Fantasy: I, Invincible Start From The Prodigal!

Chapter 372 It's Too Scary, Let's See What It's Like To Hold These 2 Demons

"Young Master Ye!"

"Aren't you lying to me, can you really find the golden legend?"

Hearing Ye Feng's words, Zhu Kai's face also showed a touch of excitement!



"You were silent when you were talking about the prodigal family, but when you talked about stealing bitter tea, you instantly became excited?"

Looking at Zhu Kai's excited look, Ye Feng was really shocked. He found that he still underestimated the importance of the Golden Legend in Zhu Kai's heart!

"Brother Zhu Kai!"

"I've always been a man of words, but if you want me to help you find the golden legend, you must be a qualified prodigal!"

"But don't worry, I will mention what the prodigal needs next..."

Before Ye Feng could finish speaking, Zhu Kai interrupted: "Young Master Ye, come home with me!"


"Brother Zhu Kai, but what happened at home?"

Hearing Zhu Kai's words, Ye Feng also asked curiously.

"It's okay!"

"The main reason is that I was in a hurry when I came out this time. There is nothing too good in the immortal ring to lose the family!"

"So I want to go home and get something out, but the only thing I need to pay attention to is that it must not be discovered by my father!"

Looking at the curious Ye Feng, Zhu Kai also explained with a smile.

Snapped! Snapped!

Hearing Zhu Kai's words, Ye Feng didn't hesitate to take out two designated Spatial Teleportation doors and a tenth-rank ninth-order top hidden immortal basket just opened from the immortal jar and slapped it on the table.

"Brother Zhu Kai!"

"Go back with the designated portal, this thing is fast!"

"And this immortal is a tenth-rank ninth-rank hidden immortal, don't say go back and get something, even if you stand in front of your father's bed, he can't find you!"

Ye Feng also introduced the things on the table at this time.


"Young Master Ye, is the equipment so complete?"

"Aren't you doing this kind of thing a lot?"

Hearing Ye Feng's words, and looking at the designated Spatial Teleportation door and the hidden fairy on the table, Zhu Kai also asked in surprise.

"I'm still a long way off!"

"It's still too little to do now, but I will definitely do this kind of thing often in the future!"

Thinking that there are so many hostile forces in Star Soul Sacred Land, Ye Feng also explained with a smile.

In a moment!

Returning to the guest room, seeing Zhu Kai disappearing directly into the portal, Ye Feng couldn't help but exclaim: "This Zhu Kai has great potential, I am ready to provide resources for the future prodigal, who would have thought that he would not want it, but If you want to take it from your own home, this is a real loser!"

What Ye Feng didn't know was that just now, Zhu Kai's mind was full of golden legends, and he didn't listen carefully to what he said.

"After struggling for so long, it's only been two hours. My little prodigal dragon is so slow to come out!"

After asking the system about the Ziming Dark Dragon Egg, Ye Feng's face also showed a hint of eagerness!

"First, use 10,000 colorful ambergris to help Ziming Dark Dragon open the door to the new world of the prodigal!"

"And after I brought it back to Sacred Land, let it follow the dog and mix with the handsome. I just need to take it out more when I have nothing to lose the family!"

"However, when the time comes, you have to remind the dog, you can't let it destroy the Ziming Dark Dragon!"

Lying on the bed bored, Ye Feng also began to plan the growth plan of Ziming Dark Dragon.


Star Soul Sacred Land, Star Soul Peak!

"Brother Roaches, it's so boring!"

"In the lower realm, the two of us depend on each other for life. This is all in the upper realm. Why doesn't the master bring back a fairy beast to play with?"

"If this goes on, when will our team grow and develop!"

Watching Ye Xiaozue not far away wiping Tu Mang like a human-shaped rag, the little yellow dog lying on the ground was bored and complained to the blood-devouring mantis beside him.

Hearing the little yellow dog's complaint, the blood-devouring mantis on the side was silent at first, then he gritted his teeth and said, "Brother dog, it's better to rely on yourself, there are also many fairy beasts in our Sacred Land, or I will try harder. Work hard, get a few cubs first?"

As the voice of the blood-devouring mantis fell, Ye Xiao's feet, who was holding Tu Mang to wipe the magical hut, also trembled suddenly, and said in shock, "It's terrible, I have to find a chance to mention this to my lord. , look at what these two demons have become!"

the other side!


"The two of us are the master's left dog and right beetle. When we have nothing to do, we can roam freely, but we must not spend our energy on this!"

"After all, with the terrifying breakthrough speed of the master, I'm afraid it won't be long before we continue to soar, and then we will enter The Underworld-style cultivation again, so we must not let anything affect us!"

After hearing the blood-devouring mantis' proposal, the little yellow dog showed a very serious look and reminded it aloud.

"Dog brother!"

"You're still thinking about it!"

"I didn't think so much!",

The Blood-devouring Mantis also patted the little yellow dog's ass with a look of admiration. However, it was sincere, because it really didn't think so much, even from the little yellow dog's ass. Hearing this in his mouth, even it felt very surprised!

Ye Xiaojiao, who was not far away, also showed a look of surprise on his face after hearing this, and then exclaimed in his heart: "This stupid dog is not stupid at all, it's hidden very deeply!"


Seventh Immortal Domain, ethereal city!

"Young Master Ye!"

"I'm back, this time we can continue to compete!"

When Zhu Kai returned to the guest room through the designated Spatial Teleportation door, he shouted to Ye Feng lying on the bed with excitement.

? ? ?


Does this have to win those ten colorful ambergris?

Thinking of this, Ye Feng also sat up from the bed, looked at Zhu Kai who couldn't wait and asked curiously, "Brother Zhu Kai, what did you bring back this time?"

"Medicine Pill!"

"I brought all the ninth-grade and tenth-grade Medicine Pills in the Sect, it's definitely enough for us to play!"

Hearing Ye Feng's words, Zhu Kai also said excitedly.

"Have you brought them all?"

"If this is discovered by your father, aren't you afraid of being beaten to death?"

Looking at Zhu Kai who was full of excitement, Ye Feng also asked in surprise.


"Young Master Ye, if you didn't say this, I almost forgot!"

"I don't know if you still have a designated Spatial Teleportation door and a hidden fairy?"

Hearing Ye Feng's concern, Zhu Kai also asked quickly.

"Yes, I have!"

With that said, Ye Feng took out two designated Spatial Teleportation doors and a hidden fairy casket and placed them on the table.

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