Fantasy: I, Invincible Start From The Prodigal!

Chapter 381 You Little Bastard, You Even Grab My Bitter Tea

"City Lord Liangchuan!"

"You really let us take whatever we want?"

Hearing this, Zhu Kai's eyes changed when he looked at Liang Chuan. In his opinion, isn't it a big fool to let others take their belongings casually!

"Yes, you can take whatever you want!"

"And all the treasures in my city lord's mansion are hidden in various places in the mansion, as long as they can be found, they are all yours!"

"Even, if you want to snatch the treasures from anyone in my house, the premise is that you have to grab it with your own skills!"

"However, you only have two hours!"

Seeing that Zhu Kai was still a little unconvinced, Liang Chuan also explained it again.

"Although I don't know what's going on!"

"But my 100 theft immortals must be used for the last time. If the other party goes back on it, the two hours will be wasted. I search for two hours first, and at the end, I will use the stolen immortals! "

After listening to Liang Chuan's explanation, Zhu Kai didn't say more, and ran in the direction of the little spear dragon. At the same time, he also had a very clear idea on how to use the one hundred stolen immortals in his hand!

"Look for it!"

"Look for it as much as you like!"

"Even if the 30% of the treasures hidden in the mansion are found by you, I will definitely make a lot of money this time around. If I wasn't afraid of that person being unhappy, I would have wanted to hide 10% of the treasures."

After taking out a rocking chair from the immortal ring, Liang Chuan also lay down comfortably, watching the two little cuties in the distance looking for treasures, a smug smile on his face!

In a moment!

"You guys are joking!"

"After so long, did you find so many treasures?"

"You guys use Divine Sense, let you look for it, it's really stupid to look for it!"

When he noticed that Xiaogunlong and Zhu Kai were completely blindly searching for luck, Liang Chuan was also shocked, and then muttered to himself: "It seems that I think too much, just relying on their search method, even if I Hide all the treasures in the mansion, they won't find much in two hours!"

When the time was approaching two hours, Zhu Kai, who had been accompanying the little spear dragon to find treasures, changed his eyes instantly!

"what happened?"

"Why does this kid's eyes feel a little wrong!"

Seeing Zhu Kai with green eyes running towards him quickly, Liang Chuan, who was lying on the rocking chair, felt an inexplicable unease!

"City Lord Liang!"

"The time is up, I'm going to grab it with my own skills!"

Before and after Liang Chuan, Zhu Kai also said such a sentence excitedly, and then took out a large amount of stolen immortals from the immortal ring!



"You little bastard, you even robbed me of bitter tea!"

"My fairy ring!"

Liang Chuan, who was squatting behind the rocking chair, was going crazy at this time. He thought that this wave was stable, but who would have thought that the other party had so many high-grade theft immortals in his hands!

"It's a loss this time!"

"I didn't expect it to be unsafe to hide in bitter tea!"

"If I had known this would be the case, I might as well hide all the treasures in the mansion. I thought that 30% of the treasures were reserved for them, but who would have thought that they would be reserved for me!"

Seeing Zhu Kai rushing towards the other people in the mansion with a lot of theft immortals in both hands, Liang Chuan was really about to cry to death. He never thought that it would end like this in the end!

"and many more!"

"Wherever you go, the bitter tea will not stay!"

"Isn't this a golden legend?"

At this moment, when Liang Chuan saw that many people in the distance were also robbed by Zhu Kai, a sentence that has been circulating in everyone's mouths suddenly appeared in his mind!

"He, is he a member of the Golden Legend?"

Looking at Zhu Kai, who was frantically robbing him by stealing the fairy from afar, Liang Chuan's face also showed a contemplative color!


In the hotel room!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for the success of the prodigal family. The reward is 1 million prodigal points, the reward for ascending the elixir*1, and the reward for the enlightenment stone containing the Nine Realms and the Law of Sword*10000!"

As the system's reward notification sound suddenly sounded, Ye Feng's mouth also showed a smile!


"It seems that I can play like this often in the future!"

"However, the special reward triggered this time turned out to be 10,000 Sword Enlightenment Stones containing the Nine Realms and the Law of Swords. It's useless to keep this stuff!"

Thinking of this, Ye Feng also began to ponder. After all, he can consume the prodigal points and open it in various fairy jars, so he is not going to stay for the rewards!


"I can hang these Enlightenment Stones in the magical hut!"

"In the future, if you want to squat on the toilet, you must find the position of the toilet without using Divine Sense and blindfolded. Isn't this integrating cultivation into your daily life!"

"Abandon the pit and set up formations to annihilate debris in the toilet, turning the fixed toilet into a mobile toilet, making it more difficult to find!"

"At the same time, to set up the first peak rule of Xinghun Peak, whether it is a human or a monster, you must squat in a thatched hut three times a day!"

Thinking of this, Ye Feng also showed a smile, and then secretly thought: "In order to make everyone in the cultivation state in daily life, I really work hard!"


At this moment, the door of the room was suddenly pushed open, and then Zhu Kai, who walked in, also shouted at Ye Feng excitedly: "Young Master Ye, this time we made a lot of money!"

In a moment!

When Ye Feng learned that Liang Chuan had hidden the five immortal rings containing 70% of the treasures in the bitter tea, and then they were all snatched by Zhu Kai, he was really shocked!

He really didn't expect that the other party would hide it so accurately. Isn't this a free gift?

"Too confident!"

"That Liang Chuan is really too confident!"

"As long as he hides the five immortal rings in the bitter tea of ​​any servant girl in the house, he can definitely keep them. Why does he have to hide them in his own bitter tea?"

Ye Feng, who was relieved, shook his head and smiled bitterly. He felt that this Liang Chuan was really miserable. He could have made a lot of money. Who would have thought that he would even lose the bitter tea!

"Little Gun Dragon!"

"You also grabbed a lot of good things this time, how are you going to lose your family?"

No longer thinking about the sad Liang Chuan, Ye Feng directly set his eyes on Little Spear Dragon, and then asked out of curiosity.


"Zhu Dasha, this big idiot, can't teach me at all!"

"As a result, my understanding of the prodigal family is not very thorough, so I plan to keep it for now. When I return to Sacred Land, I want to learn from Brother Dog and Brother Rou for a while, and then decide how to lose these things!"

Hearing Ye Feng's question, Xiao Lianlong also expressed his own thoughts with a serious face.

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