Fantasy: I, Invincible Start From The Prodigal!

Chapter 242 We Are Still Children

"This is a super powerful pill that will keep you from falling!"

"In the future, you must never be told that it is as fast as thunder. As for the thinness of a needle, I will find a way to help you solve it in the future!"

Looking at Lu Tianyu with a puzzled face, Ye Feng also explained the efficacy of the super powerful pill with a smile.

"Okay, it's getting late, I should go back to rest!"

"As for you, just indulge yourself tonight!"

Patting Lu Tianyu on the shoulder, Ye Feng also showed a meaningful smile.


"Brother Ye, they are framing me!"

"I'm not as fast as a thunder, as thin as a needle, you have to believe me, my personal ability is super strong!"

Looking at Ye Feng who was leaving, Lu Tianyu, who just reacted, also explained loudly with a collapsed face, but what was left to him was just a back view of Ye Feng.


The next morning!


When Ye Feng woke up and saw Lu Tianyu lying in front of his bed like a resentful woman, Ye Feng was also shocked!

"Lu Tianyu, you are sick, why are you running here in the morning?"

Ye Feng, who was relieved, also cursed at Lu Tianyu.


"Brother Ye, it's gone!"

Hearing Ye Feng's scolding, Lu Tianyu said these two words with a low expression.


"What's gone?"

Finding that Lu Tianyu's state at this time seemed a little wrong, Ye Feng also hurriedly asked.

"Brother Ye!!!"

"My home is gone!"

"This super powerful pill is so powerful. I slept the last family member in the last night, and they kicked me out, saying that they won't allow me to go again in the future!"

Hearing Ye Feng's question, Lu Tianyu also said his own bitterness with a broken expression!

? ? ?

Hearing this, Ye Feng was stunned. Looking at Lu Tianyu, who was about to cry without tears, he said, "Then you have become famous, and this night will definitely be included in your life history."

"And what is a legend, you are a legend!"


Hearing Ye Feng's words, Lu Tianyu was also stunned for a moment, and after reacting, his face showed ecstasy!

"Brother Ye, you really wake up a dreamer with just one word!"

"I'm not going to participate in this Qianlong Conference. I want to hurry up and travel all over the city, so that the legend of Lu Tianyu will be left in the city!"

After speaking, Lu Tianyu squatted and moved towards the door of the room with a small step.

"Brother Lu, what are you doing?"

"Why don't you stand up and walk?"

Seeing Lu Tianyu behaving strangely, Ye Feng also asked out of curiosity.

"Brother Ye!"

"It really doesn't fall!"

Having said that, Lu Tianyu also pushed open the door and walked out of Ye Feng's guest room with a squat again.


"Is the Medicine Pill so fierce?"

Hearing Lu Tianyu's words, Ye Feng was also taken aback. You must know that a total of six homes were destroyed for Lu Tianyu yesterday. Of the six behaviors, three of them triggered special rewards, and the special rewards were all uniform. One thousand super powerful pills, although he gave one thousand to Lu Tianyu, he still had two thousand in his hand.


"what happened?"

"System, my prodigal point shouldn't be 770 million at the moment, why is it now 870 million?"

Taking a look at the prodigal points that he has accumulated so far, Ye Feng quickly discovered the problem.

"Ding! Host, your five direct disciples are working hard to gain prodigal disciples. Their own and many prodigal disciples have a chance to get prodigal points and special rewards. Through this period of accumulation, yesterday In the evening, the prodigal points obtained because of their prodigal behavior reached 100 million points, and the system will directly distribute them to your prodigal points."

Hearing the system's explanation, Ye Feng probably understood.

To put it simply, the five direct disciples and many prodigal disciples are creating prodigal points for him all the time, but the system will only give them to own when the prodigal points they have created reach 100 million.

"It seems that developing the prodigal family is really helpful to me!"

"870 million loser points, as long as I get another 30 million loser points, with 900 million loser points, I can directly break through to the peak of the Ninth Stage!"

Thinking of this, Ye Feng also directly checked the products of today's prodigal family.

Today's prodigal product: Super Power Pill*100

? ? ?

When Ye Feng saw today's prodigal product, he even wondered if he was dazzled!

"This thing is quite special, how can this be a loser? Could it be directly stepped into Dan mud?"

Looking at today's prodigal product, Ye Feng also lowered his head and thought.

"Ding! Remind the host that taking the Super Power Pill has a great strengthening effect on your own little brother. It is a hidden effect. Even if you wait for the effect to disappear after taking it, the hidden effect will work!"

"Ding! The effect of Super Power Pill can last for a day and a night. After taking four pills, there will be no hidden effect. It is recommended not to exceed four pills at a time, and the effect time will not be prolonged."


After hearing the sound of the system, Ye Feng also said with a look of embarrassment: "System, it's not good to do this!"

"Ding! Host, the system doesn't understand what you're talking about. The system just explained the hidden effects of Super Power Pills to you!"

"I believe in you, I just made a decision, and I was ready to smash these hundred super powerful pills into pill mud. As a result, you suddenly gave a reminder, didn't you mean to take me into the pit?"

Seeing that the system ignored him, Ye Feng also sighed helplessly, and then muttered to himself: "It seems that I have to go back to Sect again, but this kind of good thing can't be missed, it seems that I still need it. Just pay a little out of your own pocket!"

In a moment!

"Elder Ye, are you looking for us?"

At this time, Chen Haoyu, Zhao Tianming, and Xing Fei from the five arrogances also came to Ye Feng's guest room. Now they dare not call Ye Feng's younger brother. If they were beaten to death, they would still remember that fat beating!

"There are twelve pills here, four for each of you, hurry up and take them, it will be good for you."

Looking at the three people who came to the guest room, Ye Feng also directly took out twelve super powerful pills!

"Elder Ye, don't you need to call Xia Tian and Du Tianyue?"

As the senior brother among the five arrogances, after Chen Haoyu took the Super Power Pill, he also looked at Ye Feng with a puzzled face and asked.

"This thing is not suitable for the two of them, so don't call them, you can take it quickly."

Hearing Chen Haoyu's question, Ye Feng also urged the three to take it as soon as possible. After all, there are still many people waiting for him to deliver the Super Power Pills!

stare! stare! stare!

When the three of them swallowed the four Super Power Pills in their hands, they reacted instantly in just three seconds, and then the three of them widened their eyes and looked at Ye Feng with shock in their eyes!

Those eyes seemed to say, we are still children, don't take such a trick on us!

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