Fantasy: I, Invincible Start From The Prodigal!

Chapter 118 1 Armed Madman, 1 Person And 1 Sword To Suppress Heavenly Dao

"Accept apprentices?"

"That person is also walking the cooking way?"

Hearing Ye Feng's words, Bi Gang also showed excitement. For decades, he has never met a fellow daoist in the cooking art, and has always been studying the cooking art by himself.

It's not that he didn't think about accepting apprentices, it's that he accepted three apprentices once, but it turned out that there were too many things to know about the way of cooking, and the fact that the way of cooking was little known made people feel extremely unreliable, and they all ran away in the end. .


"He went to Alchemy, he was a third rank pill refining division."

Hearing Bi Gang's question, Ye Feng also replied slightly embarrassed.

? ? ?


You asked a pill refining master to divert me to the kitchen path?

After Bi Gang heard Ye Feng's words, he was too shocked to speak for a long time.

"Alchemy, then he has some foundation on Spiritual herbs, but it can save a lot of trouble."

After a while, Bi Gang thought about it, and felt that a pill refining teacher seemed to be really feasible.

"Ye Feng, can I ask why you asked me to accept him as a disciple?"

"Actually, I can take care of your daily diet."

Bi Gang raised his head and asked Ye Feng inexplicably.

Just when Ye Feng was about to answer, he suddenly sensed the breath of the blood-devouring mantis, which made him laugh and said, "Just right, they are back."

After a few minutes.

Leng Wufeng came to Ye Feng's residence, looked at the unfamiliar old man in red robe, then looked at Ye Feng and asked, "Elder Brother, Brother Xue asked me to come to you, what's the matter?"

"Junior Brother Wufeng, you have been in charge of my three meals a day since you joined Sect. It's really hard for you."

"Let me introduce you, this is Mr. Bi, the new chef from Sect."

Chef Sect?

Hearing Ye Feng's words, Leng Wufeng was so excited that he almost cried!


He is finally free!

He is a pill refining teacher, where can cook, as long as Ye Feng is in Sect, the most painful thing for him is not knowing what to do.

Well now, Sect has finally come to Chef, and he can finally be freed!

"Junior Brother Wufeng, I feel that Alchemy is not suitable for you. You should change the cooking method!"

"It just so happens that Old Bi is a powerful cook, so you can worship him as your teacher and set foot on the cooking path."

Just when Leng Wufeng was excited, Ye Feng's words were like a basin of cold water, which made him tremble all over.

I'm a pill refining teacher, you want me to change career as a chef?


Leng Wufeng is really going crazy at the moment, my sense of existence is so low, you still do this to me?

"As a chef, the most important thing is to have your own knives!"

"Take the knife!"

"A drop of blood recognizes the Lord!"

Seeing the collapsed Leng Wufeng, Ye Feng was unmoved, and directly took out all the seven-series Longyin knives from the system space. With these seven knives with artifact spirits, plus Bi Gang's careful attention Guidance, Lengwufeng's future achievements will be limitless!

Although he was a loser, Ye Feng also wanted to help Leng Wufeng, whose sense of existence was getting lower and lower. After all, he was the second person to join Sect.

Looking at the seven knives with different breaths and a dragon pattern engraved on the blade suspended in front of him, Leng Wufeng wanted to refuse, but looking at Ye Feng's serious face, he finally gritted his teeth and cut it. Fingers were dripping blood to recognize the Lord!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully consuming today's prodigal products, rewarded with a thousand prodigal points, and rewarded with kitchen insight fragments * 100!"

Roar! Roar!

Before Ye Feng finished checking the system rewards, seven deafening dragon roars instantly resounded throughout the entire Sect!

Thunder Dragon Soul!

Dark Dragon Soul!

Ice Dragon Soul!


The seven dragon souls are just like the nine dragon souls in the Nine Dragons Burning Cauldron, all of them came alive from the knives, and released their respective powers to break through the roof and soar Nine Heavens!

At this time, everyone in the entire Sect looked at the seven hundred-zhang-long dragon soul spirit in the air with a terrified look.

boom! boom! boom!

At this moment, a robbery cloud appeared in the sky, and a coercion of heaven and earth enveloped the entire Star Soul Sect in an instant!

"What did that prodigal Ye Feng do!"

"These seven dragon souls are even more terrifying than the nine dragon souls at the beginning, and they directly lead to Heavenly Dao Jieyun!"

Feeling the coercion of the heavens and the earth, looking at the Heavenly Dao robbery cloud condensing rapidly in the air, Luo Qianxue's whole person is going crazy, if this Heavenly Dao thunder robbery falls, who can stand it!

"What the hell, I just said that this Sect is not reliable, so I shouldn't have come!"

"The breath of this Heavenly Dao Thunder Tribulation is even more terrifying than the last Heavenly Dao Thunder Tribulation I fought hard against. What the hell are those seven dragon souls? Did you hack to death?"

Outside the luxury villa, Xiao Chen felt the Heavenly Dao Jieyun breath in the air and was almost scared to pee!

"What kind of knife is this!"

"If I had such a set of knives, even death would be worth it!"

Different from others, at this time Bi Gang's mind was all on the seven knives suspended in front of Leng Wufeng.

"This knife actually has an artifact, and it's still such a terrifying artifact?"

"Master, you are so kind to me, I will never fail the seven knives you gave me!"

"But what about Heavenly Dao Jieyun now!"

In addition to being moved by Leng Wufeng, he was also extremely frightened at this time. After all, the Heavenly Dao Jieyun in the air was too terrifying.

At this time, only Ye Feng looked at the Heavenly Dao Jieyun who was still strengthening in the air with a dull expression. This kind of area attack, the prodigal guards will naturally appear!

In fact, he could use the God of Destruction to solve the immediate crisis, but when he thought that those prodigal guards were about to go out of their way, he thought it would be better to let them come out and get some air, but he didn't know who would be lucky enough to be drawn.



As the Heavenly Dao Tribulation Cloud was completely formed, the Heavenly Dao Thunder Tribulation with the aura of destruction crashed down.


Everyone in the Sect has only this idea at this time. Under such a terrifying Heavenly Dao thunder calamity, it is impossible for them to survive, and they don't even have the ability to resist!


Just when everyone was in despair, a red sword light flashed away, along with the dozens of Heavenly Dao thunder tribulations that had just fallen!

"It's him!"

When Chu Hongshan, Chu Xiaoxiao and the Blood-devouring Mantis saw the sky volleyed up, the blood-colored rapier in his hand pointed at the one-armed lunatic of Heavenly Dao Jieyun, their eyes instantly filled with endless horror!

Rolling thunder! Lightning flashes!

Facing the provocation of the one-armed lunatic, Heavenly Dao Jieyun was stunned that he did not dare to drop another Heavenly Dao Thunder Tribulation!

"Even Heavenly Dao dare not provoke this one-armed lunatic?"

The two people and one demon who saw this scene were all dumbfounded. They knew that the one-armed lunatic was very strong, but they really didn't expect it to be so terrifying!

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