Fantasy: I, Invincible Start From The Prodigal!

Chapter 171 I Want To Go See My Daughter, Why Don't They Let Me

"God of War, knowing your identity, do you think they can still do it?"

"Besides, we are serious Sect, just because you want to get ten more jugs of wine, we will beat you again, so are we still human?"

Hearing this, Ba Dao God of War was so moved that he almost cried, looked at Ye Feng with anticipation and asked, "Young Master Ye, that wine..."

Before God of War could finish speaking, Ye Feng interrupted directly: "I can't give you any more wine. Your little skin injury is worth ten pots."


When the God of War heard this, he was crying to death. If he had the chance to do it again, he would definitely shout to everyone, come on, please ravage me as much as you like, just keep your breath!

"Ye Feng, did you have anything else to do when you came back?"

Luo Qianxue looked at Ye Feng and asked directly at this time. Based on her understanding of Ye Feng, it was definitely not a good thing to come back suddenly this time.

"Master, you still understand the disciple!"

With that said, Ye Feng began to take the Spatial Teleportation doors out of the system space one by one.

"Isn't this prodigal really ready to defeat these precious Spatial Teleportation doors!"

Looking at the piles of miniature Spatial Teleportation doors, God of War panicked because he remembered what Luo Qianxue said before.

"There are more than 9,900 Spatial Teleportation gates here, activated by a drop of blood, you can go to any place you have been to, or even take things as a place, everyone must defeat me in the shortest possible time, but remember Stay, you must keep one on your body, otherwise you will use up the Spatial Teleportation door in your hand, and then you will not be able to come back, you will have to fly back."

"Also, no one can hide it."

After that, Ye Feng activated a Spatial Teleportation door and disappeared from everyone's sight.

More than nine thousand nine hundred?

For tens of thousands of years, the Chiyang Kingdom has used countless cultivation resources in exchange for other people's hands in addition to its own efforts. There are only more than 10,000 in existence. You will lose nearly 10,000 when you come up?

"Lo Sect Leader!"

"Your disciple is such a mad prodigal, you don't care about it?"

Although these Spatial Teleportation gates have nothing to do with him, but thinking that so many Spatial Teleportation gates will be defeated, God of War really feels distressed!

"I don't know how many times I've heard this, God of War, if I can manage it, do you think I don't want to?"

"It's really what he gave..."

Just when she was about to explain, Luo Qianxue suddenly thought of something, looked at God of War and asked back: "God of War, then I want to ask you, if you are his master, he gave it to you. A thousand pots of fine wine, will you mind him?"

"Of course I will..."

Speaking of this, God of War suddenly reacted with a wry smile on his face and asked, "Luo Sect Leader, there are so many Spatial Teleportation doors, do you need my help?"

Chiyang Kingdom, Imperial City, Mad Thunder God of War Mansion.


Crazy Thunder God of War, who was wiping the double thunder hammer, saw the space crack that appeared on the side and immediately held the double thunder hammer, and looked at the space crack with a solemn expression, ready to fight at any time.

"Lao Lei, don't be nervous, it's me!"

When the loud laughter of the God of War came out from the crack in space, the God of War was dumbfounded.

He knew that God of War was going to protect the prince, and he also took away two Spatial Teleportation gates. He used one in the past, how could he just use another and come back? Isn't this a prodigal?


"Old Dao, how did you become like this, who beat you up?"

Seeing the pig-headed-faced God of War coming out, Kuanglei God of War's face was also full of shock.

"It doesn't matter who beats you!"

"The important thing is that they beat me too lightly, I wish they could beat me again!"

With that said, the God of War dripped blood again and activated a Spatial Teleportation gate before disappearing in front of the Thunder God of War.

"Another Spatial Teleportation door, how could he have three?"

Looking at the God of War, who left, Kuanglei God of War was dumbfounded.


"Lao Lei, I'm back, I'm not surprised or surprised!"

"But I have to go, bye!"

"Hey, I can't think of it, it's still me, I'm back!"

"Hey, I'll go on, just to play!"


"Lao Lei, we haven't seen each other for almost five seconds, have you thought about it..."

When the tyrant God of War came back for the twentieth time, before he could finish speaking, the furious Lao Lei threw his double thunder hammers at the tyrant God of War and scolded loudly: "What are you doing? In this prodigal, this is the Spatial Teleportation gate, you will waste 40 of your kung fu, and I will smash you to death!"

Xing Ji Zong!

"Qianxue, if you have something to say, don't do it again, my heart is dying!"

Looking at Luo Qianxue walking out of the space crack, Luo Wuming said with a broken expression while covering his chest.

"Father, I founded Sect for a long time. Except you visited me once, I haven't seen you for a long time. Isn't that just wanting to come back and see you?"

Hearing this, Luo Wuming shouted directly: "You're just taking a look, you've been here to look at me dozens of times, and it made me uneasy, as if you would appear from behind me at any time, I It's a little scary now!"

"Father, why don't you ask me why there are so many Spatial Teleportation doors?"

"After all, even the Xingji Sect only has more than five hundred."

Hearing Luo Wuming's words, Luo Qianxue also changed the subject embarrassedly.

"I ask a fart!"

"It must be Ye Feng's prodigal son, do I still need to ask?"

"Don't be fooled by me, go to the five great ancestors, they are going to fart every day now, and every day someone wants to sneak out, and then they will be caught by the other four!"


Hearing this, Luo Qianxue asked with a hint of surprise, "What did they sneak away, where do they want to go, and what are they doing?"

"Go to your Star Soul Sect!"

"What else can you do, go to your Star Soul Sect to beg, that's how you can really make a fortune!"

"The Great Ancestor came back this time, and he is also a Heaven-level Human Cauldron, a tranquility fragrance, and a soul-purifying water, which makes the other four great ancestors envious!"

When Luo Wuming said this, his eyes were also full of envy.


Hearing this, Luo Qianxue also smiled bitterly. She understood this situation very well. Who told Ye Feng to give too much.

"Father, then you didn't intend to run around me?"

Luo Qianxue looked at Luo Wuming and asked curiously.


When Luo Wuming heard this, he sighed deeply and then said: "I ran away on the night the Great Ancestor came back, but I was caught by the Five Great Ancestors and gave me a fat meal after coming back. Punch, I'm wronged, they don't have any suitable reason, but I want to see my own daughter, why don't they let it go!"

"So, why not let it go?"

Luo Qianxue looked at Luo Wuming, who was full of grievances, and asked curiously.

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