Chapter 194: Heavenly Holy Code!

Since the scene can be read, wouldn’t this broken sword have infinite possibilities?

Is it not impossible to even read the scene of the Heavenly Emperor sword?

Chen Fan became more and more excited the more he thought about it.

The power of the imperial soldiers is so amazing!

I don’t know if it can be reproduced.

Chen Fan was very curious about the shocking event recorded in his diary.

He has always wondered what that palm looks like.

Now that he has the ability to read the scene, his first thought is to reproduce the original hall.

Driven by Chen Fan’s Spirit Power, Broken Sword in a dream slowly floated out some bubbles.

This is?

Chen Fan took a closer look, only to find that these bubbles were actually some fragments of the Heavenly Emperor sword.

There are clips of the battle just now, and there are clips of the evil god using the Heavenly Emperor sword.

It can be seen that Chen Fan is amazed.

This feeling is wonderful, as if the weapon also has a memory.

And dreaming is actually able to read the memory of the object and reproduce it!

This ability is a miracle!

Could it be that the power of the Jade Dream Disc is so miraculous?

Is the complete Jade Dream Disc stronger?

Or is this ability a new ability created only by the fusion of the Heavenly Emperor Sword and the Jade Dream Disc?

Realizing that he was actually thinking about such a clueless thing, Chen Fan shook his head.

He began to concentrate on checking 647 to see the bubbles.

Broken Sword’s bubbles floated out little by little.

Each bubble is actually a scene from the past.

It’s a pity that it seems to only be able to read recent scenes.

Chen Fan didn’t see that class until there were no more bubbles in the back.

The longest seems to be the last few years.

And that palm was something thousands of years ago.


Chen Fan sighed.

I thought I could reproduce the palm that hit the Western Regions…

In the end, it was found that there were only sporadic fragments of the past few years.

The life of the evil god is also very plain, and he is already the only one in this space.

He just sleeps all day long to heal his wounds

Some of the other bubbles in Broken Sword are from the Jade Dream Disc.

This is simpler, it’s just to seal the evil god…

The rest of the time is lying in his Dantian…

Chen Fan shook his head, it was rare to get such a fun ability.

Can’t stop now.

The most important thing is that he wants to see if he can find the treasure of Tianshen Divine Religion through this ability.

Although he got the imperial soldiers, Chen Fan still misses the Cultivation Technique of the Holy Spirit.

How could such a big sect not (cjbd) have a town sect Secret Technique?

He doesn’t believe that the Church of the Holy Spirit does not have a growth-level genius.

Chen Fan quit dreaming and started to play in this small space.

The space cut out by the Heretic God alone is not large, just the volume of a treasure house plus an open space outside.

Further out is a hazy world, and if you reach out and touch it, you will only feel a layer of strong barriers.

Ordinary people can’t make breakthroughs at all.

Even Chen Fan tried his best to hit him like mud into the sea.

It seems that this is the barrier of the world…

Only those who have reached a higher level have the power to break the space barriers and cross.

For now, Chen Fan is still far from it.

But the Heavenly Emperor Sword itself seems to have the law of space in it, and it is very easy to do it with the Heavenly Emperor Sword.

It’s a pity that the Heavenly Emperor sword was damaged, and the power of the space was much weaker.

At least now Broken Sword can’t cut such a big world out.

According to Chen Fan’s estimation, the current broken sword is only a dozen or twenty square meters… It’s enough to be a toilet..

Chen Fan wandered around this space.

Found nothing.

The fight just now broke a lot of things.

At least the treasure house is half collapsed.

It’s a pity that the treasure house only has a name with a treasure.

Chen Fan had read it when he first came, and there were only those books in the treasury.

Other places are empty.

Not a single baby.

Not even a single Spirit Stone.

But think about it, those treasures full of Spirit Power are also great supplements for the evil gods, and they have long been absorbed in order to recover from injuries.

No way to get him.

As for books, they were mostly useless to him.

There is no Spirit Power on these books, so the evil gods don’t care, and they are thrown into a corner of the treasure house.

Chen Fan walked out of the pile of books again.

Since it has the ability to read items.

Maybe the memory on these books is also useful?

Suddenly, he thought of the diary.

Chen Fan found the diary again.

If we can reproduce the scene of the diary, can we find the place where Holy Maiden was cut out?

For the Heavenly Emperor sword cutting space, in fact, the space that is cut out is generally in the same place.

It was as if the Heavenly Holy Spirit had escaped into the void.

In fact, it is cut out and independent from the world.

However, the location is still there, but there is no special way to enter it.

The same is true for the evil god that Chen Fan cut out just now.

The female puppet was still cut out of the place just now, but it was independent of the world, and it was temporarily impossible to return with the power of the Heretic God.

However, the evil god can slowly recover his strength and find an opportunity to rush back.

However, in a world without resources, even the evil gods are slow to recover.

According to Chen Fan’s estimation, it would not be feasible to restore that little bit of the evil god’s power within tens of thousands of years.

Such a long time is enough for him to come back and kill him when he is free later.

When the strength is stronger, it is still an easy thing to completely exterminate the evil god.

Now, the most important thing is to find the place where Holy Maiden cut out.

make dream!

With Chen Fan’s Spirit Power drive, a fantastic space reappears.

Chen Fan threw the diary in.

As the dream was read, bubbles appeared on the diary.

In the bubble, Chen Fan only sees the quietness of the treasure house in recent years


Chen Fan frowned.

The scene time that can be read is too short.

It’s just a few years, and there’s no way to do something that happened tens of thousands of years ago.

It would be nice if there was another time-related Imperial Soldier and Broken Sword fusion..

I believe that with the power of time, we can see the original scene.

It’s even possible to see that amazing!

Suddenly, Chen Fan realized that he seemed to be thinking too much.

He didn’t even know if there were any time-related imperial soldiers in this world, but he actually wondered if he could integrate a time imperial soldier.

Are you too greedy?

He shook his head and smiled wryly.

The Holy Spirit is so big, the ghost knows where the Holy Maiden came from…

The treasure house has never found anything like Tiansheng Divine Sect’s Zhenpai Secret Technique.

Chen Fan wondered if he would bury Holy Maiden when he cut it out.

If it is, he can only sigh that there is no fate. . . .


Since the notes are the last minute, the place to cut should not be far away.

Thinking of this, Chen Fan rekindled hope.


With Chen Fan’s cuts in the treasure house again and again, this time, he actually cut out something!

Holy Code!

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