Fantasy: I, Invincible Start From The Prodigal!

Chapter 277 Is He Also Forced By His Family To Learn To Be Prodigal?


Another special reward?

Ye Feng also showed a look of surprise after hearing the system's beep.

Special Mission Scroll: After using it, a special prodigal mission will be triggered randomly!

"That's it?"


When Ye Feng saw the introduction of the special task scroll, the whole person was stunned. This introduction is too simple!

"Use the special mission scroll!"

Out of curiosity, Ye Feng did not hesitate to use the special task scroll directly!

"Ding! The special task scroll was successfully used. Please find the three prodigal sons and let them know what the real prodigal son is. There is no time limit for the task, the mission is successful, and the rewards are super massive prodigal points. There is a great chance to trigger special rewards and the mission fails. , no punishment, no rejection!"


Ye Feng also showed a look of surprise after hearing the situation about the special mission in his mind. This seemed to be the first mission that could not be refused.

What makes him stunned is that the massive amount is massive, what the hell is the super-massive prodigal point, a special prodigal mission, are you still going to send him away directly and fly directly to the upper realm?

"Anyway, I'm also planning to go around in various places in Xuantian Continent, and it's not difficult to find three prodigals by the way."

No longer thinking about the super-massive prodigal points, Ye Feng looked at the nine gods of war, the king, the prince and others and said: "Everyone, I still have something to leave first, but don't worry, I will come back often. Look at yours."

After speaking, Ye Feng activated the Spatial Teleportation door and disappeared from everyone's sight!

Are you okay to come back often?

Does this mean we won't give up if we don't play dead?


Just when everyone laughed bitterly, with a thunder blast, the four God of War, including Jin Ling God of War and Gui Cang God of War, looked at each other, and all of them immediately activated the Spatial Teleportation door and fled here.

And the five God of War, Zhao Tianxing, Zhao Ting, and Zhang Dongfeng of the Chiyang Kingdom looked at the Heavenly Dao Jieyun rapidly condensing in the air, and their eyes were filled with endless horror!

They finally understood why Hongyu Kingdom's four God of War didn't hide with Ye Feng before, and dared to take this Heavenly Dao Jieyun to take revenge!


Purple Phoenix City!

After returning to Zifeng City, Ye Feng rushed directly towards the gate of Dongcheng!

After leaving town, Ye Feng took out the ninth-rank Calabash flying magic weapon and flew north quickly!

After a while.


"What's up with that person?"

When Ye Feng found out that there was a young man in front of him following the square iron plate flying spirit tool beside him, he also showed a hint of doubt.

"Brother, what's your situation?"

"Is the flying spirit tool broken?"

After catching up, Ye Feng also asked curiously.

"What's wrong!"

"I use high-quality Spirit Stones to activate the flying spirit tool, but I just don't sit, hey, I just play!"

"What do you know!"

Hearing Ye Feng's question, the young man also explained aloud when he saw Ye Feng sitting on the Calabash flying spirit weapon.

what's the situation?

This is just the beginning of the trip and met a prodigal?

Hearing what the young man said, Ye Feng was really shocked, and he even wondered in his heart, are there so many prodigals in this other world?

However, what Ye Feng didn't know was that the young man at this time was deeply distressed. It wasn't that he didn't want to sit, but he didn't dare to sit at all, because in the dark, there was a strong family staring at him, as long as he Dare to sit up, then prepare to be beaten!


At this moment, the young man discovered that Ye Feng was no longer sitting on the flying spirit tool, but, just like himself, with the Spirit Power in his body kept pace with the flying spirit tool, which made him stunned!

"What's up with this guy?"

"Is he also forced by the family to learn to be prodigal?"

The young man wondered at this time.

"Meet me, Ye Feng!"

Ye Feng also looked at the young man with a smile and said aloud.


The young man thought about it and said his own name.

"Brother Zhu Hu, are you a prodigal?"

After learning the young man's name, Ye Feng also asked the doubts in his heart.


"Am I a prodigal?"

"I think you are a prodigal, your whole family is a prodigal!"

Hearing Ye Feng's words, Zhu Hu shouted directly at Ye Feng as if he had fired gunpowder.

"I'm a prodigal, and my entire family is also a prodigal. How did you know?"

Thinking of his own situation and the situation of everyone in Sect, Ye Feng also admitted it very calmly.

? ? ?

After Zhu Hu heard this, his shocked eyes almost popped out. He thought about the other party's answer in countless ways, but he didn't expect the other party to answer like this. He didn't know how to pick it up. !

"Brother Zhu Hu, why do I feel that you are very contradictory to the word prodigal son?"

Looking at Zhu Hu, who was stunned, Ye Feng was also curious and continued to ask!

"That's right, I really want the name prodigal son!"

"In my opinion, everything should be used to the best of its ability. A prodigal is a waste, and a waste is shameful!"

"If it wasn't for my family forcing me to learn to be prodigal, I wouldn't have done such a prodigal thing!"

Speaking of this, Zhu Hu looked at Ye Feng and continued: "I advise you to leave as soon as possible, because a strong family is secretly protecting me, if you are considered a threat to me by some of your inadvertent actions, you will die. of!"

"System, contact Xiaojian and ask him to discuss with the powerhouse who secretly protected Zhu Hu to see if I can take Zhu Hu away."

After hearing what Zhu Hu said, Ye Feng also gave instructions directly to the system.

"Ding! Host, are you sure you want to discuss, not coerce?"


"Just discuss it!"

Hearing the system's words, Ye Feng nodded firmly, but the smile on the corner of his mouth revealed his true thoughts.

"Brother Zhu Hu!"

"I feel that you have misunderstood the prodigal!"

"In the absence of sufficient capital, it is indeed a waste of money, but if there is enough capital, it will be a treat."

Ye Feng has already decided that he will do the opposite, first let Zhu Hu enjoy the happiness of a prodigal, know what a real prodigal is, and then let the other party successfully become a qualified prodigal. As for whether this is considered complete One of the special prodigal tasks, he has not thought about it!

He won't affect his own play because of a special prodigal quest.

the other side!

Above the sky, a middle-aged man with a dignified face was always paying attention to Ye Feng's every move, but behind him, a one-armed swordsman with a blood-colored rapier suddenly appeared.


When the blood-colored thin sword full of blood appeared on his neck, the middle-aged man suddenly widened his eyes, and his eyes showed endless horror!

"Talk about it, can you let my family take your young master away?"

"If you agree, leave immediately, if you don't agree, leave immediately!"

Immediately afterwards, the excited voice of the one-armed madman rang in the middle-aged man's ear.

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