Chapter 113 Long Yuan!

Just when Chen Fan and the others were still thinking about what this monster had to do with the billions of dragon bones.

The sarcoma monster below is actually acting again.

I saw its wings fighting, and only the bones and wings of the periosteum left.

Was planning to fly!

The most terrifying thing is that this monster gradually flew up!

Can you fly even with a little fleshy membrane left over from a complete bone?

Chen Fan couldn’t help but doubt his own eyes..

But soon, he didn’t have time to complain.

The speed of this dragon’s flight was gradually accelerated, and the huge size was rushing towards it in the air!

At this moment, Tuoba Feng obviously did not intend to sit still.

There is no exit here, there is no choice but to fight!

Divine Vision: Phoenix Real Body!

In an instant, the Phoenix wings that Chen Fan had seen before appeared in the back of Tuoba Yiyuan. This is not over yet. This time, there is a Phoenix phantom all over the body, and a powerful flame spreads out!

Obviously, this time Tuoba Yiyuan fully exerted the power of the first vision.

Seeing that the women were doing their best, Chen Fan was naturally embarrassed to hide it.

With one move of his hand, in this world where hundreds of millions of keels seem lifeless, countless trees in the sky suddenly descended!

It is the vision tree world that has come!

In the face of the rushing monster, the two great visions shot together.

The wings of Phoenix’s real body are like two lightsabers slashing into the monster’s body!

However, the intense heat that should have directly burned the flesh membrane was only a little spark, and then it was extinguished by the breath of the monster!

The terrifying giant force of the monster directly hit Tuoba Yiyuan!

At this time, hundreds of millions of leaves from the tree world arrived and hit the monster like a violent storm.

Originally, the leaves that could pierce through walls or even through the defenses of the Gold Core realm were actually as powerless as ordinary leaves when hitting monsters.

wow rub!

What’s the matter with this monster?

Chen Fan was secretly shocked.

If nothing else, the defensive power of this monster alone is astonishing.

Although the two of them are only in the Gold Core realm, the power they play must surpass the Gold Core realm and reach the spiritual realm.

But it still doesn’t move!

Before Chen Fan could think about it, the monster flapped its bone wings and rushed in front of him like a storm.


Chen Fan slipped dangerously and narrowly past the monster’s attack, followed by a powerful sword skill!

Xuanque style Canglong style.

In an instant, the Canglong Stance, which had been enhanced by the Xuan Sparrow Stance, had already been slashed out, and the furious Canglong had his scales flying off the monster when he hit the monster…

The entire Canglong disappeared completely without seeing the monster get hurt at all!

Such a strong defense!

Suddenly, an incomparably hot temperature rose behind him.

Chen Fan didn’t have to look back to guess that it must be Tuoba Yiyuan’s phoenix map.

Sure enough, with a phoenix cry from behind, a large group of flames also smashed into the monster’s body.

However, the effect is weak after all…



The two fought around the monster for a long time, but they couldn’t break the defense!

What’s even more terrifying is that this monster seems to be tirelessly slaughtering like crazy, never stopping at all!

Monsters have unlimited physical strength, but their Spirit Power is limited.

This is obviously not the way to go, Tuoba Yiyuan frowned slightly.

Chen Fan obviously knew this, and even said it intentionally or unintentionally.

“It doesn’t seem like this is the way to go, princess, long.”

He said this, of course, to make Tuoba Yifeng make more moves, who didn’t order the big moves at the bottom of the box, right?


Tuoba Jianfeng’s Qiongbi snorted, obviously knowing what Chen Fan was thinking.

“Go back.

Although Chen Fan has exceeded her expectations time and time again, no matter how strong she is, she is only at the early stage of the Gold Core realm.

Now it’s up to her.

Hearing Tuoba Yiyuan’s voice, Chen Fan wisely hid to the side.

Soon, a group of agile flames formed from the jade fingers of Tuoba Yiyuan. It seemed that the temperature was not high, but it had an overwhelming power!

Heart flame!

It is the flame that the Phoenix undead extracts its vitality, and it will not be used unless it is absolutely necessary!

Just a small flame, Tuoba Yiyuan’s face turned white.

But at this moment, it is obvious that it can’t be controlled so much.

This group of small flames was gently thrown out by Tuoba Feng.

|The small flame fluttered in the wind, just falling on the rushing monster.

Then, there was a terrifying explosion!


The flames that contain vitality seem to have a powerful effect.

The monster screamed and fell from the sky!


But before the two of them were happy for too long, the monster who thought they had been killed actually stood up again.

Afterwards, countless turbid breaths were inhaled into his body from the billions of keels!

The sarcoma that had been injured a little by the blast actually recovered again!

It seems that in these billions of keels, he actually has endless power.

Seeing this scene, Tuoba Yifeng’s face turned pale.

The trick just now has consumed a lot of her vitality, and it didn’t kill her, it will only be more difficult to fight later…

However, Chen Fan had a clue.

Judging from the supernatural power of the initial vitality and the flame of Tuoba Yiyuan.

This monster is obviously afraid of life force?

The more he thought about it, the more correct he felt, but unfortunately he didn’t seem to have any moves that could use his vitality.

Just when Chen Fan was thinking, the monster rushed over at an even more terrifying speed.

This time the speed is not much better than theirs!

Since Chen Fan was relatively close, the monster rushed straight towards Chen Fan.

Although it was still drawn to face each other just now, it is good to have one more teammate to deal with this monster at this moment.

Seeing Chen Fan being attacked, Tuoba Yiyuan shouted to remind him.

However, Fan did not hide, possessing the power of the evil god and the supernatural powers of the new word, he was confident that the monster could not stop him.

Since there is no move that can use vitality, he might as well explode vitality directly on the monster.

Although this monster is ugly, it’s a little ugly, but it can’t be controlled so much now.


The monster flew, and the huge hand grabbed Chen Fan, holding him firmly in his hand.

The huge impact made Chen Fan’s qi and blood fly, but fortunately, the power of the evil god repaired his internal organs in time.

He pressed one hand directly on the monster’s hand, and the power of life surged.

If it takes time, the monster roars in pain, but still doesn’t let go!

The terrifying power seems to crush Chen Fan!

Just when Chen Fan was about to have a life-and-death speed with the monster, another small flame hit the sky.

It hit the monster’s head, and a powerful force of life burst out!


The monster let go of Chen Fan in pain, but this time it didn’t fall again!

Instead, he shook his head, and the injured part recovered madly on its own!

Almost instantly, it recovered and flew towards Tuoba Bingfeng at a more terrifying speed!

This monster seems to get stronger every time it recovers?

This information is simply hopeless. …

But what is even more desperate is that after casting Heart Flame twice in a row, Tuoba Yiyuan’s vitality was greatly overdrawn. At this moment, his face was pale and his body was unstable!

With one big hand, the monster grabbed Tuoba Chair Feng, who was a little out of strength!

The terrifying force makes this Phoenix undead make a sound!

Tuoba Yiyuan let out a few screams of pain, and the beautiful red eyes faded.

I didn’t expect her to be planted here? It seems that there is nothing left for Chen Fan.

On the other hand, Chen Fan sighed, although he didn’t like Tuoba Yiyuan because of the simulation.

But what people said was that they spent a lot of life trying to save him just now.

Although he didn’t plan to escape originally, these Tuoba Yiyuan didn’t know either.

Thinking of this, Chen Fan sacrificed his killer copper.

It takes time, the air seems to condense together!

A terrifying power erupted from Chen Fan’s hands!

With this power, even the monsters paused!

A dreamlike sword appeared out of thin air in Chen Fan’s hand!

Divine Ability: Dream Sword!

This sword between the virtual and the real seems to contain a Star!


Following Chen Fan’s violent shout, the Dream Sword swung across the air.

An overwhelming sword track swept through the world, instantly slashing into the monster’s soul!

ah ah ah~

A disgusting roar sounded, and the monster folded its head and fell again.

Tuoba Bingfeng in his hand couldn’t grasp it.

She broke free directly.

||||You are still hiding!”

Tuoba Chair Feng, who broke free, gritted his silver teeth and looked at Chen Fan’s face with a bit of viciousness.

At this moment, the two of them communicated a bit like teammates.

“Cough, this is called hiding, I just think that this trick is useless, so I don’t need it.

Sure enough, as Chen Fan said.

The monster below actually recovered again!

Both of them looked cold.

The more you fight, the stronger the monsters that are immune to most attacks, it’s terrifying!

Tuoba “Yiyuan, I believe you can see it too, it is afraid of vitality, you use the flame just now, I will pass on your vitality.”

At such a time, Chen Fan was no longer able to keep secrets, so he shared the information directly.

However, Tuoba Hefeng did not believe it.

“How much vitality can you have in a Gold Core early stage? Don’t be stupid.”

However, The next moment, Chen Fan’s grasp of her hand actually conveyed a huge amount of vitality!

This made Tuoba Feng’s eyes flash, and he looked at Chen Fan in surprise.

How many secrets does this little brother have?

With the cooperation of the two, this time the flame of the heart is extraordinarily powerful!

The monster also spread its wings and flew up again.


Tuoba Yifeng threw the heart flame that had grown to the strongest.


Shocking explosion!

However, after a brief silence, the monster roared again!

It’s not dead!

Tuoba Bingfeng was a little desperate now, that was already the most effective move, but it was still useless.

Chen Fan frowned.

Never thought it would be so difficult!

Although I really don’t want to expose the killer, but there is no way…

He couldn’t bear to see the Empress die.

I saw him grab the hand of Tuoba Chair (Wang’s) Feng, and in the other’s surprised eyes, he used the supernatural power to press the bottom of the box.


The two of them were teleported out of the extremely bizarre billions of keels in an instant!


At this moment, even the Empress began to be shocked!

“You still have a hole card!”

“Cough, it’s really gone.”

Just as the two silently stared at each other, the air was shaking!

The head of a sarcoma came out of the cave!

Can this f*ck catch up?

Chen Fan was secretly shocked.

What kind of monster is this!


The two Tianjiao can only run away at this moment, and the monsters now are really not something they can deal with.

However, how terrifying the speed of the monsters after several enhancements, a flap of wings approached them in an instant!

Looking at the monsters that were getting closer and closer behind them, the two mentioned their speed again and again.

But obviously, being caught up is a matter of time.

Looking at the approaching monster, Tuoba Yifeng clenched his silver teeth.

Suddenly, she thought of something.

In this cave full of mountains, some caves are very small, maybe they can avoid the pursuit of monsters!

Soon, she found a very small cave that only humanoids could enter.

“Turn in!

Chen Fan, who was flying fast, was directly led into a small cave by Tuoba Bingfeng in front of him.


There was a huge crashing sound outside!

It doesn’t seem to be able to get in!

However, The next moment.. A pure force caught the attention of both of them.

That’s Long Yuan!

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