Fantasy: I, Invincible Start From The Prodigal!

Chapter 106 Special Rewards, Destroying God's Eyes

"Ding! The system senses the host's current mood fluctuations and rewards Destruction God Eye*1!"

Destruction God Eye: Close your eyes and all things are born, and open all things to destroy. With the current Realm of the host, you can use it once a day.

Crispy numb!

Feeling the numbness in my own eyes at the moment, it seems that an inexplicable force is constantly melting into my own eyes.

"System, you finally did something special!"

Although it is not clear how powerful this Destroyer God Eye is, since it is a reward given by the system according to one's mood at the moment, it is absolutely impossible to be a normal reward, not to mention that Realm only limits the number of uses, but does not say that it affects the Destruction God Eye. power!

In a moment!

When the numbness disappeared, Ye Feng could clearly feel an unimaginable force of destruction in his own eyes. That feeling was extremely mysterious!

"Why didn't you leave, Young Master Ye?"

"What should I do, I don't dare to ask!"

Ye Feng stood there in a daze for a long time, and he couldn't fix it directly to Chu Hongshan.

"It's just you!"

At this moment, Ye Feng's eyes suddenly turned to a 100-meter-high mountain in the distance.

After confirming the target, Ye Feng closed his eyes directly!

At this moment, Chu Hongshan on the side didn't know why, but he felt an inexplicable sense of crisis on Ye Feng's body. This sense of crisis made the hairs on his whole body stand up!

As Ye Feng slowly opened his eyes, an invisible force of destruction burst out from his black hole-like eyes.


In less than a second, Ye Feng closed his eyes again, and when he opened them again, his eyes had returned to their original state.

what to do?

Lost your eyes?

Seeing Ye Feng blinking and playing, Chu Hongshan was also stunned by Ye Feng's actions, and even began to wonder if the sense of crisis he had just felt was an illusion.


That 100-meter-high mountain just now!

However, when Chu Hongshan looked in the direction Ye Feng was looking at, he was horrified to find that the 100-meter-high mountain in the distance was gone, and it disappeared out of thin air!


After the shock, Chu Hongshan looked at Ye Feng again, filled with endless fear!

Open and close your eyes, the mountain is gone!

If this special thing comes at him all at once, will he just disappear?

Thinking of this, Chu Hongshan's body trembled uncontrollably. He had never heard of this kind of terrifying power!

Ten thousand golden armor guards who use Heavenly Dao thunder robbery as a toy!

One-armed lunatic!

The second disciple lurking in the Tianji Pavilion and preparing to seize power!

The mysterious unknown eldest disciple!

A terrifying power that can destroy a mountain at a glance!

Is this a simple prodigal?

"Elder Chu, you have worked hard all the way, and I will give you this bloodthirsty banner with all souls."

Ye Feng was also overjoyed when he saw the power of destroying the god's eyes, and he gave the bloodthirsty banner with all souls to Chu Hongshan. As long as it wasn't a Demon Cultivator, it would be the same for anyone!

"Recognize the Lord by a drop of blood, this is a spiritual weapon that can grow. If you go to the upper realm in the future, you may be able to advance to the Immortal Ascension. It is definitely a rare treasure."


Hearing Ye Feng's words and looking at the black long flag in his hand, Chu Hongshan completed the confession of the Lord with a drop of blood doubtful.

However, just when Chu Hongshan had just finished confessing his master by dripping blood, bursts of piercing screams suddenly sounded, and then, one after another, the souls of evil spirits all flew out from the bloodthirsty banners.


After a while, when Chu Hongshan and Ye Feng saw a huge grimace with a ferocious expression condensed from ten thousand evil spirits in the air, they couldn't help but gasped.

From a distance, it looks like a huge grimace with a ferocious expression, but if you look closely, you can see countless evil spirits in the grimace. This scene is definitely a nightmare for people with intensive phobias!

This, isn't this a magic weapon!

Which big devil actually killed ten thousand people and created this bloodthirsty banner with ten thousand souls!

After Chu Hongshan found out that this was a magic weapon, he was going crazy!

Although he has also killed many people, he will never kill innocent people indiscriminately.

"Elder Chu, you are considered a bargain."

"These ten thousand evil spirits, every evil spirit used to be a big devil who slaughtered hundreds of billions of living beings!"

"From now on, you only need to feed with your own blood every day, and their strength will continue to grow stronger, and they will definitely become an ace in your hand!"

Ye Feng also spoke out some of the information he had just learned from the system at this time.


Hearing this, Chu Hongshan instantly showed an extremely excited look!

If this is the case, then he will not have any psychological pressure when using this Wansoul Bloodthirsty Banner.

As for how strong the big devil who slaughtered hundreds of billions of beings, Chu Hongshan didn't care at all. Now in his heart, no matter who you are, you are a tadpole in front of Ye Feng!

"Elder Chu, what are you doing?"

Seeing Chu Hongshan waving the Ten Thousand Souls and Bloodthirsty Banner in his left hand and the Heaven-level Human Cauldron in his right hand, Ye Feng couldn't help but smile bitterly, how could such a good body cultivator become like this!

five minutes later.

"Young Master Ye, won't you go back with me?"

Leaving the mountain range where the Black Demon Sect was, Chu Hongshan was also surprised when he heard Ye Feng's words.

"I still have something to deal with, you go back first."

Looking at Chu Hongshan who was leaving, Ye Feng said to the system: "System, I'm going to go to the secret realm space of Tianyang Sect right now, let Ye Yi come out and take me there."

"Ding! It is recommended that the host come over at night. At present, the heads of the major sectors are placing cultivation resources in the secret realm."

Hearing the reminder from the system, Ye Feng also sat beside a rock and rested.


Tianyang Sect, Great Hall Of The Sect!

"Is it all arranged?"

Tianyang Sect Sect Leader Chen Zhengfeng looked at the old man beside him and asked aloud.

"Sect Leader, everyone has already made arrangements. After the heads of the major Sects leave the secret realm, our people will start to search for all the cultivation resources, and one night is enough to find and send all the cultivation resources. Town Demon Cave!"

The old man said with a hint of excitement.

"Planning for a hundred years!"

"Finally waited for the day when Heavenly Demon ancestor broke the seal!"

"It's ridiculous that those Sect people still want to snatch cultivation resources according to their abilities, and wait for Heavenly Demon ancestors to break out. Either surrender or destroy the sect, no one can stop the rise of my Tianyang Sect!"

Speaking of this, Chen Zhengfeng couldn't help but raised his head and laughed!

No one knows that the secret realm sect competition held by Tianyangzong every six months, the real purpose is actually to scavenge culture resources from it and send it to Zhenmodong, but only 70% is plundered each time, and it will leave a mouthful for the rest of the sects. , but this time, even the soup is not prepared to keep!

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