"You must have heard that at an auction held in Tianshuang City 12 years ago, a piece of red gold was auctioned for a high price of 50 million High Grade Spiritual Stones!"

"The piece of red gold provided by my friend seems to be slightly better than the one that appeared 12 years ago. It costs 60 million High Grade spiritual stones anyway.

Ximen Haoyu's eyelids twitched and he changed the topic: "But you should know that the prices sold at auctions are often exaggerated. For example, the red gold that appeared in Tianshuang City was actually worth 2,500 10,000 High Grade Spiritual Stones. For this piece of red gold provided by me, I will give you an honest price of 30 million High Grade Spiritual Stones. What do you think?

Seeing the hesitation on Ye Fan's face, Ximen Haoyu rolled his eyes and said with a smile: "Of course, I can also choose to entrust this piece of red gold to Lingyan Pavilion and send it to the auction that will be held recently. Shoot, but if you do that, the kid will be in danger."

Speaking of this, Ximen Haoyu couldn't help but sigh: "Little friend, I won't hide it from you. In fact, the main reason why we are so anxious to obtain this piece of red gold is to repair one of our items. The treasure of Profound Heaven passed down from ancient times."

"The reason why our sect is eager to repair this treasure of Profound Heaven is because within the next thousand years or even hundreds of years, our Cangxuan cultivation world is very likely to face a catastrophe."

"Since the Dark Annihilation Period, although our ancestors of the human race have annihilated most of the Demon Race and most of the high-end combat power of the Sea Race, the remnants of the Demon Race and the Sea Race have retreated to the depths of the sea. After tens of thousands of years of recuperation, I am afraid they have Once you regain your strength, it will inevitably cause another world-destroying catastrophe in the future."

"So, we are eager to repair the incomplete treasure of Profound Heaven in order to cope with future catastrophes."

Having said this, Ximen Haoyu let out a long sigh, with a trace of obvious anxiety between his brows.

"I see, your family understands the righteousness deeply, and I admire you very much!"

Ye Fan lowered his eyes, pondered for a moment, and said to Ximen Haoyu: "Although this junior has low cultivation, he is still a member of the human race, and he should do his part for our human race."

"This piece of red-gilt gold was actually obtained accidentally by this junior. It cost almost nothing. It was supposed to be given to your noble family to enhance the strength of our human race, but my qualifications are really poor and the resources required for cultivation are much more than others. Quite a lot, so the junior sold this piece of red gold to your noble family for the price of 20 million High Grade spiritual stones (adbb).

"Twenty million High Grade Spiritual Stones is a huge loss for you. Although our Golden Sword Sect is not rich, we cannot blatantly take advantage of a junior like you, so we will use 25 million High Grade Spiritual Stones to Let’s trade based on the stone’s price!”

Ximen Haoyu glanced at Ye Fan with admiration, with a smile on his face.

"Then just follow what senior said!"

Ye Fan readily agreed.

The two paid the money with one hand and delivered the goods with the other hand, and the transaction was quickly completed.

After Ye Fan took the storage bag, he roughly checked the number of spirit stones in the bag and found that it was completely accurate. He couldn't help but secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Ximen Haoyu also carefully inspected the dove egg-sized piece of red gold, and found that it was exactly the same as the small piece of red gold just now, and he couldn't help but feel very excited.

"By the way, Senior Ximen, I have something else to tell you!"

After the transaction was completed, Ye Fan spoke again.

“My little friend, it’s okay to say so.”

Ximen Haoyu looked at Ye Fan with a smile that couldn't be concealed.

"A few months ago, I accidentally discovered that Joyous Union Sect was colluding with Demon Race. The top leaders of the sect met Demon Race in Yunxiang Valley. This is what I saw with my own eyes."

"Huh, I've heard about this too! Don't worry, little friend, I have my own plan to deal with it!"

Ximen Haoyu sneered and said.

"Since the seniors already know about this, I can rest assured. I will say goodbye!"

Ye Fan bowed his hands to Ximen Haoyu and prepared to leave.

"You can carry this Thousand Miles Communication Talisman with you. If you encounter danger near Fanjin City, I can take action for you."

Ximen Haoyu moved his palm slightly, and a light communication talisman was sent to Ye Fan.

"Thank you, senior Ximen! I'm leaving now, junior!"

Ye Fan did not refuse, directly accepted the communication charm, then turned and left.

"Thank you for your help. This is just a small amount of tea money. Please don't refuse."

After walking out of the private room, I saw Mr. Tan, Mu Xin, and Ling Fei waiting outside. He took out three storage bags and threw them to the owner with a smile.

"Fellow Daoist Lin, what are you doing?"

Mr. Tan and Mu Xin's eyes flickered, while Ling Fei looked puzzled.

"I still have some things to do, so I'll take my leave now!"

Ye Fan didn't wait for the three people to reply, turned around and left in a hurry.


Tan Lao, Muge and Ling Fei looked at each other and couldn't help but look at each other.

When the three of them turned their attention to the storage bag Ye Fan gave them, they were all shocked.

Mr. Tan: "One hundred thousand High Grade spiritual stones! This junior is quite generous."

Mu Xin: "One million Middle Grade spirit stones? Tea fee?"

Ling Fei: "Oh my god, there are actually 10 million Low Grade spiritual stones! How big of a business has Fellow Daoist Lin made?"

The three of them looked at each other and fell into tacit silence for a while.

“Funny little guy!”

Ximen Haoyu's spiritual sense sensed that after Ye Fan left Lingyan Pavilion, he found a secluded corner, quickly put on a hidden robe, and then left quickly.

Of course, all this cannot escape the detection of the Nascent Soul monks.

However, Ximen Haoyu just shook his head and did not continue to pay attention to the figures of more than ten people.

"With this piece of red gold, our sect's Profound Heaven Remnant Treasure Huangquan Sword must have a 50% to 60% chance of being repaired successfully."

Ximen Haoyu took a long breath, slowly calmed down his excitement, then put on a calm look again and walked out of the private room.

"Mr. Tan, thank you very much for what happened today! From now on, Mr. Tan will be ranked as the first-class guest of our sect, and his status and treatment will be equal to that of the supreme elder of our sect.

"Thank you so much, Brother Dao!"

Tan Lao was overjoyed when he heard this and repeatedly handed over to Ximen Haoyu.

"Haha, you're welcome, Mr. Tan!" Ximen Haoyu turned his attention to Mu Ge and Ling Fei, "If Mu Fellow Daoist is willing, you can be the second-class guest of our sect!"

"If the girl is willing, she can join the Golden Sword Sect as an inner disciple and be rewarded with 100,000 Middle Grade spiritual stones.

"Junior is willing!"

Mu Xin and Ling Fei were overjoyed when they heard this and quickly thanked Ximen Haoyu.

"I ask the three of you to keep your mouth shut about today's matters!"

After speaking, Ximen Haoyu nodded to Mr. Tan, and then disappeared. .

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