Fantasy: I, Invincible Start From The Prodigal!

Chapter 102 The Golden Armor Guards The Army And Comes To The Black Demon Sect

"very good!"

"It's time to put on my golden armor!"

A mysterious golden mask!

Gorgeous golden suit!

Very cool golden cloak!

Glittering golden boots!

After putting on all the golden armor, Ye Feng is like a different person. Under the sunlight, he is absolutely the most beautiful boy in the field!

"The pit!"

"My ditch is gone!"

Seeing Ye Feng put on the golden armor made of 200 gold silkworm Xingyao stones overnight, Chu Hongshan's heart is bleeding!

It's ridiculous that he had imagined that now that there is a hut, will the hut be far away?

Who would have thought that the ditch is so gone now!

"Elder Chu, today I will let you open your eyes!"

"The next scene will subvert your perception and make you realize that even Heavenly Dao is nothing more than that!"

After speaking, Ye Feng jumped out of the flying spirit weapon and shouted, "Where is the golden armor guard!"

boom! boom! boom!

Space turbulence!

A space crack like tearing the sky appeared, and rows of golden armor guards holding golden war knives and wearing golden armor walked out of the space crack neatly!

Thunderclouds roll, lightning flashes!

The thunder tribulations that contain the breath of Heavenly Dao are constantly condensed and formed!

But Chu Hongshan, who was standing beside Ye Feng, was horrified to find that none of the ten thousand terrifying golden armor guards behind him cared about the Heavenly Dao Jieyun that was constantly increasing in the air!

"Playing and playing, making troubles, Ye Feng, you're scaring the old man to pee so quickly!"

Golden armor guards don't care!

Ye Feng doesn't care!

But Chu Hongshan cares, he is in the range shrouded in the Heavenly Dao robbery cloud, and feeling the Heavenly Dao pressure that suffocates him, he is really scared to pee!

Under the pressure of this Heavenly Dao, he felt that he was like an ant at the moment, and he could be wiped out directly at any time!

At this time, in the deepest part of the mountain range, countless powerhouses of the Black Demon Sect have already gathered and looked at the sky in the distance!

"Heavenly Dao Thunder Tribulation Cloud!"

"The Heavenly Dao Thunder Tribulation Cloud that is enough to obliterate all things!"

"What the hell is that dazzling golden light, how can it lead to such a terrifying Heavenly Dao Thunder Tribulation Cloud!"

Shi Chenfeng, who is standing at the front, is really going crazy at this time. He doesn't want to know which lunatic led out Heavenly Dao Thunder Tribulation, but he just wants to scold, you are so provoking Heavenly Dao, that's far from me. The magic is farther away!

Although there is still a long way to go, Shi Chenfeng can't guarantee that it will affect the Black Demon Sect. Once it is affected, even the old sect master himself may not be able to resist it!

This will be a catastrophe for the Black Demon Cult!

At this moment, an extremely fast figure flew from the depths of the Black Demon Sect at an extremely high speed.

When everyone saw that the person who came was actually the old leader of Closed Door Training, they all breathed a sigh of relief. It can be said that the old leader is their Dinghai Shenzhen!

But only Shi Chenfeng felt like he had fallen into the abyss, because he found that even if the old leader saw the thundering Heavenly Dao Jieyun in the distance, his eyes were full of endless fear, and even his body was shaking slightly on!


At this moment, Zhou Chongshan slapped Shi Chen's fan to the ground with a slap, staring at Shi Chenfeng angrily and roaring, "Who the hell did you provoke!"


When Shi Chenfeng, who fell to the ground, heard the anger, he was stunned, and he didn't understand what the old leader meant.

"Although we are far apart, our entire Black Demon Sect has been locked by countless terrifying auras!"

"Don't even try to run away!"

"Today, everyone in the Black Demon Sect, don't even want to leave alive!"


Speaking of this, Zhou Chongshan suddenly burst out laughing like crazy and continued: "One, even one breath of it is enough to push our Black Demon Sect horizontally!"

"You are still frightened by the Heavenly Dao Tribulation Cloud, but the Heavenly Dao Tribulation Cloud has already condensed and ended. Do you know why the Heavenly Dao Thunder Tribulation did not fall?"

"I tell you, that's because the countless powerhouses in the golden light have already suppressed Heavenly Dao Jieyun with their own terrifying power!"

"Wait to die!"

"Let's all die together, hahaha!"

Hearing Zhou Chongshan's words, he looked at Zhou Chongshan like a madman, and the countless black demons around him were all dumbfounded.

"My lord, we can go to the Black Demon Cult!"

"Don't care about the Heavenly Dao tribulation cloud above, if it dares to drop a thunderstorm, we will cut it directly!"

Hearing this, Ye Feng noticed that the person who spoke was the strong man in golden armor who had appeared several times. Ye Feng nodded with satisfaction and looked at the other party and said, "You are very good, and strive to become an official prodigal guard as soon as possible!"

I'm envious!

Hearing Ye Feng's words, the nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine golden armored guards around were so envious that their eyes turned purple!

After all, this is the approval from Ye Feng!

"My lord, this subordinate will never let you down!"

The strong man in golden armor knelt down on one knee excitedly, his eyes full of determination.

"Elder Chu, why are you stunned, lead the way!"

"Let's be arrogant today, Elder Chu, you must seize this opportunity!"

Ye Feng looked at Chu Hongshan, who was already dumbfounded, and said with a big smile.


"Although Shi Chenfeng owes me three favors, they forced me to make the three shots, and taught me to kill a few people in the black devil!"

Chu Hongshan finally calmed down a little at this time, looking at Ye Feng and said expectantly.

"Whoever you refer to, they will kill!"

"Today, Elder Chu, enjoy the most glorious moment in your life!"

Hearing Chu Hongshan's words, Ye Feng also gave a promise directly!



"They're here, let me see who the hell is even Heavenly Dao!"

"If I can die in the hands of these people, I, Zhou Chongshan, are not wronged to die!"

Watching the golden light and the Heavenly Dao Jieyun moving towards the direction of the Black Demon Sect together with Shrouding the Heavens in the sky, Zhou Chongshan also had a spear exuding a strange black energy in his hand.

Even if he is invincible, even if he knows he will die, he still wants to fight to the fullest!

Even if he dies, he will die in battle like a strong man!

"Shi Chenfeng, the old man is here!"

As Chu Hongshan shouted loudly, the sights of countless experts from the Black Demon Sect all looked over.

The golden armored army standing neatly!

Wearing a handsome golden armor and wearing a mysterious golden mask, the golden armor commander!

Finally, everyone's eyes fell on Chu Hongshan, who seemed out of place.


"And him!"

"And that bald head over there!"

Chu Hongshan stopped talking nonsense at this time, and he stretched out his finger and kept pointing at the Black Demon Sect Elder who had bullied him in the past!

A streak of golden sword lights shot out from behind Ye Feng and Chu Hongshan. Those who were targeted by Chu Hongshan were cut in half by the golden sword lights in the blink of an eye. Those people didn't even have a chance to resist.


"It's so cool!"

Looking at himself with a casual finger, those who had bullied him in the past were cut in half. This feeling of treating each other like ants made Chu Hongshan feel that this was definitely the most glorious moment in his life. After all, that The strength of several people is above him!

Seeing Chu Hongshan retreating to the side, Ye Feng stepped forward and swung the golden cloak that was pulling the wind. He glanced at the countless people of the Black Demon Sect who were full of horror below, and hooked his fingers to the army of golden armor guards behind him and said coldly: " kill!"

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