Chapter 106 Longling opens!

Looking at the extremely disgusting face that suddenly appeared.

And the key in hand that may have been owned originally..

Tuoba Wu’s Dao heart cracked…

“Ahhhh! Chen Fan!”

He rushed towards Chen Fan like a madman, looking like he was going to die together!

“Tuoba Wu!”

Tuoba Huangfu obviously knew that there was something wrong with Tuoba Wu’s Dao heart, and directly held down his brother.

“Be awake, your Dao heart will collapse if you go on like this!”

With Tuoba Huangfu’s reminder, Tuoba Wucai regained a little bit of sanity and hurriedly meditated to calm his mind.

At this time, Chen Fan had been blocked by the disciples with spiritual realm on the left and right, and two huge Spirit Power poured into his body, actually sealing his Spirit Power!

Looking at Chen Fan who had been suppressed, Tuoba Huangfu stood with his hands behind his back with a look of indifference.

“A Gold Core realm dares to come to the Divine Dynasty alone, you are such a daring “six zero zero” son!”

However, Chen Fan was silent and said nothing.

“What? Are you afraid? Why didn’t you feel afraid when you killed my disciples?”

Tuoba Huangfu looked at Chen Fan indifferently, as if looking at a dog.

In fact, he does have the capital to be arrogant. He has cultivated to the spiritual realm at such a young age, and there are not many people in the world.

However, all Chen Fan thought about was Long Yuan. He was waiting for Long Ling to open.

Although the plan is slightly different, it is not a big problem, and it can still be carried out according to the original plan.

Now the situation is that everyone thinks he has been pinned down.

However, his Spirit Power, who has the emperor’s Cultivation Technique, is extremely tyrannical, and two ordinary spiritual realms are really nothing.

As long as he doesn’t act rashly, waits quietly for the Longling to open, and then breaks free and rushes into the Longling.

It’s a pity, even with the simulation device, his plan went wrong, let alone a situation that he hadn’t simulated.

Because of the dog licking diary, Chen Fan didn’t bother to simulate it, but there were unexpected situations.

Seeing that Chen Fan still didn’t speak, Tuoba Huangfu was obviously impatient.

“Feed him Feng Xian San, throw him into the prison, and wait for his release.

After saying that, he turned his head and left, obviously losing interest.

It’s just a cultivator who defeated his brother, and he can’t get into his eyes.

However, this time Chen Fan can’t be indifferent. Although he has Fengxian Antibody, it will take time to completely remove the effect of Fengxian Powder.

Thinking of this, he started.

I saw that this unfamiliar face that everyone thought was dead was suddenly the power of Dantian, and it broke through the suppression of two spiritual realms!

The fierce surge of true spirits instantly knocked the two careless masters of the spirit realm into the air!

“Fuck! So strong?”

“Didn’t the second prince just say that he is in the Gold Core realm?”

“Gold Core realm knocked out two spirit realms? Can you believe it?”

Originally everyone looked at the unfamiliar faces in the Gold Core realm being suppressed, and already thought the dust had settled.

Who would have thought that he could still break free!

I saw Chen Fan spun around, and the Xuanguang sword in his hand slashed the two spirit realms beside him into serious injuries!


It takes time for the audience to shake!

A Gold Core realm dares to do it on someone else’s site!

It’s just so boring!

In an instant, many disciples in the crowd stood up and wanted to show off!

You must know that there are no exciting activities for cultivation at ordinary times.

Now that someone is making trouble, they will naturally bear the brunt of it!

Moreover, this kid just sent two Spirit Realm masters flying, so it is estimated that Spirit Power has been exhausted.

It’s time for them to perform!

“The little thief is furious!”

“Hahaha, brother, wait for me!”

“Finally have a chance to shoot, take my sword!”

“This is my chance to show up in front of the princess!”

The disciples from the Gold Core realm rushed over.

However, Chen Fan didn’t turn his head back, and stabbed in the backhand.

If it takes time, a Canglong style actually rushed over!

Yes, since the profound understanding, the Canglong style can be used as a long-range attack.

After the blessing of the earth to the human sword, the power of this dragon has a qualitative leap.

As soon as it appeared, it brought out an extremely terrifying love wind!

The disciple who rushed over was shocked, this might not seem to be the might of the Gold Core realm!

But now is not the time to be surprised, these disciples have resorted to their strongest ultimate move in order to save their lives.

In an instant, the terrifying Spirit Power surged, and so many Gold Core disciples moved together in the Spirit Power, and the air shook!



Soaring Dragon is in heaven!”

“Bahun God Fist!”

“Shadowless Sword Qi!”

Countless killing moves are used, and it seems that even the space will be torn apart!

The strength of the crowd Chen Fan and Canglong collided fiercely.


The terrifying explosive force blew through the ceiling of the True Dragon Great Hall, and the weather outside leaked out!

It was evenly divided!

Chen Fan’s sword alone is on a par with so many people’s ultimate moves!


The disciples watching the battle took a deep breath without realizing it.

What kind of monster is this Gold Core realm?

How can you fight against so many people!

This kind of power is nothing more than the Holy Son!

Tuoba Huangfu obviously reacted too, seeing Chen Fan even dared to resist!

Immediately there was a trace of anger.

“How dare you resist! Courting death!”

The terrifying pressure descended, and above the sky, a huge golden city suddenly appeared!

It’s actually gold again!

Chen Fan’s eyes narrowed.

Yesterday, your Tuoba family specializing in producing divine bodies failed…

However, before his complaints were over, the terrifying golden city was suddenly suppressed!

Under the huge pressure, Chen Fan is as small as an ant!


The entire city trapped Chen Fan firmly inside, planning to suppress him directly!

“Repent for angering the gods.”

Tuoba Huangfu stood with his hands behind his back, and the vision on his body was brilliant.

The entire Golden City was sending out terrifying coercion, trying to crush Chen Fan into pieces!

And the sound of their fighting obviously attracted many Elders.

At this moment, some elders of the God Dynasty in the early days rushed to the scene.

Seeing that Tuoba Huangfu actually took action to suppress a cultivator in the Gold Core realm, he frowned.

“A Gold Core state also requires Huangfu to take action, what are the disciples doing?

*1.3 The one who was suppressed seems to be the one who sneaked in?”

I thought that something major happened, and Huangfu was required to take action.

Seeing that it was just a Gold Core realm at this moment, the elders shook their heads and prepared to return home.

However, The next moment, a sword intent soaring to the sky broke out!


The crowd turned back quickly.

In the terrifying Golden City, Chen Fan opened the sky with one sword and one sword!

The incomparably fierce Sword Qi actually pierced through the incomparably strong golden city!

He also rushed out of the golden city that was cut through!

The whole person is unscathed!

Suddenly, the field went crazy!

“Wow, you can actually escape from Tuoba Huangfu’s suppression.

“Am I dazzled!”

Just when everyone was shocked, a vast aura suddenly came.

Longling is open…

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