228 Battle

“Yes, this is a rare treasure! If we Baicaomen can get this natural spirit, our Sect’s Spiritual herbs can be of Ascension level again!”

What is the “spirit of nature?”

“Junior brother, you don’t know the spirit of nature? It is a kind of heaven and earth creature that is said to have accumulated self-consciousness all year round!”

“Is it a life?”

“It can also be said that as long as there is a spirit of nature, the growth rate of plants nearby can be greatly accelerated! It can even greatly enhance the special effects of plants!”


Hearing this, Chen Fan understands it, no wonder there are so many people here because of the spirit of nature.

For ordinary practitioners, the spirit of nature may not be useful.

But for Sect, who often needs pill refining, the spirit of nature is obviously extremely precious.

The spirit of heaven and earth that can greatly improve the effect of Spiritual herbs, Baicaomen has no reason to let it go.

However, the accuracy of the information cannot be verified.

Chen Fan asked several Baicaomen in a row, and the information he got was all suspected to be the spirit of nature.

None of them can provide accurate information, and it seems that Baicaomen is not quite sure what the nearby Lingbao is.

Back to Nan Wu, the beautiful Big Sister cast a curious look.

“How about it?”

Chen Fan repeated the information he got.

When hearing the spirit of nature, the beauty pill refiner’s eyes also lit up.

“The spirit of nature! That’s a good thing..

Clearly, the spirit of nature has unparalleled appeal to pill refiners.

At this moment, even Nan Wu became a little chatter.

Chen Fan ignored the woman’s enthusiasm and pondered.

In fact, the current location is quite close to the location of the mysterious slate.

It just happens that there are so many people rushing out around here.

The forest is so big, why is it nearby?

Chen Fan doesn’t believe it himself if he says it has nothing to do with supernatural powers.

Maybe the mysterious slate recorded this time is the magical power related to plants!

I don’t know if the spirit of nature that everyone said is related to what he is looking for?

Time flies, and before you know it, a day has passed.

After so long without harvest, everyone is obviously a little discouraged.

Even Chen Fan wondered if the news was wrong.

If there is something, his grass instinct should respond.

Just when Chen Fan touched his chin in thought.

Not far away, there was the sound of arguing between Baicaomen and Beast King Ridge.

Several monster cultivators actually surrounded a disciple of Baicaomen.

“Fu Chuantang, did you put away the spirit of nature, girl!”

“Hmph, it’s so bloody! I want to ask if you are secretly hiding the spirit of nature!”

The disciples who were surrounded were not at all stage frightened, even if they were surrounded by circles, their faces showed no fear.

Obviously full of confidence!

And that confidence clearly comes from his peers.

Seeing that Fu Chuantang was surrounded, many Baicaomen rushed to support them.

“Master, are you alright!

“What do you want to do? What do you want to surround Senior Brother?”

The crowd crowded the cultivators away, and protected Fu Chuantang inside like the stars bowed to the moon.

Judging from the situation of the disciple’s spontaneous protection, this senior brother is obviously quite prestigious in the Baicao Sect.

Facing the gathered Baicaomen, Beast King Ridge was not afraid, and it was also the monster cultivators who gradually gathered.

The two sides are tit-for-tat against Maimang, and there is actually a tendency to do it!

“I’ve been searching for so long and haven’t found it yet. Did you Baicaomen take the Lingbao as your own!”

“I do not know what you’re talking about!”

“Hmph, you Baicaomen have always been tricky, do you think I will believe your words?”

“Believe it or not! Fight if you want!”

The attitudes of both sides are equally strong!

As if The next moment is about to hit!

Seeing this, Chen Fan frowned. He wanted to grab the treasure, but he didn’t want to fight.

And Nan Wu obviously had the same idea as him.

It’s a pity that both of them are pretending to be Baicaomen.

It is impossible not to be affected by the fight later.

“Chen Fan, what should I do?”

Nan Wu approached Chen Fan’s ear, the warm breath made him tingle a little.

“What can I do? Just wait and see.

“It’s easy for us to be exposed!

“Talk it up.

Just when the two thought it would not be so easy to fight, the dispute on the field obviously began to escalate.

Originally, he shouldn’t have come this far so quickly, but as a result, the senior elder brother from Baicaomen is also a violent person, who doesn’t read the Beast King Ridge at all.

I saw that they were halfway through, and Fu Chuantang had already dug up his hoe and slashed towards the Beast King Ridge!

“Let you be arrogant!”

The emerald light accompanied by the hoe actually smashed a monster cultivator to the ground!


So outrageous!

Is this the character of a pill refiner?

Before Chen Fan and the others could figure out what to do, the battle broke out!

Fu Chuantang’s hoe directly detonated the war!

“you wanna die!

“The people from Beast King Ridge follow me!”

“Protect the big brother!

“Get ready to eat the Fortified Elixir!”

During the game time, there were shouts of killing!

However, the battle of pill refiners is a bit different from that of ordinary cultivators.

Especially the battle of Baicaomen is obviously very special.

Every disciple had a small capsule around their waist, and when the battle started, they took out a Medicine Pill from the capsule and ate it.

In an instant, the mighty Spiritual Qi surges!

Actually, every disciple has Ascension a lot!

The overall momentum of Baicaomen was suddenly raised a level!

Chen Fan was amazed by this way of fighting.

As expected of the pill refining Sect, it really has its own characteristics.

Although I don’t know what the disciples eat, it is obviously the Medicine Pill of the Cultivation Base that can short-term Ascension disciples.

On the Beast King Ridge, there is no collective drug use. They mainly rely on the power of the drugs to strengthen their bodies and strengthen their bodies.

By itself actually is not the type that often eats Medicine Pill.



The disciples on both sides collided, causing a powerful airflow.

Originally, Beast King Ridge, whose overall strength was slightly stronger than Baicaomen, was now at a disadvantage.

After taking the medicine, the overall strength of Baicaomen Ascension has been greatly improved, and the overall strength is pressed against the Beast King Ridge.

Facing the increasingly arrogant Baicaomen, Beast King Ling is obviously not a vegetarian.

The monster cultivators in the door (Wang Zhaozhao) roared wildly!

Some monster cultivators become beastly, and some monster cultivators become mad!

The outbreak of terror actually brought the situation back a little!

However, Chen Fan and Nan Wu had already hid on the edge of the battlefield.

It’s a pity that even if you hide to the edge, you can’t escape the battle.

Quite a few monster cultivators have noticed both of them.

A human-shaped saber-toothed tiger rushed over, extremely fast.

When he got close, the sharp claws in his hands skyrocketed, and it was a claw strike against Nan Wu!

This time, it is about the spirit of nature, and the people from both sides are elites.

Just this saber-toothed tiger monster cultivator has a spiritual Cultivation Base!

Faced with this strike, even Nan Wu was not easy.

“go to hell!”

Fierce claws are blowing towards the face, driving a strong wind of love!

However, the blow that was supposed to destroy the world was crushed by one hand.

Facing the saber-toothed tiger, Chen Fan punched his head into tofu!

The scene is so crisp and neat that it makes people unable to react!

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