Fantasy: I, Invincible Start From The Prodigal!

Chapter 263 Saying Good Guidance For Cultivation, How Did I Become A Sect Handyman?

Star Soul Sect!

"Here is it, the lower realm?"

When Wu Tianming found out that the place he came to was actually a lower realm, the whole person was stupid!

He couldn't think of what kind of horror it was, to be able to directly capture him from the upper realm to the lower realm. This kind of sky-reaching method was beyond his imagination!

"Wait a moment!"

"This breath, is he the one who caught me!"

After the shock, Wu Tianming also focused his attention on the one-armed swordsman holding the blood-colored rapier in front of him!

"What a lucky guy!"

"Being able to follow my lord is definitely the greatest opportunity in your life!"

"Remind you, do things for my lord well, and you will find out later that your current Cultivation Base Realm is not even a starting point!"

When Ye Xiaojian finished speaking, Xiao Chen followed Ye Yi, who was wearing golden armor, and ran from a distance with an excited look.

"There's another Sect handyman, and another upper bound boss, I'm under a lot of pressure!"

Looking at Wu Tianming who was standing next to Ye Xiaojian not far away, even though he said so, Xiao Chen's face was full of excitement, his heart was different, it was obvious!

"My lord?"

"Such a terrifying powerhouse is actually someone else's subordinate?"

After hearing Ye Xiaojian's words, Wu Tianming was shocked again, but now he is a little more relaxed, because relying on what the other party said, he should not be in any danger, but the other party's my lord took a fancy to him and wanted to cultivate Himself, this is indeed a great opportunity for him!

"Another big horror!"

At this moment, when Wu Tianming felt the terrifying aura emanating from the golden-armored powerhouse who ran not far away, he felt that he was going crazy, how could there be so many terrifying powerhouses in such a mere lower bound!

"Ye Yi, the rest is up to you!"

Seeing Ye Yi rushing over with Xiao Chen, Ye Xiaojian left after saying a word. After all, the Five Great Ancestors, Blood-devouring Mantis, Chu Hongshan and others were still waiting for him to guide cultivation.

Seal the Cultivation Base!

Sign a contract!

When Ye Yi finished the work process skillfully, he walked into the space crack with a smile and disappeared from Wu Tianming and Xiao Chen's sight.

"Slavery Contract!"

"Sect Handy!"

"This is my great chance?"

At this time, Wu Tianming had the heart to cry to death. This is so different from what he thought. It shouldn't be because he saw his potential and focused on training. How could this directly enslave him into a Sect hybrid? Served?

"Wu Tianming, come with me, Young Master Ye is waiting for you at the foot of the peak."

"It's a great opportunity for you to be by Young Master Ye's side, but you still have to thank your disciple and grandson. If it wasn't for him, you wouldn't have the chance to be by Young Master Ye's side!"

Xiao Chen, who had learned a lot of news from Ye Yi, also spoke to Wu Tianming at this time.


"Huang Xiaofei?"

Hearing Xiao Chen's words, Wu Tianming couldn't believe his ears. He didn't know if it was a chance, but now he finally understood one thing. It's about the apprentice and grandson of the past!

"It's a shame I just reminded Tu Mang to protect my disciple and grandson!"

"Who would have thought that my disciple and grandson would just grab me and be a handyman!"

"What kind of evildoer is my disciple and grandson!"

Wu Tianming, who was following behind Xiao Chen, felt that his mentality had completely collapsed at this time!


Under the Star Soul Peak!

"Young Master Ye, I brought you here!"

Coming to Ye Feng, Xiao Chen also directly pushed Wu Tianming behind him.

"Xiao Fei, this is the master you have never seen before, so hurry up and call the master!"

At this time, Ye Feng also introduced Wu Tianming's identity to Huang Xiaofei with a smile.


"Brother Ye, do you think he is my grandfather whom I have never met before?"

"Impossible, my master is in the upper realm!"

Speaking of the last sentence, Huang Xiaofei also realized something, and quickly lowered his voice, but there was an unbelievable look in his eyes.

"That's right!"

"This kid is indeed a War Saint body, he should be my disciple and grandson, but why did he arrest me? If he wants to see me, tell Tu Mang, am I short of a secret treasure that can drop the projection of the clone? "

Hearing Huang Xiaofei's words, and aware of the familiar aura of the Fighting War Saint body on the other side, Wu Tianming was about to cry when he collapsed!

"Xiao Fei, what did I lie to you for?"

"He is really your master. I just sent someone to capture him from the upper realm. If you don't believe it, you can contact your master later."

Looking at Huang Xiaofei with an unbelievable look, Ye Feng also gave a positive answer with a smile.

"Okay, let's talk about the old times between your grandparents and grandchildren, I'll go there to rest for a while!"

Looking at Huang Xiaofei who still couldn't believe it, Ye Feng also gave the two a chance to talk alone, and he was going to take this time to check out today's prodigal products.

In a moment!

When Huang Xiaofei learned about the situation of many masters from Wu Tianming's mouth, although it was unbelievable, he had to accept the fact that the middle-aged man in front of him was really his master!


After confirming the identity of the other party, Huang Xiaofei also quickly knelt down to Wu Tianming, and then shouted respectfully.

"Good! Good! Good!"

"Xiao Fei, our grandson and grandson never expected to meet in this way."

"But there is something unknown about the master, that is, why was I arrested?"

After helping Huang Xiaofei up, Wu Tianming also asked aloud with a puzzled face.


Hearing Wu Tianming's question, Huang Xiaofei also showed embarrassment, and then stammered: "Master, just now Brother Ye asked me if I would like Master to guide me in my cultivation, I said yes, and then you come down. It's gone!"

? ? ?

You want me to personally guide cultivation, and then your brother Ye will directly send someone to arrest me from the upper realm?

After understanding the reason, Wu Tianming's mentality collapsed. He really wanted to say something to the disciple and grandson in front of him who didn't know anything. In order to personally guide you in cultivation, you have no idea what the master and ancestor I have endured!

"Brother Lei Hong, what are you doing?"

On the side, when Zhou Tu saw that Lei Hong was building a new simple residence, he asked with a puzzled look on his face.

"Your master is stupid, why are you so stupid?"

"Of course it's building a residence for Brother Huang. I didn't see the other party's ancestor also coming to work as a handyman. Then he will definitely live here in the future!"

Hearing Zhou Tu's question, Lei Hong also explained a little helplessly.


At this moment, a terrifying aura suddenly descended, and a figure familiar to Huang Xiaofei gradually condensed and formed in the sky!

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