Fantasy: I, Invincible Start From The Prodigal!

Chapter 16 Human Level Top Grade Martial Skill·Fire Dragon Fist

"How could it be so stupid to understand."

"I happened to have some Yellow Springs Sword intent fragments in my hand, so I used it by the way."

Ye Feng explained casually that he didn't know whether people in this world could understand the system product of the Yellow Springs Sword intent fragment.


"Yellow Springs Sword intent fragment!"

However, what surprised Ye Feng was that when everyone heard what he said, they all exclaimed together, and their eyes became unfriendly again when they looked at own. It was a look that penetrates the bone with hatred.

"Yellow Springs Sword intent is an extremely powerful sword intent. Even in Heavenly Dao battlefield, it is not easy to get Yellow Springs Sword intent. Yellow Springs Sword intent shards for dogs?"

When Luo Qianxue pointed at Ye Feng and said this, her body trembled uncontrollably. She really didn't expect Ye Feng to have lost her family to such a level of madness.

"Heavenly Dao battlefield?"

"What's that place?"

However, when Ye Feng heard the Battle of Heavenly Dao, he showed a hint of curiosity. The name is definitely interesting.

"It's okay to tell you, I was planning to let you go to Heavenly Dao to experience it."

"The Xuantian Continent where we are located is only one of the thousands of lower realms. All lower realms can go to the Heavenly Dao battlefield. According to different strengths, they will enter different Heavenly Dao battlefield areas."

"No one knows how the Heavenly Dao battlefield appeared, but there are many cultural resources, opportunities, inheritance, treasures, etc. in it. Of course, in addition to facing the threats of other underworld creatures, the powerful local Demonic Beasts also need to pay attention. If one is not good, it is likely to fall into the Heavenly Dao battlefield."

"Ding! Post a random mission, please go to the Second Stage Heavenly Dao battlefield and kill a hundred Demonic Beasts. If the mission is successful, a lot of loser points will be rewarded. If the mission fails, a lot of loser points will be deducted. You can refuse!"

Just after Luo Qianxue finished talking about some basic information about the Heavenly Dao battlefield, the system's voice rang out from Ye Feng's mind.


Ye Feng was really shocked at this time. The random mission released before was to join the Star Soul Sect, and it only rewarded 100 prodigal points. This time, there is no specific value, but a large amount. The amount is definitely beyond his imagination!

However, how to kill a hundred of the same Realm Demonic Beasts is a problem, because he now has Spirit Power, but no Martial Skill at all.

"Ye Feng, may I ask, how many Yellow Springs Sword intent fragments did you use for this dog?"

Luo Wuming couldn't help but ask at this moment. He could sense that the Yellow Springs Sword intent of this little yellow dog was already very strong. I am afraid it has reached the pinnacle of Sword intent, and it is possible to break through to Kenshin at any time. realm.

You must know that even the ancestor of the Xingji Sect, who has devoted himself to cultivation for hundreds of years, coupled with the countless opportunities he has obtained in the past, has only realized the realm of Jianxin, and the Tianhan Jianxin he has realized is far less powerful. The Yellow Springs Kenshin!

"Ten thousand pieces of Yellow Springs Sword intent."

Hearing Wuming Luo's question, Ye Feng temporarily gave up thinking about the dilemma of not having a Martial Skill at the moment. Anyway, there is no time limit for the task, so he looked at the other party and replied casually.


However, upon hearing Ye Feng's words, the four people around finally couldn't hold back the anger in their hearts, and the violent terror swept all around, wantonly brutalizing the surrounding flowers, plants and trees.

Ten thousand Yellow Springs Sword intent shards!

That's 10,000 yuan, and even they are jealous of this thing, but it turned out to be given to a dog!

Ruthless things! frenzied!

They knew that Ye Feng had lost his family, but they never thought that the other party had lost his family to such a level of madness!

"Fortunately, I didn't ask them for help, otherwise there will definitely be a big accident."

Looking at the four people who were completely runaway, Ye Feng was extremely fortunate that he had made the right choice, that is, he did not ask them for help, but he worked tirelessly to complete the consumption of today's prodigal products.

"Father, hurry up and take him away, I have to slow down, or I'm really afraid that I can't control myself and slap this disciple who only knows how to lose his family to death."

Luo Qianxue took a deep breath, tried to calm down her own mentality, and hurriedly asked Luo Wuming to take Ye Feng away as soon as possible.

"When the experience is over, I will send him back to you as soon as possible. I'm afraid I can't bear it."

After speaking, Luo Wuming took out the Flying Sword, and directly took Ye Feng with a stunned face to the sky, and disappeared in the sight of several people in a few breaths.

"Master, where are we going?"

Ye Feng looked at Luo Wuming with doubts and asked.

"The Star Soul Sect is just a Sect created by Qianxue to refine her mood. Your real Sect is the Xing Ji Sect."

"Let's rush to Xingjizong now. When the time comes, you will go to the Heavenly Dao battlefield with other brothers and sisters, so that you can take care of it."

Luo Wuming explained casually.

"Master, is our Xingjizong strong?"

"Master, what Realm are you, don't we Sect even have Demonic Beasts to travel?"

"Master, isn't our Sect too poor, do you want me to help?"

"Master, are my brothers in Xingjizong almost running out of food?"

Listening to Ye Feng's chattering words, Luo Wuming finally broke out and shouted: "Enough is enough, please shut up, our Sect is very rich and powerful!"

Night falls.

Luo Wuming took Ye Feng to rest in a nearby town, preparing to continue on the road in the morning.

Lying on the bed in the guest room, Ye Feng muttered to himself, "I don't know what the prodigal product will be tomorrow. It's really not easy to earn this thousand prodigal points."

Thinking about it, Ye Feng also gradually entered the dreamland.

Early the next morning.

After Ye Feng woke up, he immediately checked the personal attributes page.

Name: Ye Feng

Age: 18

Realm: Aerodynamic Ninth Stage pinnacle

Physique: Mortal

Martial Skill: None

Supernatural powers: none

Items: none

Prodigal point: 3510

Today's prodigal product: Top-grade Spirit Stones*100000

"The prodigal product this time turned out to be top-grade Spirit Stones. Fortunately, there are only 100,000 pieces, so it shouldn't be very troublesome to deal with."

Seeing the products of today's prodigal family, Ye Feng already had an idea of ​​how to be defeated, which was absolutely simple and rude.

"System, buy Martial Skill jars, designate top-grade human-level Martial Skills, no matter how many you open, until you open them."

Xuantian Continent, whether it is Cultivation Technique or Martial Skill, is divided into Heaven-level, Earth-level, and Human-level.

According to the introduction of the Martial Skill jar, the 90% rate is designated to open a human-level low-grade Martial Skill, and the 80% rate is to open a human-level middle-grade Martial Skill, and so on, and the same is true for Cultivation Technique.

For human-level top-grade Martial Skill, the probability is as high as 70%, which is equivalent to opening the designated third rank Spiritual herbs.

"Ding! Consuming 100 prodigal points, congratulations to the host for obtaining the top-grade human-level Martial Skill·Fire Dragon Fist."

With the sound of the system prompt, everything about Fire Dragon Fist also emerged from Ye Feng's mind.

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