Fantasy: I, Invincible Start From The Prodigal!

Chapter 301 Members Of The Prodigal Guard, Each 1 Can Play Better

Upper Realm, Promise Sacred Land!

"System, that's not right!"

"Isn't it necessary for me to use the Prodigal Guard when I am in danger?"

At this moment, Ye Feng suddenly thought of something and hurriedly asked the system.

"Ding! The host is now a qualified prodigal hero, and there will be no more restrictions on the use of the prodigal guards."

? ? ?

After hearing the system's explanation, Ye Feng was really shocked!

This is too much stocking!

"System, what if I let the Prodigal Guard directly destroy the entire Upper Realm?"

After calming down, Ye Feng also asked the system again.

"Ding! Remind the host that there will be no more restrictions, rather than no restrictions at all. As long as the host dares to let them do that, the system will dare to lock them in the small black room!"


If I dare to destroy them, you dare to shut them down. Should we consider their feelings?

After hearing the system's words, Ye Feng was lost in thought. He was thinking, should he find a random member of the escort team to try it out, in case the system is teasing him!

In a moment!

Ye Feng pondered for a long time, and finally gave up this tempting idea. If the system is really teasing him, the upper realm will disappear directly.

"Come on, let's go and see the Sacred Land Apprentice Conference!"

"After all, once every five years, I won't necessarily be here when it is held next time."

Ye Feng looked at the three quasi-sacred sons in front of him and said directly.

The speaker has no intention, the listener guesses!

After Mu Lin and Shi Tianlei heard Ye Feng's words, they had their own thoughts in their hearts!

After all, Ye Feng is the holy son of a top-level Sacred Land in their hearts, and they come to this Promise Sacred Land to play!

And these words made both of them have the same idea, that is, Ye Feng can't play in Wuji Sacred Land for five years, and will definitely leave within five years!

However, how could they know that Ye Feng really meant to leave the Promise Sacred Land, but what he really meant was to leave the Upper Realm!


Over a valley!

Three men with a terrifying aura were quickly rushing towards the direction of Wuji Sacred Land.

"Xueying Great Emperor, Yaolan Great Emperor!"

"The benefits we get this time are just average. It's fine to ruin the apprenticeship meeting at Wuji Sacred Land. Don't kill people. If we really want to kill a few retired elders, we'll have to ask them to pay more!"

A middle-aged man wearing a red Taoist robe looked at the two beside him and said with a smile.


"Ghost Poison Great Emperor, you are right, every penny counts, if you want us to kill people, we must pay more!"

Hearing this, the Xue Ying Great Emperor on the side couldn't help but burst into laughter, and then echoed with a smile!

"Two Great Emperors, we'd better be careful!"

"The strongest Taixu Elder in the Promise Sacred Land is only the Cultivation Base of the Seventh Stage in the Immortal Emperor Realm. If they give all the fairy crystals to a Great Emperor, let alone kill a few retired elders, even if they will The eight retired elders of Promise Sacred Land have all been killed, that's enough!"

"But why are you looking for our three Rogue Cultivators Great Emperor?"

"Also, we don't know if they have found the other Rogue Cultivators Great Emperor!"

Speaking of this, Yaolan Great Emperor also showed a dignified look and continued: "I always feel that this time is unusual, we better be careful!"

After Xue Ying Great Emperor and Ghost Poison Great Emperor heard this, they also fell silent!

"You talk too much!"

At this moment, with the sound of an indifferent voice, a golden sword light also flashed away from the eyes of the three Great Emperors!

When the golden sword light disappeared, the demon blue Great Emperor's body was divided into two halves from the middle of his head and fell directly downward!

Slash the Great Emperor with one sword!

The Ghost Poison Great Emperor and Xue Ying Great Emperor on the side saw the scene, their eyes almost burst out of shock!

Then, their eyes were filled with endless fear!


"You two keep laughing at me!"

"Laughing like I did before, I continued to fly towards Wuji Sacred Land. I finally came out once, and I have to play for a while. If you dare to let me play unsatisfactorily, then don't blame me for letting you die! "

At this moment, Ye Yi, wearing a golden armor, appeared directly in front of the two of them, and then looked at them with a playful expression and threatened them directly.


"Xueying Great Emperor, we are going to die in a while. I am so envious of Yaolan Great Emperor. He died so comfortably!"


"Ghost Poison Great Emperor, I am so envious of him. If I had known that this would be the case, I should have just put a piece on that golden sword glow!"


Hearing such an interesting conversation between the two, Ye Yi's indifferent face also showed a smile, and then he muttered to himself: "It is impossible to kill them directly and go back, absolutely impossible, you can only use this kind of This method adds some happiness to myself, but the outside world is still fun, and the outside world is so interesting!"

On the other side, outside the Promise Sacred Land!

At this time, tens of thousands of cultivators have gathered here. Even if Wuji Sacred Land is placed in the entire Upper Realm, it is not a big deal, but in this remote Eastern Continent, that is the top power, and it can still attract a large number of cultivators!

"Take people's money and smash the field for others!"

"How am I going to ruin this Promise Sacred Land's apprenticeship meeting for a while?"

In the crowd, an old man muttered to himself with a smile.


At this moment, a terrifying pressure that suffocated the old man instantly shrouded him, and to his horror, he found that the people on the left and right sides were not affected, which proved that he was attacked by a man. The extremely terrifying powerhouse is eyeing!

"Since you are so confused about how to smash the field, then just stay here honestly!"

At this moment, a young voice suddenly sounded, and the old man looked down, only to realize that at some point, a cute little girl eating a lollipop suddenly appeared in front of him!


"This Promise Sacred Land's apprenticeship meeting is really lively!"

"But soon, I will be the most dazzling person in everyone's eyes!"

Among the crowd, a middle-aged man with a fat head and ears was also looking forward to the start of the apprenticeship meeting!


"You were chosen by me. You have thick skin and lots of flesh, but you can let me cut it for a while!"

At this moment, a voice full of excitement suddenly rang from the middle-aged man's ear, and at the same time, a terrifying aura pressure also suppressed him in place, except for his head, his entire body could not move at all!

Soon, an excited one-armed swordsman and a bald dog appeared in front of him!


"What should I do, my target turned out to be a woman!"

"How can I get off my feet!"

Seeing a black-clothed woman in the crowd, Ye Xiaozuo hesitated for a moment, then tore off a piece of clothing and wrapped his right foot, then muttered to himself, "I just added a little lethality to this piece of cloth, It has absolutely nothing to do with my feet!"

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