Chapter 179 Grab Gundam!

This…what the hell!

Stronger than the evil god, he directly took a deep breath!

Is it this kid!

No, not possible!

It’s a pity that the evil god noticed it too late…

With Chen Fan’s last action, the stone skin was peeled off, and his evil god power madly poured into the shocking ore!


The corpse dove sitting on the seat suddenly rushed into the field like crazy, and his face was contorted with anxiety.

How could he allow an ant to interrupt his resurrection plan!

He had nothing to say when he lost to Yi Tianzi, but he lost to this kid!

However, it was too late.

With the influx of Chen Fan’s evil god power, the man in the shocking original mine actually opened his eyes!

In an instant, a terrifying and evil power spread out!

Let everyone be refreshed.

At this time, the Corpse Crow has rushed to the front.

But the man didn’t dodge, he punched the corpse dove directly in the face!


The terrifying power smashed the corpse dove to pieces!

The corpse dove’s head was directly blown into the air by the man’s punch!


“Really or not, did he open his eyes?”

“Fuck, characters from tens of thousands of years ago survived?”

“No! It’s impossible!”

The experts who had just sworn that the man was dead were all shocked at the moment.

This! This makes no sense!

Why is this man still alive?

The conclusion of so many of them is that none of Chen Fan can see it right?

In an instant, a sense of shame overwhelms these experts…

But no one cares about experts anymore.

Now everyone’s focus is on the man with his eyes open!

This man bears the mystery of disappearing for tens of thousands of years, and there is even news of the Heavenly Sacred Sect’s imperial soldiers, which is the key to everything!

Apparently everyone thought of this.

“Stop him!”

Not knowing who opened the mouth first, everyone took action to suppress the raw ore man.

They saw that scene just now.

This man was very strong, and he knocked out a monster cultivator in Tianyaomen with one punch.

If such a strong person makes him run away, it will be difficult to find.

Suppressing him now is undoubtedly the last option!

In an instant, all kinds of magic tricks descended on the man.

The colorful bondage wrapped the man tightly.

Just when everyone thought they were suppressed, the man’s whole body trembled, and he shattered the surrounding Restrictions!


What kind of power is this?

Jing seems to have shattered their control without using real energy?

What kind of body is this!

Just when everyone wanted to cast the spell again, the man rushed out at an extremely fast speed!


The man’s entire figure disappeared in place like a teleportation, and when he reappeared, he was already in front of Ouyang’s house!

Because things happened so fast, except for the third uncle, almost none of Ouyang’s children reacted.

The man slammed down with a pair of iron fists!

Under the extreme gravity, he directly smashed Ouyang Tian, ​​who hadn’t reacted yet, into meat sauce!

Extremely violent power even knocked the flesh apart like a balloon!


Is this man crazy?

Killing as soon as you come out?

“Stop him!

The people who reacted took action one after another.

Various controls emerge one after another.

However, if the man ignores the rest of the Ouyang family, he is an iron fist.

Broken pieces!

Another two Ouyang children turned into meat sauce!


The third uncle who arrived rushed towards the man like crazy.

What kind of evil did their Ouyang family do! Not to mention the death of a god body, and then so many people died one after another, how can he explain this as the escort?

Especially when another Ouyang Tian died just now!

The third uncle is a little crazy at this moment, and a terrifying flame burns fiercely at the man!

However, his always tyrannical flames burned the man without causing any wounds!

What’s even more terrifying is that the man dragged his Restrictions and forcibly rushed towards him and punched him hard!

In the face of this fist that was almost tearing the space, (cjbd) Uncle San retreated frantically.

However, in the end, he was swept to the back of his hand by his fist, and there was a terrifying sound!

His right arm was completely crippled!


The third uncle was obviously very angry, he directly took out a scarlet crow gun given by the family, and stabbed it on the man.


Sparks fly!

However, there are no scars on the man’s body!

It’s not very effective!

Even the third uncle collapsed.

But soon, everyone was surprised to find that after the man was hit by the Scarlet Crow Spear, he stopped moving.

The Ouyang family’s red crow gun is so powerful?

The scene is really confusing…

The man stopped after Ouyang’s family started killing, and stayed on the spot like a wooden pestle.

Because of his tyrannical performance just now, at this moment, everyone would not dare to approach for a while.

However, what people didn’t notice was.

Chen Fan was so tired that he was paralyzed..

Phew~ It’s so tiring to control this man!

Chen Fan sighed.

In fact, from the beginning, this man’s movements have always been under his control.

Originally, he thought that a man had consciousness, and as long as he pretended to be an evil god, he could order a man to act.

As a result, it was found on the link that the man was not conscious at all.

Just an empty shell.

There is no trace of soul in the body.

It seems that he is really dead, and only this incomparably tyrannical body is left behind!

After connecting, Chen Fan discovered that he could use the power of the evil god to control the man’s actions.

So there is the next scene.

It is a pity that the power of the evil god consumed by controlling the man is unexpectedly high.

Even if he doesn’t do anything, he will have to consume a lot of the power of the Heretic God just to control it!

This time, controlling the man to kill Ouyang’s family almost exhausted his spiritual sense.

In desperation, he could only rest for a while.

Without Chen Fan’s control, the man immediately became an empty shell.

Was subdued in place by the crowd.

“What a terrifying power, what kind of person is this taught by the Holy Spirit!”

No, this person has no breath?

“Without the fluctuation of divine sense, it is like a dead person!”

Surrounding the trapped man, everyone started a careful investigation.

But got nothing!

The man seemed to be dead without any movement.

Looking at everyone looking up and down, Chen Fan shook his head.

Without the power of the Heretic God, he could not control the man at all, and at most, he could only see the empty shell.

It was a pity that the Ouyang family was not completely wiped out.

But the problem is not big, seeing Sanshu’s ruthless face makes him feel relieved.

When he recovers a little, Mental Energy can completely destroy the rest of the Ouyang family!

Just as Chen Fan was working on his abacus, the man moved…


Now it’s time for Chen Fan to break a cold sweat!

How is it possible to move!

Obviously not under his control!

Doesn’t this thing require the power of the evil god?

Suddenly, he thought of a corpse dove.

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