Fantasy: I, Invincible Start From The Prodigal!

Chapter 213 Wraith God Of War, The Nightmare That Is About To Begin


"That's fine too!"

Seeing the riotous operation of the Purple Arrow God of War, the God of War, the God of War and the God of War, which are not far away, are directly dumbfounded!

Now, the two of them finally know why the Purple Arrow God of War said they are big fools, Ye Feng is a prodigal, and if you take it out in front of them, are you afraid you want it?

I am not afraid that you will come to ask for it, but I am afraid that you will not lose your family!

Thinking of this, Ba Dao God of War and Thunder Stick God of War looked at each other and walked directly towards Ye Feng.

"I don't know what interesting ideas the two of them will have."

Ye Feng also showed a hint of anticipation when he saw God of War and God of War coming.

"Young Master Ye, I just heard that you are going to replace Sect's buckets, bath tubs, foot basins, etc. It just so happens that my Saber Technique is superb. If Young Master Ye can trust me, you can leave this work to me!"

Walking to Ye Feng, God of War also directly expressed his own thoughts.


"I naturally trust Saber Technique of God of War. Then there is God of War. After that, you should also leave some tubs and foot basins for yourself and your loved ones."

Hearing the words of God of War, Ye Feng also smiled and asked the other party to cut directly!

"Thunder stick God of War, what's the matter with you?"

When the Tyrant Sword God of War left, Ye Feng also looked at the Thunder Stick God of War and asked.

"Young Master Ye, I want to push all the courtyards of the mansion and reopen it!"

Thunder Stick God of War looked at Ye Feng seriously and said his own thoughts!

After hearing the maddening thought of the Thunder Stick God of War, the tyrannical sword God of War and the Purple Arrow God of War, who were slashing the soul-devouring Xuanqingmu, stopped directly and looked at the Thunder Stick God of War. Full of shock!

It's ridiculous that when they were still complacent about getting some archery targets and bathtubs, who would have thought that people would directly prepare to rebuild the mansion!


Ye Feng, who was also startled, laughed and said with a big hand, "Go chop!"

"Look at what, two big fools, they can't even be a prodigal!"

After walking to God of War and Purple Arrow God of War, Thunder Stick God of War also mocked the two with a proud look!

"Okay, you can cut as much as you need. I'll go back to rest first!"

It was getting late, and after Ye Feng greeted everyone, he walked directly to the courtyard on the side.

Looking at Ye Feng who was leaving, Chen Hai and Zhou Kai, who were lying on the spirit-devouring Xuanqingmu, looked at the spirit-devouring Xuanqingmu under their own, and instantly felt unpleasant!

What about the loser?

If you can sleep on a wooden bed made of spirit-devouring Xuanqing wood, then you can wake up with a smile!

"Old Zhou, do you know why we can only get so much?"

Chen Hai looked at Zhou Kai with a wry smile and asked aloud.

"Because we two old guys can't fail!"

After that, Zhou Kai and Chen Hai quickly put the soul-devouring Xuan Qingmu under them into the Interspatial Ring, and then immediately walked outside the mansion, they wanted to go back and be quiet!

The spirit-devouring pen built with this ten thousand-year-old spirit-devouring Xuanqing wood made them uncomfortable!

Now it's making them uncomfortable because they won't lose their homes!

It’s hard to be a loser, and it’s hard to be a loser, who can stand it!

Next to the courtyard residence!

"Another day full of harvest!"

"The seven fairies should be almost recuperating, continue to play games with them!"

Ye Feng, who was lying on the bed, habitually put the quilt between his legs, closed his eyes and rested.

Star Soul Sect, within the Great Hall Of The Sect!

Luo Qianxue, who was cultivating, noticed the fluctuation of the sound transmission stone, and immediately took out the sound transmission stone after opening her eyes.

"Qianxue, have the five great ancestors successfully survived the Heavenly Dao thunder calamity with the thatched hut built by the golden silkworm star and shining stone?"

"Why haven't they come back yet?"

Soon, Luo Wuming's worried voice sounded from Luo Qianxue's mind.

"Father, the Five Great Patriarchs probably won't be able to go back in a short time!"

"You don't need to ask about the specific situation. In short, when the five ancestors return, the Xingji Sect will not be afraid of any forces, and it is definitely a super Sect of the giant level in Xuantian Continent!"

Hearing Luo Wuming's worried inquiry, Luo Qianxue also explained it very seriously.


"Qianxue, are you sure you're not kidding me?"

"How strong will the five great ancestors be when they are old, and how will they face the Chiyang Kingdom?"

Soon, Luo Wuming's exclamation sounded.

"Chiyang Kingdom?"

"Any one of the five ancestors can directly kill the Chiyang Kingdom by one person at that time!"


The opposite Luo Wuming heard this and immediately took a deep breath!

Anyone can kill and penetrate the Chiyang Kingdom. If it wasn't for his own daughter, he would never believe it!


"Big sister, in fact, my cultivation for you hasn't started yet!"

"Although it won't be as ferocious as that one-armed lunatic, it's not much worse, so you have to prepare yourself mentally in advance."

Seeing Luo Qianxue who had finished the sound transmission, the little girl who was sitting by the side eating a lollipop also smiled and reminded her.

"As long as I can become stronger, no matter how cruel the cultivation method is, I can bear it!"

Hearing the little girl's words, Luo Qianxue also looked at the other party and said with a firm expression.

The next day, early morning!

"It was a really comfortable sleep!"

Ye Feng, who woke up, stretched, and after sitting up from the bed, he also directly checked the products of today's prodigal!

Today's prodigal product: Soul Ball*10000

Soul Ball: It contains extremely pure soul power. The cultivator specializing in the soul uses his powerful soul to create special items day after day.


"Why is this thing again!"

"And it's still 10,000. The last time I met Xiao Chen Elder in the secret realm assessment, I only refreshed 200!"

Seeing that today's prodigal product turned out to be a familiar soul ball, Ye Feng also smiled helplessly, and muttered to himself: "Today let God of War make Bai Lei a painting target, then only Zijian God of War and God of War are playing volleyball!"

After playing with Xiao Chen once, Ye Feng is not going to continue playing, mainly because the number of soul balls is a bit too much this time!

Purple Arrow God of War Courtyard!

"Old soul, why are you here?"

Seeing the Wraith God of War coming to the courtyard, the Purple Arrow God of War also asked curiously.

"Such a tall spirit-devouring mysterious green wood is placed here, you think I can't see it!"

"Originally, I didn't know this thing, but I went to read the ancient books that recorded the spirit wood last night, and I really found it."

"Tell me, is this spirit-devouring mysterious green tree that Young Master Ye's?"

After a few minutes.

When the Wraith God of War learned something about Ye Feng, he looked at the silent Thunder Stick God of War, his eyes full of envy!

"Old soul, don't think that we have gotten a little benefit now, but you don't understand what torture we have encountered!"

Purple Arrow God of War looked at the wraith God of War with envy in his eyes and explained with a wry smile.

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