Fantasy: I, Invincible Start From The Prodigal!

Chapter 344 Luo Qianxue Is Crazy, Has The Upper Realm Changed So Much?

"of course not!"

"Qianxue, have you ever experienced the feeling that no matter how hard you try to develop Sacred Land, it has nothing to do with you at all?"

Thinking that she has worked hard for thousands of years to develop Sacred Land, but the result is not as good as the three Qingxuan Demon Dragons and the thirty Shadow Earth Dragons that Ye Feng bought directly, Hu Li also explained helplessly.

Is it because she doesn't want to continue to be the Holy Lord?

Is it because she doesn't want to continue developing Sacred Land?

There is no motivation at all. The goal you work hard to achieve can be bought by others. In this case, what is the point of your efforts!


Hearing this, Luo Qianxue was also stunned, and then she thought of her tragic experience in the lower realm!


"Do you know that the disciple founded Sect in the lower realm, and the more I don't want to develop Sect, the more your disciple and grandson want to help me develop Sect. Do you know how broken I was at that time?"

Thinking of this, Luo Qianxue also watched Hu Li express the distress in her heart!


Hearing Luo Qianxue's words, Hu Li was also taken aback for a moment, and then she said curiously, "Qianxue, what's going on here, why don't you want to develop Sect, tell your teacher your story quickly! "

In a moment!


"Did you come up with the method of accepting apprentices without looking at qualifications, age, or Cultivation Base?"

"And you don't want to develop Sect, you just want to concentrate on cultivation, and as a result, my precious disciple and grandson will try to bring people to Sect for you?"

After listening to what Luo Qianxue said, Hu Li couldn't help but sigh: "If that's the case, then I'm really wronged my precious disciple!"

? ? ?

It was me who was injured, why did your disciple and grandson feel wronged?

How long have our master and apprentice known each other, and you and your apprentice and grandson have only known each other for a few days, so you're starting to be biased?

Hearing Hu Li's words, Luo Qianxue's heart was full of tears, and she finally flew back to the upper realm, but she fell out of favor as soon as she came back?


"Don't worry about your precious disciple Sun Wei being wronged!"

"Taixu Sword Sect, Penglai Immortal Island and Tian Martial Ancestor joined forces to kill me back then. This matter can't be left alone. When will we go to them to settle accounts!"

Luo Qianxue also looked at Hu Li with a strong murderous intent and asked directly.

"Don't worry about it!"

"Dare to kill the Holy Maiden of my star soul Sacred Land, it's just too cheap to kill them directly!"

"In this way, after a while, let's go to empty all the treasure houses of the three forces, and then bury those treasures at their respective doorsteps, and kill them first!"

Hearing Luo Qianxue's words, Hu Li also directly expressed her own thoughts!

? ? ?

Evacuate people's treasure house, don't take it back, and then prepare to bury people's door?


Others are looters of property, we are the porters of property?

After hearing Hu Li's thoughts, Luo Qianxue couldn't believe her own ears, and she even felt that her master seemed to have a broken brain!

"Eight retired elders!"

"My master wants to remove the treasure house of the Sword Sect of the Void, the Immortal Island of Penglai and the Martial Ancestor, but instead of taking it back, he is going to bury it at their respective doorsteps. What do you think of this?"

Luo Qianxue felt that her own persuasion was not necessarily useful, so she was going to use the eight retired elders to persuade Master's extremely abnormal idea!


"Are you going to start moving again?" "When are you going?"

"Are you going to act tonight?"


Hearing what the eight retired elders said, and seeing that they suddenly took out shovels, ropes, sacks, etc., Luo Qianxue was completely dumbfounded!

What the hell is going on here!

My master is just talking about it!

Are your special tools ready?

I just disappeared for decades, why did you suddenly make me so unfamiliar!

Looking at the eight retired elders who couldn't wait, and looking at Hu Li who was full of excitement, Luo Qianxue suddenly realized one thing, and that was Sacred Land, which should have felt at home. At this moment, she felt strangely strange. And Xinghun Peak, which should have been unfamiliar, was full of the feeling of home!

"Qianxue, what are you doing?"

Seeing Luo Qianxue suddenly walking towards the outside of the temple, Hu Li also asked suspiciously.

"Master, I want to go out alone and be quiet!"

After speaking, Luo Qianxue left the temple.



"It's so abnormal!"

"Could it be that the Upper Realm has become popular to take revenge on others like this?"

"It's not that they have a problem, it's me?"

Thinking of this, Luo Qianxue saw a Sacred Land disciple holding seven or eight long swords, and directly stopped the other and asked, "Brother, if the Holy Master and the eight retired elders are going to Taixu Sword Sect, and then evacuate. Their treasure trove is buried on their doorstep, what about you..."

Before Luo Qianxue finished asking, the disciple threw the seven or eight long swords he was holding onto the ground, and quickly took out a shovel from the ring, and then looked at Luo with excitement. Qianxue asked, "When are you going?"

? ? ?

I have disappeared for decades, has the upper bound changed so much?


Luo Qianxue felt like she was going crazy at this moment. It turned out that it wasn't someone else's problem, it was her!


The top of Star Soul Peak!

"what's the situation?"

"Why do you think these big fools look at me strangely?"

Looking at the people who came out of the Star Soul Palace looking at him with a strange look, the little yellow dog lying on the ground also showed a touch of ignorance!

"A stupid dog is a stupid dog!"

"Even if the sect master favors you again, do you know the true identity of the sect master?"

"We have all become disciples of the prodigal family, and we have to go out and contribute our own strength to the prodigal family, and you can only continue to eat and drink here!"

Looking at the little yellow dog lying on the ground, everyone also showed a smile, unrestrictedly squandering Spirit Stones and Spirit Crystals, isn't it more interesting than eating and drinking here?

"All right!"

"After waiting for the many disciples of Leihuofeng to complete the construction of 'Come and bump me if you love me', let's have a good time and have a good time. In the morning tomorrow, we will leave Sacred Land together!"

At this time, Ye Feng also walked out of the Star Soul Hall!

Although today is the first day of officially ascending to the upper realm, he knows that he must go out to practice as soon as possible, otherwise, once he develops the bad habit of staying at home and unwilling to go out, it will be the same as the lower realm!

The lower realm has left regrets, and in the upper realm, he can't let the regret continue, he must go out more!

"Young Master Ye!"

"You see, Xiaofei and I have both become disciples of the prodigal family. I wonder if you can give my disciple a chance?"

At this time, Wu Tianming walked over to Ye Feng and asked in a low voice!

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