest for the night."

Although Ye Sheng was still a young boy, he seemed very stable and volunteered to go to Yanggu Village to explore the situation.

"Okay, be careful on the road."

Ye Fan agreed with a smile. After Ye Sheng left, he winked at Zhao Yang. Zhao Yang understood and immediately followed Ye Sheng from a distance to protect him secretly.

The carriage stopped on an official road. Everyone got out of the carriage and came out to look at the scenery.

“I never thought there could be such beautiful scenery in the world!”

Lin Qingxue came to Ye Fan's side. The two looked at the scenery of the countryside and felt that it had a unique charm.

"Yes, I grew up in the countryside when I was a child, and the mountains there are so much fun.

A smile appeared on Ye Fan's face.

Thinking of what happened when he was a child, his heart was filled with warmth.

"Sometimes I think about it, mortals also have mortal happiness. Although their lifespan is a little shorter, at least there are not as many intrigues as in the Immortal Cultivation World. From some aspects, mortals may live happier lives than monks."

Lin Qingxue recalled that when she was a child, she was in a complicated family environment. Except for her grandfather who was more partial to her, it was almost difficult for her to think of anything else that could make her feel warm.

"On the whole, mortals do live a relatively simple life, but they also have to experience birth, old age, illness, and death, and have to bear heavy taxes, so mortals also have mortal troubles.

"That's true!"

The two of them stood on the edge of the official road chatting for a long time before Ye Sheng came back happily.

"Uncle, aunt, there is an elderly couple in the village. Their children are working outside. Their house is very big and they are willing to let us stay for one night."

"Oh? With so many of us, how can we live here?"

Ye Fan was a little surprised.

"It can be accommodated. Uncle, you will know later when you go over and take a look."

"All right!"

Ye Fan saw that the sky was getting dark. Since someone was willing to let them stay and rest for a night, it would be the best.

The family followed Ye Sheng to the village.

The carriage was guarded by three coachmen hired by Ye Fan from Tianshuang City. They brought enough dry food themselves and rested on the carriage overnight.

An hour later, the female members of the Ye family helped to cook dinner.

The Qiu family does have a large house. Although the house looks a bit old, the house is indeed big enough.

The minions made a fuss, making Shengming's eyes light up.

Soon, several minions came back with joy on their faces.


This kind-hearted family's surname is Qiu, and his house is not far from the entrance of Yanggu Village.

"So beautiful, so beautiful!"

Ye Fan didn't understand the meaning of Ye Sheng's words until he arrived at Qiu's house.

There are at least a dozen rooms in the courtyard with two entrances and three exits.

"Boss, the Qiu family has taken in a group of merchants from out of town. It is said that this family has hired three large carriages, and the carriages are full of gold, silver and jewelry. And, the most important thing is that the female relatives of this family are all pretty. Celestial Immortal!"

After Niu Ming finished speaking, he left the house and walked sneakily towards home.

"His! There really is a beauty like a fairy!"

"Are you telling the truth?"

"Okay! Let me go and take a look. If what you say is true, I will be rewarded heavily when I come back.

Niu Ming's eyes lit up.

447 "What a great thing?"

Over the years, Ye Fan's family has actually eaten Monster's meat. Although they have no spiritual roots and cannot retain the spiritual energy contained in the meat, it can somewhat cleanse the body and remove impurities from the body.

The old man surnamed Qiu looked kind-hearted and kind-hearted, and said to Ye Fan with a smile.

She frowned, snorted coldly, and slightly released a hint of Foundation Building monk power in the direction of Sheng Er.

Coincidentally, when Niu Ming came near Qiu's house and found a secluded corner to spy on Qiu's house, he happened to meet Lin Qingxue, Ye Xiaoying, and Zhang Hui going out for a walk after dinner. Niu Ming's eyes suddenly widened.

Suddenly, an unusual fragrance came from the Qiu family's house, which attracted the attention of the surrounding neighbors.


"Young people, you don't have to be polite. We, the old couple, took you in for one night because we were too lonely and wanted to find a few people to talk to.

It seems that the ancestors of the Qiu family were once wealthy.

Ye Fan found an opportunity and took a few bags of Spirit Rice and a large piece of low-level Monster red rabbit meat from the system space, and asked Qiu Li to help cook them as dinner for the Ye family.

"Boss, what a great thing!"

Ye Sheng was talking to an old man in his sixties. When Ye Fan arrived, he bowed his hands to the old man to express his gratitude.

Lin Qingxue noticed something, and with a sweep of her mind, she immediately discovered Niu Ming's peek.

"Of course it's true. If you don't believe me, you can go and see for yourself."

Niu Ming murmured to himself that Wei had flown to nowhere.

There are several second-rate gangsters in Yanggu Village, and the leader is named Niu Ming. They usually gather together a bunch of like-minded gangsters, but they cause harm to many families in the village.

(The little author asks for flowers, reviews, monthly votes, and good reviews! Thank you!).

"Uncle Qiu, I'm sorry to bother you!"

The old man's wife Qiu Li warmly welcomed everyone into the house.

After smelling the strange fragrance coming from the Qiu family, Niu Ming instigated several of his younger brothers to come to the Qiu family to find out.

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