"Fairy Xuefu, is there anything else?"

Ye Fan frowned.

"Take it, read it yourself first, and then ask me if you don't understand!"

Nangong Xuefu threw a set of sword manuals to Ye Fan, which was the "Canglang Sword Jue".

And it's a complete set.

"Okay, thank you!"

Ye Fan took the sword manual with a smile, politely said a few words to Nangong Xuefu, and then left.

After returning to Cave Mansion, Ye Fan carefully counted the contents of the storage bag of the elder of the "Blood Evil Sect" and found more than 3,000 talismans, including two Rank Four sword talismans. There are more than two hundred spiritual talismans for three, and more than 2,800 spiritual talismans for Rank Two and One.

There are more than 2.1 billion spiritual stones in total, including about 3 million High Grade spiritual stones, 102 million Middle Grade spiritual stones, and 2 billion Low Grade spiritual stones.

There are thousands of Spirit Medicine and seeds. Ye Fan has transferred all of them to the system space, and all the Spirit Medicine seeds have been planted.

In addition, there are more than a thousand pieces of Law Treasure, Law Weapon, etc., as well as two unknown Spiritual Treasures, and there are also many kinds of spiritual materials and spiritual objects.

In addition, Ye Fan discovered four more Law Weapon gourds, also filled with human blood and Demonic Beast meat.

"It seems that most of the resources of the Blood Demon Sect have fallen to me!"

Ye Fan thought for a while, took out all the things he needed and put them into the system warehouse.

03 Put things that are not needed temporarily into the storage bag, find a place in the system space and put them away, then ignore them.

"Send a few Life Extending Pills to Senior Liu!"

Ye Fan took out the Life Extending Pill he had just taken from Nangong Xuefu and made a decision after pondering for a moment.

After all, his investment in Liu Hengyu cannot be wasted.

So, Ye Fan took out a communication talisman and started to contact Liu Hengyu.

"Senior went to the depths of the Biluo Mountains to retreat?"

Soon, Liu Hengyu sent him a message back, asking him to go to the depths of the Biluo Mountains and find him in an inaccessible place.

Ye Fan then went straight out and headed to the Biluo Mountains.

"Senior actually hid in such a far away place to retreat!"

Three days later, Ye Fan wandered around the Biluo Mountains for a long time before finally finding Liu Hengyu's retreat.

This is a circular valley surrounded by cliffs on all sides. It is more than two thousand meters deep and has penetrated thousands of miles into the Biluo Mountains.


"Xiaofan, thank you very much!"

Liu Hengyu walked out of Cave Mansion and met Ye Fan.

Ye Fan saw that his aura was stable, and he must have taken all the Life Extending Pills he had received before. His overall energy seemed to be much better than before.

"This is a 100-year Life Extending Pill, and there are also two 50-year Life Extending Pills, which must be enough to extend the life of the senior by a hundred years."

Ye Fan took out the Life Extending Pill and gave it to Liu Hengxi.

"Haha, Xiaofan, thank you! I am very confident now. I will keep the Life Extending Pill first. If I don't use it in the future, I will return it to you!"

Liu Hengyu said with a smile.

"No, no, senior, just swallow it! I still have some Life Extending Pills on hand, and I won't be short of them for the time being. Senior, don't be polite to me!"

Ye Fan quickly waved his hand. He can get a batch of Life Extending Pills in five years. He will not be short of it at all, okay?

"That's okay, I'll eat it!"


The two chatted for a while, and Ye Fan didn't want to affect Liu Hengyu's retreat, so he left with an excuse.

"This place is really quiet! And it's full of spiritual energy. It's really a good place for retreat."

After leaving the circular valley, Ye Fan looked back and felt that if he wanted to retreat for a long time in the future, he could come here.

Void Tower escaped along the route to Tianshuang City. Ye Fan planned to go to Tianshuang City again to give some Life Extending Pills to his family.

After walking more than five hundred miles, Ye Fan heard the passionate roar of beasts in the Void Tower. He curiously stretched out his spiritual sense to see what happened.

"Demonic Beast fight?"

On a desolate slope, two Demonic Beasts with violent auras were fighting to the death.

One of them, the Snow White Tiger, was launching a crazy attack, trying to tear the other Shadow Leopard into pieces.

However, although the Shadow Leopard is slightly weaker, it is extremely good at dodging, and its body is extremely flexible, and it has avoided several attacks from the Dark Moon White Tiger.

"It seems that these two Demonic Beasts are no longer Foundation Building level Demonic Beasts, so they are probably Gold Core level Demonic Beasts."

Ye Fan pondered for a moment and quickly made a judgment.

Ye Fan came out of the Void Tower and walked to Ling Shen to observe carefully.

"This time it's an unexpected surprise! Good intentions are rewarded!"

When the time comes, hundreds of Rank Four Demonic Beasts and Rank Five Demonic Beasts will be dispatched together. Even the cultivators of the 513 God must stay away!

The two Rank Three Demonic Beasts had been fighting for several days. Although the Shadow Leopard was slightly inferior in strength, it never had the intention to escape. Instead, it kept pestering the Dark Moon White Tiger.

As long as the Demonic Beast can be brought into the system space, it can be driven by him in the future.

"By the way, why are these two Rank Three Demonic Beasts fighting to the death here? No one is willing to take a step back! Is there any natural treasure nearby?"

"Now that you've encountered it, let's conquer it!"

"Isn't this Jiuqu Lingshen?"

"Is this still possible? So, no matter how many Demonic Beasts I put in, I can create an independent space without interfering with each other?"

So, Ye Fan lurked not far away, preparing to act as an oriole.

After that, he put the two Rank Three Demonic Beasts into the Demonic Beast breeding area in the system space, and placed some Spirit Medicine next to them.

After searching for a long time, I actually found a Spirit Medicine plant of considerable age next to a huge rock.

Ye Fan carefully dug out the spiritual ginseng and the spiritual soil around it, brought it into the system space and planted it.

Ye Fan waited patiently for two more days. When the two Rank Three Demonic Beasts were almost exhausted and their auras were obviously weakened, Xiao Xiaoteng took action and easily captured the two Rank Three Demonic Beasts alive.

“It’s different when you have a system!”

"It's definitely Jiuqu Lingshen!"

Ye Fan remembers that after the last system upgrade, there was a special area in the system space for raising Demonic Beasts.

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Ye Fan murmured to himself.

There was a storm in Ye Fan's heart.

Because the aura of these two Demonic Beasts was far inferior to Ximen Haoyu's purple-eyed Cloud Winged Tiger, but it was much more powerful than the ordinary Foundation Building-level Demonic Beast, so he felt that these two Demonic Beasts were fighting It should be Rank Three Demonic Beast.

Ye Fan had a lewd smile on his face.

So, he began to search carefully in this area.

What surprised Ye Fan was that the Demonic Beast breeding area, which originally had only one independent area, after placing two Rank Three Demonic Beasts, two independent small spaces automatically appeared, housing the Shadow one and the Dark Moon White Tiger respectively. Ban it.

At this time, Ye Fan suddenly realized a problem.

The Dark Moon White Tiger was so angry that he roared again and again.

Ye Fan quickly concluded that the spiritual ginseng in front of him was the legendary Jiuqu spiritual ginseng that the world grew from itself, because all the characteristics of this spiritual ginseng were exactly the same as the Jiuqu spiritual ginseng recorded in the "Dayan Baojian" .

Ye Fan was thoughtful.

He discovered that each independent space in the Demonic Beast breeding area was quite large, with mountains, water, grassland, and even a small forest.

I saw this khaki ginseng in front of me, about half a foot tall, with a wrinkled outer skin, like the rhizome of an old tree. A silvery-white flower bloomed on the top of the ginseng, exuding a faint silver glow.

Jiuqu Spirit Ginseng can be used to refine Jiuqu Spirit Pill, which is a Treasure Pill that increases the chance of Infant Formation.

If the spiritual ginseng in front of me is really the Jiuqu spiritual ginseng, its value would be astonishing.

These Demonic Beasts won't feel bored at all when staying inside.

"Yes, it can be regarded as a real demon refining space, but I wonder if it is possible to raise Demonic Beasts in the sea?"

He suddenly realized that this was a shortcut to improve his strength. After he founded the Foundation Building, he frantically captured a large number of Demonic Beasts, used the time acceleration ability of the system space, and piled up a large amount of Spirit Medicine to improve the cultivation of these Demonic Beasts. .

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