Chapter 173 Copy the supernatural powers! Goodbye Yue’er!

In an instant, the incomparable Tai Xuan Sword Qi crossed.

With a mighty momentum for thousands of miles, the extremely violent Sword Qi spewed out from the ground!

Bring thousands of meters of yellow sand!


This unexpected angle caught Ouyang Tian off guard, and was hit directly onto the flames that surrounded him.


The flame of protecting the body was instantly cut in half by Chen Fan, the extremely tyrannical Sword Qi.

It even directly penetrated all of Ouyang Tian’s defenses and hit his Nascent Soul!


A large mouthful of blood spurted out, and Ouyang Tian was cut off like a kite with a broken string!

one strike!

Ouyang Tian of Nascent Soul was actually knocked back with a single blow!


It’s a cross-level challenge!

Everyone was dumbfounded.

What a huge gap between a big Realm!

You actually cross the challenge?

Isn’t this something only those perverted Sons and Gods can do?

“His sword has the demeanor of a young swordsman!”

The younger generation, I have never seen a more terrifying sword than this!

“Perhaps only those famous young swordsmen have such power!

Ouyang Tian’s face was undoubtedly smeared by the undisguised discussions of the crowd.

Chen Fan’s sword from Naha Jue Tiandi cut a crack in his Nascent Soul in an instant!

The extremely sharp Sword Qi made him tremble until now!

“Chen Fan, Chen Fan!

Ouyang Tian was furious!

“Everyone come together!

This Ouyang Tian is not wanting face anymore. A Nascent Soul realm is still besieging the spirit realm with others?

Although everyone’s contempt made Ouyang Tian feel ashamed, he has never been a person who obeyed the rules. At this moment, he has only one purpose.

That’s killing Chen Fan!

In time, 16 Ouyang disciples rushed up.

“The flames change!

“Fire Crow Thorn!”


All kinds of flame supernatural powers were used by these Ouyang children!

The furious flames directly burned all the nearby sand into glass!

For someone like Chen Fan who has no equipment, the clothes on his body were instantly burnt to ashes…

However, no matter how strong the flames were, they couldn’t burn through his Eternal Dragon Divine Body.

At this moment, in this battlefield like the flame The Underworld, his divine body is safe and sound!


Everyone who had retreated several kilometers was shocked again when they saw Chen Fan’s powerful defense.

“What kind of body is this! Even Magic Treasures would melt at such a high temperature!”

“Hey~ I can’t imagine that someone can move freely in such a high temperature!”

This kind of “temperature makes us go in and fear that even the bones will evaporate.”

Even the audience can see that Chen Fan is safe and sound, and everyone in the battlefield naturally sees it.

All of them frowned and looked serious.

They have used a few layers of force, and they are the clearest.

It’s almost all done!

As a result, this Chen Fan can still move freely in the flame Realm they created?

This kind of powerful divine body is probably stronger than that of the Holy Son of Ouyang Yan…

When they think of such a person growing up, they can’t imagine how the Ouyang family will deal with him in the future!

Ouyang Tian obviously thought of this as well, and his eyes narrowed as he greeted all the disciples.

“Form formation! Dayan Burning Heaven Formation!”

Following Ouyang Tian’s order, everyone immediately dispersed in all directions and began to form formations!

But Chen Fan didn’t have time to see what formation they formed.

I saw the force under his feet, the powerful force belonging to the divine body burst out, and the glass floor under his feet was instantly shattered by him!

The whole person rushed out like a cannonball!


The speed was too fast, and he exclaimed that the disciple was punched in the head by Chen Fan before he even finished speaking.

In an instant, sixteen became fifteen…

It’s quiet

What speed is this?

Many people are in a flash, and this Ouyang family child has already died in a different place.


The audience may not feel it, but the children of the Ouyang family feel very clearly!

What kind of ordinary person is this? This is clearly a humanoid tyrannosaurus!

The terrifying force when they ran almost made them unsteady!

Especially the disciple who was instantly headshot made them tremble!


“Don’t come here!”

Looking at the panicked eyes of the children of the Ouyang family, Chen Fan inexplicably felt a sadistic feeling in his heart!

At this moment, all his swords were put away.

The whole person traverses the battlefield with a terrifying divine body.

When all the fire magical powers hit him, none of them could penetrate his defense!

But the thrill of protecting his head with his own hands is Chen Fan’s a little addicted..

For his powerful strength, protecting the other party’s head is as easy as unscrewing the bottle cap!

The battlefield where Chen Fan was originally executed seemed to have become his slaughterhouse, and howls of terror erupted one after another!

After 10 disciples died, Ouyang Tian couldn’t bear it any longer.

He knew that if this continued, his children would all die…

He has been scared to death by Chen Fan’s terrifying tyranny!

I saw Ouyang Tian hurriedly rushed to the direction of the carriage, roaring while flying!

“Uncle Third, save me!”

Hearing Ouyang Tian’s words, Chen Fan’s face turned cold.

There are still people in the carriage!

And listening to this generation, the other party is likely to be a powerful enemy!

If that’s the case, then start first.

It’s not dead anyway!


Chen Fan drew his sword, and another fierce Sword Qi chased after Ouyang Tian from the ground!

Boom boom boom!


Just when Sword Qi was about to catch up with Ouyang Tian and was about to cut him in half, a loud shout shattered his Sword Qi!

With just this voice, Chen Fan can already conclude that the other party must have a Cultivation Base around the spirit transformation realm!

It’s actually a realm of transformation!

Soon, Daoist came out of the carriage.

It was an old man with a black beard!

This old man’s flame supernatural power has obviously reached a higher level, and even his hair is burning like a flame!

First the eyebrows, then the hair, Chen Fan even wondered if the boss of the Ouyang family was burning all over..

However, soon, he had no time to think about it.

The terrifying coercion from the third uncle of the Ouyang family came in an instant!

Extreme Fire Crow!

An awakening supernatural power that takes Dayan Burning Heaven cultivation to a profound level.

In an instant, several blazing crows flew out.

Throwing in front of Chen Fan is a mouthful of flames!

The crow is very small, and the flames it spit out are not big.

However, it was this flame-like flame that made Chen Fan feel the burning of his divine body!

This temperature is actually more terrifying than Ouyang Tian’s Yan Wang strike!

And three fire crows surrounded him to attack!


Chen Fan shouted.

The powerful power instantly swept away the crows around him, and he rushed directly towards the old man.

However, a faint wall of fire appeared in front of the old man in an instant.

Just getting close, Chen Fan could actually feel a fiery heat that would shatter the divine body!

How long has this old man been cultivating, and he actually has so many powerful supernatural powers!

Chen Fan frowned.

The old man obviously did not intend to give him any time to hesitate, and waved directly.

It is a powerful flame armor attached to the whole body, and the whole person is rushing towards Fan like a fire god.

Before anyone arrived, the blazing high temperature burned Chen Fan’s eyebrows!

Faced with this, Chen Fan directly used the inverse scale!

The extremely tyrannical dragon energy poured out of the body, directly wrapping him.

The originally terrifying high temperature actually weakened a lot in an instant.

The old man was obviously surprised by his inverse scales, but he didn’t say anything.

Just holding the flame armor and slashing down, even the fire knife in his hand is part of the armor!


The collision between the two erupted into a terrifying wave of air.

Severely high temperatures can even form a cyclone!

Chen Fan was directly knocked back hundreds of meters by this strike…

The old man only stepped back a little.

But that was enough to make him frown.

How could this child with spiritual realm resist my supernatural powers?

He is a goddess!

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a thousand times stronger than the spiritual realm!

This Realm gap can’t be killed in seconds?

At this moment, the eyes of the old man became extremely terrifying.

In his eyes, Chen Fan has become someone who must be killed.

This kind of genius, it would be too terrifying to let him grow up!


After making a decision, the third uncle of the Ouyang family did not hesitate at all.

Facing Chen Fan who flew out hundreds of meters is crazy culling!

A burst of flames came, and Chen Fan, who had just stood firm, frowned.

The strength of the enemy was a bit unexpected.


Facing the rushing enemy, Chen Fan concentrated a little and stabbed with all his strength!


Another strong confrontation!

||| Hack!



He used every move to make an exquisite trick, and the powerful Tai Xuan Sword Technique actually allowed him to deal with the enemy for a short time!

At this moment, the two of them had already been fighting and the dust was flying, and everyone even retreated several thousand meters before they were not affected…

Now the audience of the show can hardly see the movements of the two.

The situation of the battle can only be guessed from the sporadic firelight.

Qiu Yishu was even more nervous, but she was no longer able to intervene in the current battle.

Thinking of the strength of the old man, Qiu Yishu hurriedly contacted the business powerhouse.

I just hope I can catch up to save Chen Fan.

On the other side, in the battlefield.

Chen Fan was beaten up and ran around everywhere, but he was unscathed in a short time!

Even the old man was startled.

What kind of defense is this?

But this strike will cost you your life!

A terrifying pinch of flame flashed in the old man’s hand, and even the space was burned by the flames!

Divine Flame!

“go to hell!”

The old man’s palm slapped Chen Fan fiercely!

However, The next moment, he was stunned…  

His palm did not shoot on Chen Fan, but on a pair of flame armor!

It was exactly the same as the flame armor he summoned!

“Impossible! How could you cultivate the Red Crow Flame Armor? It’s impossible!”

No wonder the old man was surprised, at this moment, Chen Fan is the old man’s stunt imitated by the supernatural power of the Qiwu theory: the red crow flame armor!

This unparalleled flame defense power actually blocked his natal divine flame!

Seeing that the own magical power is actually on the other side, the old man was so angry that the flames on his head were even more intense!

“Go to hell!

Kick, Kick!

In an instant, the two of them frantically fought against each other for dozens of tricks.

Still (Wang Ma Zhao) did not win Chen Fan!

The old man became more and more panicked, what kind of monster is this guy!

And Chen Fan is actually not much better…

No matter how strong the divine body is, it is obviously limited, and his body is already scalded.

Even the power of the Heretic God has been temporarily exhausted, and the state has been supplemented by the supernatural power of the new word and the supernatural power of the spiritual word.

But it’s obviously a bit of a stretch.

Chen Fan frowned.

In fact, he has a bit of confidence in continuing to fight, but not much.

Is it to be revealed that he will cross space?

No, this is his stuff under pressure.

Just when Chen Fan hesitated, the old man struck again.

Chen Fan was knocked thousands of meters away without realizing it!

It’s now!

Relying on the distance he was hit, Chen Fan used the crossing.

The transcendence of the spiritual realm is thousands of meters, and he actually rushed out seven or eight kilometers at once!

Just when Chen Fan was hesitating about where to go next, he felt a familiar aura coming!

This Xuantian Sect!

A familiar horse-drawn carriage approached.

A pair of wonderful eyes peered out of the carriage and saw Chen Fan who was a little stunned.

Pulled him into the wagon…


This cold-hearted woman actually knew that the situation was urgent, and shoved him directly into the ice silk cotton silk under the seat. Yue’er was sitting on a stool similar to a sofa, and the soft cotton silk like a swan could make Chen Fan stuffed it all in.

It’s just that Chen Fan was already naked in the fight just now, and Yue’er sat directly on him again. The thin clothes couldn’t block the body temperature of the two at all.

But at the moment, it is obvious that the Ouyang family is more urgent.

Soon, the third uncle of the Ouyang family came over!

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