"Such a loud tone. Could it be that you are the old monster of Nascent Soul or the ancestor of Soul Formation?"

Ye Fan sneered, "Even the old Nascent Soul guy doesn't have such a loud tone in front of me!"

"You are a small Foundation Building, but you probably don't have Core Formation yet? What do you think you are?"

Ye Fan also sneered at such unreasonable people without politeness.

"Boy, you are looking for death!"

Lin Jia Shu was completely angered.

The failure of Core Formation for twenty years has always been a hidden pain in his heart that cannot be resolved. Now that this scar has been bloodyly uncovered by Ye Fan, he is finally completely angry.

"Junior, I don't care who you are, just go to hell!"

Lin Jia Shu was so angry that he used all his skills and slapped Ye Fan fiercely, regardless of the reputation of "bullying the small with the big".

The pinnacle of Foundation Building!

Ye Fan made a judgment immediately.

He was about to release Xiaoteng, but unexpectedly, Lin Qingxue was faster than him and released the tiger-shaped puppet.


The tiger-shaped puppet exchanged violent palms with Lin Jiashu.

Lin Jia Shu took a few steps back, feeling shaken and unable to recover for a long time.

"It turns out that mana is so vain! It can't even defeat a Foundation Building Late Stage puppet."

Ye Fan sneered. 213

This Lin Jia Shu is just a showman. It seems that his cultivation level is entirely dependent on resources.

"Rebellious girl! How dare you fight with me!"

Lin Jia Shu was ashamed and annoyed, and in a fit of rage, she vomited out a mouthful of old blood.

"Dad, this is the first time in my life that I call you 'Dad'!"

Lin Qingxue became extremely calm at this time. As the saying goes, "There is no greater sorrow than death," because this is the state.

She looked at Lin Jia Shu and said word by word: "Hand over my mother and I will take her away!"

"From now on, I, Lin Qingxue, have nothing to do with your Lin family. We will never see each other again!"

"Rebellious girl!"

Lin Jiashu was so angry that she almost vomited blood, pointing at Lin Qingxue and making her whole body tremble with anger.

"What's going on? What's the point of making noises all day long?"

The noise in the hall finally alerted an old man, Lin Qingxue's grandfather Lin Zuolin, who was practicing in retreat in the back mountain of Lin's house.

Lin Zuolin had no choice but to leave the customs. When he came to the hall, he couldn't help but frown slightly when he saw Lin Jiasu.


"Qingxue, why are you back?"

Lin Zuolin was a little surprised when he saw Lin Qingxue.

(adce) "What's going on? Qingxue, why are you crying? Who bullied you?"

"Grandpa, my mother was imprisoned by them!"

Lin Qingxue said with a cry.

"What? Who was Zhilan arrested by?"

Lin Zuolin was furious and looked at the people around him with unkind eyes, especially Lin Jia's concubines who were watching the excitement.

"My father-in-law, calm down! The thing is like this. A servant reported that Zhilan and a servant of the Lin family behaved a little unclearly. I don't believe it, but I have to find out, so I will tell you about it. Jia Shu said it, but for some unknown reason, Jia Shu locked up Zhilan."

Lin Jia Shu's first wife Yu Lingling acted like a good person at this time and came out to "explain" the situation.

"Yes, father-in-law, things are indeed as my sister said. It's not that we meant to make things difficult, but that the servant who reported the report was very precise. Later, after Jia Shu went to investigate, it was really like this. How could Sister Zhilan... ....…well!

Several of Lin Jia Shu's concubines came out one after another and started talking in a jealous manner.

"Nonsense! How can Zhi Lan be such a person! You traitor! Why don't you let Zhi Lan out yet.

Lin Zuolin glared at Yu Lingling and others, and yelled at Lin Jiayu.

"Dad, Zhilan doesn't follow the rules of women and doesn't understand her servants. I can't help my son..."

Lin Jiasu still wanted to defend himself.

"That's enough! I was really blind back then. How could I have made you, a fool like you, the head of the Lin family?"

Lin Zuolin was so angry that he almost vomited blood. He gritted his teeth and roared at Lin Jiashu repeatedly, finally forcing him to have Lin Qingxue's mother, Yan Zhilan, brought over.


Soon, a haggard-looking woman was brought over. It was Lin Qingxue's mother, Yan Zhilan.

Lin Zuolin tore several so-called "confessions" into pieces and roared again.

At this time, Lin Zuolin finally noticed that Lin Qingxue had succeeded in Foundation Building, and couldn't help but smile.

(New book is on the shelves! Please give me flowers, reviews, monthly votes, and good reviews!).

Ye Fan inevitably felt a little regretful.

Ye Fan saw that Lin Qingxue's grandfather was pretty good, so he smiled and bowed his hand to Lin Zuolin as a junior.

"Oh no, Lin Yue and the others are all dead!"

"Dad, the child has already asked clearly! This is their confession..."

Lin Zuolin sneered and glanced at the concubines of Yu Lingling and Lin Jiasu. They all lowered their heads, obviously having something wrong in their minds.

The servant shouted in shock.

"Lin Jia Shu, Yu Lingling, didn't you say someone reported it? Call those people over! I would like to know what is going on!"

"Okay, Takumi!"

"Father, please calm down. I will ask someone to bring them up."

"I didn't expect that Senior Sister would grow up in such a family.

"Eunuch, Lan is okay!"

Yan Zhilan sighed distressedly.

Lin Jia Shu sniffed and took out several pieces of paper with handprints from his body.

"Qingxue, why are you back?"

"Mom, if I don't come back, I'm afraid I won't be able to see you again!"

"Zhilan, are you okay?"

"Well, that's good. Young people have a very solid foundation!"

On the side, Ye sighed inwardly.

As a monk in the middle stage of Core Formation, Lin Zuolin could tell at a glance that Ye Fan's foundation was extremely solid, at least much stronger than when he was young.

Lin Jia Shu had no choice but to wink and tell someone to go and take the person.

"Grandpa, I successfully founded the Foundation Building a few years ago. This person next to me is my junior brother, Ye Fan, who is also my Taoist companion. 11

Yan Zhilan sighed again and shook her head.

"I'm not that confused yet. Do you want to call someone over?"

"Junior Ye Fan has met senior Lin!"

Lin Qingxue threw herself into Yan Zhilan's arms and sobbed with tears streaming down her face.

"If I had known earlier, those people just now should have killed me!"

At this moment, the servant who had just called for someone hurried over.

Lin Qingxue briefly introduced Ye Fan's identity to Lin Zuolin.

Lin Zuolin had a trace of guilt on his face.

"Qingxue, have you Foundation Building?"

Lin Zuolin smiled and nodded.

With such a confused father, Lin Qingxue's childhood was obviously not easy!

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