2.3 million year dragon’s blood grass!

Nan Wu stared dumbfoundedly as Chen Fan returned with immortal grass.

Does this work too?

Chen Fan’s actions were all she could see.

This person rushed in like this and took the fairy grass directly from the leader of Baicaomen!

Who can believe this?

Baicaomen and Beast King Ridge fought to death because of this fairy grass.

How could they get it so easily?

The matter was too simple, and Nan Wu was frightened.

Chen Fan slipped away as soon as he pulled the silly Nan Wu, and he didn’t bother to grow branches here outside the festival!

On the other side, the people from Beast King Ridge also obviously noticed the two people who escaped with the fairy grass.

“Kill them! That man brought fairy grass!

The rushing Beast King Ridge was stopped by Baicaomen.

“Quick, protect the same sect, this immortal grass already belongs to me and our Baicao Sect!”

“Senior Brother, Immortal Grass is up to you!”

Chen Fan nodded vigorously.

“Don’t worry, leave it to me!”

He carefully collected the fairy grass and ran with Nan Wu.

Leaving the Baicaomen and Beast King Ridge to fight hard.

“You can do it!”

The two fled to a hidden corner.

Looking back at the ease of the journey, Nan Wu thought she was in a dream.

The immortal grass that Baicaomen and Beastwangling snatched so easily into their hands!

Who will believe it?

In this regard, Chen Fan’s expression was indifferent.

For him, both sides are not strong, grabbing the fairy grass is normal.

On the contrary, the majestic life force on the immortal grass made him a little moved.

He has never seen Spiritual herbs from Spirit Power so strong, and this Spiritual herbs actually made his evergreen body react!

Perhaps, with this Spiritual herbs, he can awaken the Second Vision!

You must know that there is more than one vision of the divine body.

Most deities have two or three visions.

What’s more, there are even four visions!

And Chen Fan, a strong god-tier body with multiple gods and origins, naturally cannot have only one vision.

It’s a pity that he hasn’t felt any sign of the second vision awakening for so long.

Even though the Cultivation Base continued to Ascension, there was no movement in the vision aspect.

Now, he actually felt the possibility of an awakening vision from the fairy grass!

Even his divine body is eager to devour this fairy grass, maybe with the power of this fairy grass, he can really awaken the second vision!

Despite the desire in his heart, Chen Fan resisted the urge to swallow it directly.

There is a pill refining expert, and it is too wasteful to swallow directly.

These magical medicines may be used for pill refining to enhance the effect several times.

“You know what this is?

Chen Fan shook the fairy grass in his hand.

Now it’s time to Realm where Nan Wu is good at.

She’s been wanting to see this Spiritual herbs for a long time.

From Chen Fan’s hands, the Spiritual herbs filled with life, Nan Wu’s eyes lit up.

“This looks like a ten thousand year dragon’s blood grass!”

“Dragon’s Blood Grass?”

“Yes! The Spiritual herbs themselves are not particularly rare, but the power of the dragon’s blood has been greatly enhanced this year!

“Does Dragon’s Blood Grass have any effect?”

“It doesn’t have any special effects. Most of the usual dragon’s blood grass is to strengthen the body and enhance the effect of Blood Qi. It is usually refined together with other Medicinal herbs and can be made into a fitness pill.”


Chen Fan nodded.

While not particularly rare Spiritual herbs, this vintage alone is enough to attract competition.

“Can you make Medicine Pill?

“Of course it can, this ten thousand year dragon blood grass is so powerful, it is estimated that it can be used to refine the dragon blood tiger soul pill!”

“Dragon Blood Tiger Soul Pill?

“Well, it’s a top-quality Medicine Pill that can greatly enhance your physique. Just refining it may require dozens of rare medicinal materials.”

“Okay, then I’ll leave it to you.”

“Ah? You just leave it to me like this?”

Nan Wu was stunned, she never expected Chen Fan to be so relieved about her!

“Okay! Leave it to me!”

Facing the trust of Chen Fan, Nan Wu, who has always been bold, was also a little moved.

“When the time comes, I promise to make a perfect Dragon Blood Tiger Soul Pill for you!”

“By the way, can you give me some blood from the divine body for me to study.”


After some simple negotiation, Nan Wu returned to the family for pill refining.

And Chen Fan is still here.

Thinking of Nan Wu’s sudden interest in his body just now, Chen Fan shook his head.

The pill refiner really wants to practice everything he sees. …

After disguising with Dream Butterfly, he headed towards the forest again.

This fairy grass was not his target.

His goal is a space formation hidden somewhere under the eerie forest!

…for flowers…

There’s an outsider’s secret there, isn’t that better than some Spiritual herbs?

Moreover, according to his estimation, this strange forest is probably related to that mysterious space.

When he flew back to the forest, he found that the battle had just ended.

Everyone in Baicaomen left with a smile.

The battle is theirs to win!

Now, the immortal grass is estimated to have been delivered to Baicaomen.

Beast King Ridge has been slow to pass their line of defense, and is already disheartened.

Knowing that there is no hope of recovering Spiritual herbs, the leaders of Beast King Ling waved their hands one after another.

He led Beast King Ridge back.

And Baicaomen was the happiest of Fu Chuantang.

That 10,000-year-old Spiritual herbs has an extremely pure life force, supplemented by their herbal medicine, it will definitely be able to refine a top-quality spiritual pill.

At that time, the own pill refining technique is estimated to be able to go to the next level!

“Go, triumph!”

Fu Chuantang raised his arms and shouted!

Baicaomen flew back majestically following the figure of the senior brother.

The figures of the group are like soldiers who have won the battle and returned triumphantly!

Chen Fan hides to the side and sees his blood, and the young man is indeed full of vigor!

After seeing Baicaomen leave, Chen Fan found the right direction and continued to move forward. He believed that he would soon be able to see the original space formation.

On the other side, Baicaomen scurried for several hours, and finally returned to Sect.

As soon as Fu Chuantang returned to Sect, he hurried to the pill refining room.

“Elder, where are the Thousand Years Spiritual herbs?”

“Wannian Spiritual herbs? These treasures must be stored in the treasure house. Which Wannian Spiritual herbs did you find?”

“A 10,000-year-old dragon’s blood grass!”

“Dragon’s Blood Grass? That’s not true.”

“Ah? Are you kidding me! I sent two disciples to bring it back in advance.”

“Two disciples? How can any disciple send them back?”

“It’s impossible! Elder, am I mistaken?”

“Naughty, I have never missed it for hundreds of years.


Hearing Elder’s affirmative words, Fu Chuantang was like a bolt from the blue!

This is impossible!

Could it be that those two disciples were intercepted by Beast King Ridge in the middle?


It must be so!

Otherwise, how could Beast King Ridge willingly withdraw its troops?

Thinking that he was put together, Fu Chuantang became more angry the more he thought about it!

“Junior brothers, come with me to fight the Beast King Ridge!” Chang,

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