Fantasy: I, Invincible Start From The Prodigal!

Chapter 113 Brutal Dismantling, So Cruel

"Ding! Open 830 spiritual wood jars, consume 83,000 prodigal points, congratulations to the host for obtaining 100 9,000-year-old Golden Soul Holy Spirit Trees!"

In less than two minutes, the system prompt sounded from Ye Feng's mind.

"Elder Xia, you take Elder Xiao around the Sect."

"Elder Chu, Elder Luo, you two come with me."

After speaking, Ye Feng took Chu Hongshan and Luo Kai into the Sect.

"It's over!"

"This Sect was completely ruined by this kid Ye Feng!"

Looking at Ye Feng who was leaving, Luo Qianxue was completely broken. She was not going to develop Sect at all, but she personally passed down that the big disciple was too prodigal. !

Thinking that the Xingji Sect does not have a big boss who can soar at any time, Luo Qianxue can't imagine how her father Luo Wuming would react if he knew about this.

"This dog is so fancy by Ye Feng, and his future achievements may exceed everyone's imagination."

"The number one sword dog in the mainland, let me train it myself!"

Bai Tianhong, who has never accepted an apprentice in his life, is now ready to instruct the little yellow dog as strictly as a direct disciple.

"what happened?"

"Why is the old man looking at me wrong?"

"Everyone is just playing on the scene, he shouldn't be serious, I want to go back to sleep!"

At this moment, the little yellow dog discovered the strangeness of Bai Tian Hong, thinking of what Ye Feng said to Bai Bai Hong before, at this moment, it suddenly panicked, and wished that he could express his truest thoughts in words immediately.

Sect Elder residential area.

"Elder Luo, demolish this courtyard!"

? ?

Hearing Ye Feng's words, Luo Kai didn't even react at once. What is a good courtyard demolished for?

"Ye Feng, it's easy to demolish this courtyard, but can you tell me why?"

Driven by curiosity, Luo Kai still asked the doubts in his heart.

"This courtyard belongs to Elder Xiao. I have prepared the wood. Next, I may have to ask the two elders to help build a courtyard again."

Hearing Luo Kai's question, Ye Feng also told the reason.

"System, the two elders helped Sect build the courtyard, do I have to pay for some hard work?"

"By the way, in addition to the unlimited supply of various Spirit Stones and Spirit Crystals, can you give other items for hard work, such as the Great Demon Blood Essence, Spirit Mine, Spirit Wood, etc.?"

Ye Feng was a little tired of giving hard currency like Spirit Stones and Lingjing all the time, and he felt that this limited his prodigal rhythm.

"Ding! The system also provides unlimited cultivation resources, but it can only be used for greetings, hard work, etc."

It really works!

Hearing the system's answer, Ye Feng was also overjoyed. If this is feasible, then he can trigger the prodigal behavior to a greater extent.

"The two elders have worked hard. When the courtyard is finished, you can designate a type of Blood Essence of the big demon at will, ten drops per person."

Looking at the two people who started to dismantle the fence of the courtyard, Ye Feng also smiled and said the hard work after the completion.

Designate the big demon Blood Essence?

Ten drops per person?

Hearing Ye Feng's words, the two people who were slowly pulling out the wooden fences one by one from the ground were instantly red-eyed!

"Chu Elder get out of the way!"

"I'm going to speed up!"

As Luo Kai shouted loudly, his legs suddenly exerted force, and the whole person went on a rampage like a bulldozer, smashing all the wooden fences surrounding the courtyard, which was extremely barbaric!

Seeing this scene, Chu Hongshan was in a hurry. In a courtyard, apart from the fence, only the houses in the courtyard were left. If this was also robbed by Luo Kai, how could he be so embarrassed to ask Ye Feng for the big demon Blood Essence.

"Elder Luo, leave the rest to this old man!"

Saying that, Chu Hongshan rushed towards the house in the courtyard.

Peng! Peng!

Seeing that Chu Hongshan knocked out a big hole from the front of the house and rushed out of the wall at the back of the house, and then began to dismantle it in an infinite penetrating manner, Ye Feng couldn't help but exclaimed, "It's so brutal!"

"Elder Chu, let me wear it twice!"

Thinking that he had only demolished a fence, Luo Kai also rushed directly towards the ruined and crumbling house.

"What is efficiency?"

"That's what's called efficiency!"

Watching the house collapse completely, the two began to clean up the scattered rubble and sawdust. Ye Feng also directly took out all the 100 Golden Soul Holy Spirit Trees in the system space.

In just five minutes, the entire courtyard was cleaned up.

"Ye Feng, what kind of trees are these golden spirit trees?"

"Do you want to build a pure wood courtyard for Elder Xiao?"

When Chu Hongshan and Luo Kai came over and saw the hundreds of golden soul trees that were more than 100 meters long, they also asked curiously.

To be honest, the two of them have never heard of the golden spirit wood, and they can guarantee that this spirit wood is definitely not a simple spirit wood, just because it was taken out by Ye Feng.

"This is called the Golden Soul Holy Spirit Tree. All of them are 9,000 years old. They are very good for soul cultivation."

"Let's get to work. We must use up all these Golden Soul Holy Spirit Trees. We must build the most luxurious courtyard for Elder Xiao."

Ye Feng looked at the two and said their own request.


"Just leave it to the two of us, and it will definitely be done before evening!"

Chu Hongshan patted his chest and assured.

"Elder Chu, I'm afraid a courtyard can't use so many Golden Soul Holy Spirit Trees."

When Ye Feng left, Luo Kai looked at the hundreds of Golden Soul Holy Spirit Trees more than 100 meters long in front of him, and his face was also embarrassed.

"You just didn't notice that Ye Feng's tone was aggravated when he said that he used up all these four words?"

"The designated ten-drop demon Blood Essence, do you think it's so easy to get?"

"I'm afraid this is also a test Ye Feng has put on us. As long as this matter is done well, there will be a shortage of the big demon Blood Essence in the future?"

Speaking of this, Chu Hongshan directly looked at the empty courtyards on the left and right sides.

"Elder Chu, I understand what to do!"

Seeing that Chu Hongshan's eyes were on the vacant courtyards on the left and right sides, Luo Kai immediately understood.

If it can't be used up, it proves that the courtyard built is not big enough!

"Elder Chu, I suddenly have another idea!"

"You said that if you increase the height of the house and add layers inside, can you increase the use of some Golden Soul Holy Spirit Trees?"


Hearing this proposal, Chu Hongshan's eyes suddenly lit up, and he laughed directly: "Okay, this is good, Luo Kai, I didn't expect you to have such a good brain."

Ye Feng never imagined that just because of a prodigal request made by himself, the first luxury villa in Xuantian Continent would be born in the Star Soul Sect!

On the other side, Xiao Chen, who didn't know anything yet, was hanging out with Xia Xia Yu in the Sect.

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