"Ancestor! It's not good!"

At the top of the mountain behind the Yu family, the Yu family, who had already had their wits about them, ran here in a panic and shouted towards a secret room built on the top of the mountain.

"Why are you so panicked?"

An old voice slowly came out from the secret room.

"Insect Demon, the Insect Demon is here!"

This former family member's name is Yu Xiang, who is the leader of the third generation of the Yu family and is in the middle stage of Foundation Building.

At this time, Yu Xiang's voice had changed, showing his extreme uneasiness.

"Insect demon? What insect demon?"

In the secret room on the top of the mountain, there was movement in a crystal coffin.

Soon the coffin lid was slowly lifted up, and the extremely old monk stood up from the coffin.

"Tell me clearly, what's going on?"

The old cultivator got out of the crystal coffin, walked out of the secret room, and scolded Yu Xiang who came to report the news.

"Ancestor, something bad has happened! The Lin family colluded with the insect demons and surrounded our Yu family from the outside! Now, the entire outside of the Yu family is covered with a terrifying Rank Two spirit insect with countless figures."

Yu Xiang briefly described the situation outside.

"Insect cultivator? It's strange. I have lived for more than a thousand years and I have never heard of there being an insect cultivator in Cangnan Xiuzhen World!"

The ancestor of the Yu family is named Yu Chong. He is a monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul and is about to expire.

"Ancestor, you'd better come and take a look for yourself. Those demonic insects look extremely scary. Once so many demonic insects attack, our Yu family will be wiped out, Ancestor!"

"Kill the whole family? Let's see who dares!"

When Yu Chong heard this, he couldn't help being furious, and immediately ordered Yu Xiang to lead the way.

When the two came to the clan's residential area, they saw a scene that stunned them.

As far as the naked eye can see, no matter which direction you look at, whether on the ground or in the air, you can see countless ferocious spirit insects wreaking havoc everywhere. Many members of the Lin family have encountered

The entire Lin family area was filled with screams, roars, howls, and cries of despair.

"Who is it... I, Yu Chong, will fight to the death with you!"

Yu Chong's eyelids cracked open, and he summoned his own destiny, Law Treasure, Cold Moon Wheel, and struck with hatred.

Suddenly, the entire Lin family land was covered by a large area of ​​frost, and the temperature suddenly dropped cold.

The densely packed mutant spirit-devouring ants were frozen into ice cubes in large areas, falling down with a rustle.

However, although these mutated spirit-eating ants are only Rank Two spiritual ants, their vitality is extremely tenacious. Although they were frozen stiff all of a sudden, most of them still had breath.

"Too many, Holy Bad"

Yu Chong immediately woke up, and his spiritual mind began to search for spiritual energy fluctuations within a radius of hundreds of miles, trying to find the enemy's location.


At this moment, his spiritual thoughts collided with a strange thought force, and Chong immediately followed Wen Dao's command to search him.

"Bold, even a Core Formation monk and several Foundation Building juniors dare to come to my Yu family to act wild!"

Soon, Yu Chong locked the location of Lin Zuolin, Ye Fan and others, and then hurried away.

But at this moment, a ten-foot-long rattan suddenly stabbed over from a distance, launching a sharp attack in the direction of Qian Chong.

"Rank Four Ghost Faced Vine?"

Yu Chong did not dare to neglect, and immediately activated the natal treasure wheel, and saw the cold moon wheel turning into a bright moon, lighting up the nearby starry sky, and faintly turning into a bright Star Domain.

The vines of the ghost-faced vine obviously slowed down their movement in this Star Domain, and stretched towards the inside of the Star Domain with difficulty.


Two former Gold Cores came to attack with anger.


"Who is my grandson-in-law?"

Lin Zuolin, who was standing not far from Ye Fan, took a breath and thought secretly in his heart.

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"So it's you! Ah, I'll kill you two bastards!"

Lin Zuolin was simply unbelievable.

Lin Zuolin was worried that Ye Fan had made a mistake, so he quickly stood in front of him, trying to block the attack of his predecessor's Gold Core.

Ye Fan was only in the Qi Refining stage of cultivation, but he forced a Nascent Soul family to the point of being completely wiped out.

Another member of the Core Formation Late Stage, Yu Jia Gold Core, activated a life-saving Rank Three magic talisman at the critical moment, but it still failed to completely block the attack of the Rank Four sword talisman. His body was severely injured and it seemed that he would not survive.

"It seems that we still need to rely on magic talismans!"

At this time, two former Gold Cores finally broke through the siege of the spirit-devouring ants and broke out panting. When they saw Lin Zuolin and Ye Fan, their eyes immediately turned red.

"Xiaofan, you step back first, I will stop them!"

In the sky outside the Yu family, Ye Fan stepped on the "Qinglan Sword" and cautiously peered into the family's territory.

Yu Chong seemed to be well prepared, increasing the output of his magic power, relying on the field formed by the cold moon wheel to trap all four vines.

Seeing this bizarre scene, the entire Lin family was stunned.

Ye Fan thought for a while, then turned around and said to Lin Zuolin: "Grandpa, take a few uncles to Hu's house to guard them. Don't let them escape.

"No problem, I will soon kill the ancestor of the Stealing Family!

Although Xiao Xiao Teng seemed to be at a disadvantage, it did not suffer any trauma. The ancestor of the Yu family relied on the domain-type Law Treasure and had a certain advantage on the scene, but he could not completely defeat Xiao Xiao Teng.

Lin Zuolin's mouth twitched a few times and he said.

"It seems that this old man is at least a mid-stage Nascent Soul monk. Although he is already very old, he can still block the little troublemakers without any problem.

"These are...two Rank Four talismans?"

"Okay, I'll go to Hu's house right now, but I can go alone. Several of your uncles will stay to help you.

One of them, Gold Core, who had a slightly lower cultivation level, died on the spot and took his last breath with his eyes wide open unwillingly.

"That's fine!" Ye Fan nodded.

"Xiaofan, can you do it alone?"

Ye Fan took out a few Rank Four talismans and raised them.

After taking care of the two Gold Cores of the Yu family, Ye Fan turned his attention again to the area where Xiao Xiaoteng and the ancestor of the Yu family fought.

Two former Gold Cores howled miserably and were rescued by Rank Four.

But at this moment, two dazzling cold lights lit up almost at the same time.

"Yes." Lin Zuolin no longer hesitated, turned around and flew in the direction of the Hu family.

Yu Chong snorted coldly, and continuously produced various magic formulas with both hands, constantly urging the Hanyue Wheel, trying to completely control the ghost-faced vine's vines.

Lin Zuolin was taken aback and quickly dodged aside.

Soon, three more vines extended from different directions to confront Han Qilun.

The fighting between the two sides fell into a stalemate for a while.

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