Fantasy: I, Invincible Start From The Prodigal!

Chapter 138 Are You Here Pill Refining Or Are You Building Bombs?

On the second floor, in the pill refining room.

"I've noticed you since you entered the Tiandan Pavilion."

"Anyone who comes to participate in the pill refining competition, you are the only one who is not wearing a pill robe. If there is no accident, it should be your first time!"

"Don't be nervous, how you pill refining on weekdays, just practice now, just play to your normal level!"

"Okay, please start your show!"

Cheng Hai looked at Ye Feng who was nervous and said with a smile.

The big demon who has endured two Heavenly Dao thunder tribulations is closely guarded, this kid is not easy!

After all, there are still many powerful pill refining masters on the mainland who disdain coming to Tiandan Pavilion for assessment. This kid may be a disciple of a powerful pill refining master. I hope he can bring me some surprises.

Thinking of this, Cheng Hai looked at Ye Feng again with a look of anticipation in his eyes.

What to start with?

I don't know how to pill refining, I'm ready to go, what are you taking me up for?

Hearing Cheng Hai's words, Ye Feng's face was instantly covered with black lines!

"Ding! Post a branch task, the host will use the Spiritual herbs provided by the system to conduct the primary assessment. Whether the assessment is passed or not, the task will be rewarded with 500,000 prodigal points. If the task fails, there is no penalty, and you can refuse!"

Just when Ye Feng was about to turn around and leave, the system's voice suddenly sounded again.

The system is crazy!

Wouldn't this give me a break for nothing?

Are you so excited that you even start to give out so unscrupulous?

Ye Feng was also shocked when he heard the sound of the system, but since the system was ready to give it away, there was no reason why he didn't want it.

"Assessor, wait a moment, I'll have someone bring the pill refining furnace up."

With that said, Ye Feng directly conducted Divine Sense voice transmission to the blood-devouring mantis downstairs.


"My name is Cheng Hai, you can call me Lord Cheng."

Hearing Ye Feng's words, Cheng Hai also introduced his identity with a smile, and even looked forward to the shock the other party would show when he knew who he was.


? ? ?

Just one oh?

Do you not know who I am?

Hearing Ye Feng's answer, Cheng Hai was stunned, this was not what he expected.

Peng! Peng! Peng!

At this moment, a knock on the door suddenly sounded, and soon, the blood-devouring mantis holding the Heaven-level Human Cauldron walked in from the door.

"That's... a celestial Human Cauldron!"

When Cheng Hai saw the Heaven-level Human Cauldron held by the Blood-devouring Mantis, his eyes almost burst out in shock!

But what about the various scratches on the Human Cauldron?

What the hell did this monster do with this heavenly Human Cauldron!

Soon, when Cheng Hai noticed the countless scratches on the Heaven-level Human Cauldron, he was so distressed that he almost cried. This is the Heaven-level Human Cauldron. This is the lifeblood of the pill refining division. What did you do to it? !

"Young Master Ye, can you not use it!"

"If I use it for pill refining, I feel like it's not clean!"

Knowing that Ye Feng was going to use her Heaven-level Human Cauldron to pill refining, the Blood-devouring Mantis was extremely reluctant to make a final struggle!

God is so unclean!

Isn't this thing just used for pill refining!

Hearing the words of the blood-devouring mantis, Cheng Hai felt that his blood pressure had risen!

"Xiao Xue, I know that this Human Cauldron is very easy for you to smash people, but I don't have any other pill refining furnace now. Don't worry, I will be gentle with it."

With that said, Ye Feng grabbed the Heaven-level Human Cauldron directly from the Blood-devouring Mantis.

"Young Master Ye, don't you still have a Nine Dragons Burning Heaven Cauldron?"

"Just use that pill refining!"

Looking at the Heaven-level Human Cauldron that was robbed, the Blood-devouring Mantis felt as if it had lost the most beloved thing, and struggled again full of grievances.


"The Nine Dragons Burning Heaven Cauldron is what I use for barbecue, is that for pill refining?"

"Okay, go out quickly, don't affect my primary assessment!"

With that said, Ye Feng drove the blood-devouring mantis out of the pill refining room.

What are you two talking about here?

Heaven-level Human Cauldron is very easy to smash people?

And what kind of Kowloon Burning Heaven Cauldron is used for barbecue?

Can you respect the pill refining furnace?

Listening to the conversation between one person and one demon, Cheng Hai on the side was completely dumbfounded!


Regardless of whether what Ye Feng and the Blood-devouring Mantis said was true or not, seeing Ye Feng's nervous appearance sitting in front of Human Cauldron, Cheng Hai suddenly felt a little uneasy for some unknown reason.


The flame condensed by the violent fire attribute Spirit Power instantly burned in the Human Cauldron, and seeing this scene, Cheng Hai's expression also became serious. The temperature in the furnace and the strength of the flame also have different requirements.

"That's... the first rank Scarlet Flame Grass, which is considered to be an extremely rare Spiritual herbs among the first rank Spiritual herbs, and is the main Spiritual herbs for refining the Scarlet Flame Huiyang Pill. Does he want to refine the first rank Medicine Pill medium difficulty? The Chiyan Huiyang Pill with a very high coefficient?"

Seeing a Spiritual herbs exuding a fiery scent in Ye Feng's hands, Cheng Hai's brain was also running fast, guessing the type of Medicine Pill Ye Feng was going to refine.

"First put one-third of the rhizomes of the red flame grass into the pill furnace to refine, then put one-half of the grass leaves, and then..."


"Why did you throw a whole Scarlet Flame Grass directly into it!"

Just when Cheng Hai's mind flashed the pill refining process of refining Chiyan Huiyang Pill, he was horrified to find that Ye Feng threw the entire Chiyan grass into the Heaven-level Human Cauldron.

and many more!

The second strain?

Refining Chiyan Huiyang Pill only needs one Scarlet Flame Grass, what do you mean by taking out another one?



Just when Cheng Hai was puzzled, Ye Feng threw the second Red Flame Grass into the Heaven-level Human Cauldron.

The third one!

The fourth one!

The twentieth!

When Ye Feng threw in twenty red flame grass one after another, Cheng Hai was already numb.

"That's... Yin Binghua!"


Two plants!


"That's... Purple Star Spirit Leaf!"


Two plants!



Every kind of first rank Spiritual herbs that Ye Feng took out were rare Spiritual herbs. Even Tiandan Pavilion would not dare to waste these rare first rank Spiritual herbs, but each of Ye Feng directly threw more than ten plants into it!

And Cheng Hai's brain was also running fast at this time, thinking about the characteristics of these Spiritual herbs, and calculating what effects these Spiritual herbs might have when they were randomly fused together.

"don't want!"

Just when Cheng Hai guessed the situation where these Spiritual herbs were gathered together, he suddenly saw Ye Feng take out a Spiritual herbs with three-leaf petals all black, suddenly thought of something, and exclaimed with a big change in his expression.


After Ye Feng threw the last three-lobed black-leaf grass into the Heaven-level Human Cauldron, a muffled sound suddenly came from the Human Cauldron. If this was not a Heaven-level Human Cauldron, but an ordinary Yellow-level Human Cauldron, Human Cauldron would have long been Directly smashed to pieces!

And seeing this scene, Cheng Hai is already going crazy!

Are you here pill refining or are you making bombs here?

You say you can pill refining, the whole process is completely like a novice, no matter what Spiritual herbs, take it and throw it into the pill refining furnace!

But you have to say that you can't pill refining, the quantity of each kind of Spiritual herbs is perfectly controlled, and the combination of these eight kinds of Spiritual herbs can just cause the situation of the fryer, one less will not work, replace any one Nope, not even the order can deviate in any way!

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