Chapter 111 The second supernatural power outside the world: life!

Even the slate can feel it!

It seems that it is not far from this supernatural power.

Chen Fan moved forward slowly following the induction of the slate.

Along the way, there were bursts of corpse odor!

The feet are hanging on the hanging. On the keel, there was a chilling sound.

The rancid stench in the air filled the air.

Chen Fan frowned.

With his five senses that have been sharpened many times, he always feels as if he has sight?

If he could, he really wanted to lie down and simulate what was going on.

But it is obviously impossible, and now he can only lift his spirits and move forward in this situation.

With the Cultivation Base in the Gold Core realm, he walked on the white bone road as if he were on the ground, and he walked smoothly.

However, after walking for a while, there was still no gain.

It is still the keel of one place, and at a glance, it is still the keel of “Six Zero Zero” as far as the eye can see.

What is this?

Chen Fan touched his chin and flew up.

This time it’s obviously different!

Looking down from the air, these scattered keels seem to have a specific arrangement?

Chen Fan is more and more shocked!

This is obviously an extraterrestrial supernatural power written with a keel!

Who the hell writes magic with such a handwriting!

This is the dragon family!

Also, why are you writing this magic?

After the last supernatural power danger, Chen Fan has every reason to suspect that this supernatural power also has a special purpose….

The last battle word magical power almost took his life on it.

Fortunately, it was the best moment to comprehend the means left by Yi Tianzi to save the danger.

Is it dangerous this time?

Honestly, Chen Fan thinks it’s very possible…

After all, there are so many keels in the field at this time, and how many are still incalculable.

Even if there is something hidden underneath, it doesn’t seem to be a strange thing.

But he can’t control that much anymore, the supernatural power is right in front of him, and the ghost won’t take it!

Chen Fan shook his head and began to concentrate on observing the magical power drawn by the keel.

Soon, he entered a mysterious Realm!

At this moment, the keel seemed to be alive in his mind and rearranged into a set of incomparably mysterious magical powers!

This is.…

Extraterrestrial Powers: Live!

One after another mysterious trajectories merged into his mind, and the new words in his brain seemed to be alive!

A force of life appeared directly in his body!

He actually created life force out of thin air!

No one will believe it!

You must know that the power of life is a kind of pure energy generally recognized by practitioners.

All taken from nature!

It can be obtained from mountains, rivers, trees, etc., but it cannot be created out of thin air!

Even the most powerful cultivators only gradually gain powerful vitality through the accumulation of life force accumulated over time.

But that wasn’t his own life force.

Rather, it strengthens the vitality that is available within oneself by purifying the vitality of the outside world!

But what’s up with Chen Fan now?

He can generate life force out of thin air!

If this is known to some ancient families, it is estimated that he will be taken back to study!

This is simply a miracle beyond the cognition of all cultivators!

Although vitality does not directly affect combat effectiveness like Spirit Power.

However, vitality can greatly enhance people’s spirit and resilience, and even prolong life is not a problem!

There are some Cultivation Technique moves that require enormous vitality to perform.

There are even some evil sects who have heard that they can use their vitality to display various magical powers!

Feeling the vitality overflowing from his body, Chen Fan’s heart was agitated.

Outer world supernatural powers can even do such a thing?

Thinking that this is the ability of good fortune, he really can’t calm down!

Chen Fan became more and more curious about the supernatural powers outside the world.

What kind of existence can create such an earth-shattering mystery?

It’s a pity that Yi Tianzi couldn’t hold it at that time, otherwise he might be able to know what kind of existence of supernatural powers outside the world.

Imagining more mysterious supernatural powers, Chen Fan was fascinated with a little heart.

He took out a Gold Core realm sword from the space ring, and condensed Sword Qi to give himself a knife, and at the same time controlled the power of the evil god in his body and prevented them from repairing.

Extraterrestrial Powers: Live!

In an instant, a huge amount of vitality poured out, repairing the wound quickly!

Soon, not even a single scar could be seen.

Chen Fan himself has hardly any consumption yet!

This, this, this is really perverted!

Although the effect is similar to the power of the evil god, they are actually two different powers.

Vitality can help him make a small sapling grow into a towering tree, but the power of the evil god cannot.

The power of the evil god is more inclined to repair, and it does not help the life, spirit, and spirit of the creature.

Chen Fan sighed contentedly after experiencing this extremely mysterious supernatural power.

In the future, I am afraid that it will be hard to fall if I want to die.

With supernatural powers and the power of the evil god, his resilience has reached an extremely terrifying level!

I’m afraid it’s not much better than those legendary demons.

What’s more, those celestial monsters need to consume Blood Qi and life force even if they recover.

And he has infinite vitality!

How does this compare?

Imagining the situation where he could even fight with the Heavenly Demon, Chen Fan almost laughed out loud.

However, the surprises don’t stop there!

He actually felt that the two supernatural powers he possessed could complement each other!


This is?

As the two supernatural powers resonated with each other in my mind, the two supernatural powers were actually strengthened again!

The supernatural powers of the outside world, which can increase the combat power by five times, can now increase the combat power by eight times!

But the new word supernatural power is the vitality becomes more vigorous and majestic!

Can the supernatural powers be complementary to each other?

Chen Fan is ecstatic!

This made him even more determined to collect supernatural powers from all over the world.

If he can collect and discard all the supernatural powers outside the world… he can’t imagine that he has become strong since 1.3!

These two magical powers alone are enough to make countless people break their heads.

Especially the supernatural power of the new word directly broke the inherent impression of the cultivator.

Generate life force out of thin air!

Thinking of this mysterious and mysterious effect, Chen Fan suddenly felt that there should be a magical power that produces Spirit Power.  …

After all, there are even magical powers that generate vitality, so it seems no wonder that Spirit Power is generated?

Soon, he shook his head.

What the hell are you thinking about, you can even think of such a ridiculous thing

Just when Chen Fan was obsessed with himself, there was another shock in the air!


someone is coming?

Chen Fan was stunned.

At this time, there are not only people who can come…

Sure enough, a stunning figure appeared here!

Tuoba Yi Garden!

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