Chapter 94 Is it my fault to look good?

Enter Buwen Peak.

Ye Yuesheng is still big.

At this moment, Chu Qingyin smiled and said, “Master, this jade girl and I have known each other for many years.”


Ye Yuesheng looked at Chu Qingyin suspiciously, and then at Yu Ruyi.

He remembered that Yu Ruyi once said that he was a cultivator?

Don’t know if it is true or not?

Wouldn’t it be the same as Huang Rong’er at the beginning, was it all made up?

After all, I never saw Yu Ruyi flying with the sword like the former disciple of Wanderer Tranquility Sect.

Besides, if she is really a cultivator, there shouldn’t be any intersection with Chu Qingyin, an ordinary person.

Yu Ruyi smiled slightly, and said: “Ms. Chu has an outstanding demeanor, and now she is able to stay next to Mr. Ye, so she admires Ruyi.

Chu Qingyin giggled, she shook Ye Yuesheng’s arm vigorously and said: “Master, this jade girl is homeless, she has become a bereavement dog, and she is so pitiful. Why not let her be your concubine , Bring us tea, pour water, stack the bed and warm the quilt, so that she has a place to stay!”

This can be said harshly.

Don’t you Yu Ruyi want to live in Buwen Peak?

Isn’t that homeless and just moved in?

Isn’t it a bereaved dog?

It’s better to leave it to the concubine, pour tea for “us”, and stack the bed to warm the quilt.

Well, that is to wait for me and Master!

Of course, if you are unwilling to jump up and roll down the mountain, then it’s just what I want!

Yu Ruyi’s face was brushed, and it became extremely ugly.

This Chu Qingyin is too hateful.

Isn’t it just the villain’s goal?

Still riding to dominate yourself?

She was about to retort, she glanced at Ye Yuesheng suddenly, her thoughts turned, and she smiled suddenly, blessing her body and saluting.

“Since this is the case, then I would like to thank Mr. Ye a lot… The little girl is willing to stay by her husband and wait for him.”

what’s the situation?

Ye Yuesheng doesn’t believe in his ears a little bit?

In a few words, or a deliberate run, this Yu Ruyi girl actually agreed to go smoothly?

Is this going to be my concubine?

Am I so popular?

Is she fighting Chu Qingyin? Or don’t you have a plan?

However, I don’t seem to have anything to picture for her?

Is it a picture of my body?

Well, in terms of looks, I am truly earth-shattering handsome.

Could this be the reason?

Good-looking boys are privileged?

The women of this year are so fierce?

Seeing a good-looking man, did he jump over?

Ye Yuesheng was stunned, and didn’t react for a long time.

Chu Qingyin was also full of disbelief.

She originally wanted to take a good blow to Yu Ruyi, so that she could roll down the mountain and not stay here as an eye-catcher.

But I didn’t expect that Yu Ruyi would actually agree to it!

I have never seen anyone with such a thick skin.

For a while, Chu Qingyin didn’t know what to say.

Yu Ruyi smiled triumphantly in her heart.

Hee hee, I want to drive me down the mountain, but I don’t even have a door.

Mr. Ye has agreed to let me live, how old are you, Chu Qingyin?

Although your relationship with Mr. Ye is a bit special, when you think about it, how many days have you met each other?

The time you met Mr. Ye was later than me.

If it weren’t for me to enlighten the Dao at the foot of the mountain and enter the Emperor Knot, it would not be your turn to wave on the mountain.

With Mr. Ye’s ability, if he doesn’t want me to go up the mountain, naturally I won’t be able to go up.

Since I can come up, there is hope.

Thinking like this in her heart, Yu Ruyi immediately made a decision, so that’s why she said something like this.

“The girl is too serious. Ye Mou dare not think so.”

Yu Ruyi had already spoken out, and Ye Yuesheng had no choice but to take it on his scalp, trying to find a way to step down.

This girl is mostly just grudge.

He could not do this.

On Yu Ruyi’s face, two lines of tears burst out: “It turns out that my husband had no intention of treating the little girl. It was me who was whimsical! I…”

She wanted to speak again, she didn’t know what to say anymore.

I just said something like that cheeky, but now I want to take it back, but I can’t.

Never imagined that he would be rejected.


Who is Mr. Ye?

Although he is known as the first beauty in the Western Wild Continent, in his eyes, that’s all.

I think a little bit too much!

Chu Qingyin is one step ahead

The more she thought about it, the more uncomfortable she felt, and she suddenly burst into tears with a “wow” cry.

“I didn’t mean that, and I didn’t say that I didn’t want to accept you.”

Ye Yuesheng said quickly.

“Ah!” Yu Ruyi raised his head, staring at Ye Yuesheng with tears.

The beautiful face is like a pear blossom with rain, and a pitiful look, which makes people feel compassion naturally.

“I’m just afraid of wronging the girl.

Ye Yuesheng said: “I have a regular wife now. If a girl commits herself to me, she can only be a side room. With the appearance of a girl, I feel a bit wronged.

“I am willing!” Yu Ruyi’s tone was very firm.

If she said to be the wife of Ye Yuesheng for such an existence, she hadn’t even thought about such a thing.

She is satisfied to be able to make a side room.

Ye Yuesheng was startled again-down.

The thinking of women in this world is really different from the previous life.

If you change the previous life

It doesn’t seem right.

The beautiful girls from the previous life are also competing for the rich and handsome boys?

It’s just that those so-called beautiful girls are far from the Yu Ruyi in front of them.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the difference between cloud and mud.

Alas, I’m all to blame for being so good-looking.

This woman is crying and begging to stick up, what can I do?

But is it my fault to look good?

Ye Yuesheng’s mind suddenly remembered what he had said systematically.

The yang qi in his body is too strong, so yin and yang must be reconciled.

“.々Good!” Ye Yuesheng stretched out his hand and took Yu Ruyi into his arms.

At this time, if he avoids again, he really is not a man.

Feeling the temperature from the body, Ye Yuesheng suddenly felt that the desire from the depths of the body could no longer be suppressed.

“Sure enough, I have too much yang energy. It’s okay if I’m not tempted at ordinary times, but I can’t suppress this tempest.”

He couldn’t bear it anymore, slammed, lifted Wang Yuruyi lightly (Wang is good), and walked towards the room.

At this moment, Yu Ling’er and Ling Yao Yao were coming out of another room, and they happened to see this scene.

“I’m not convinced! Why would she rob me in front of me?” Ling Yao Yao muttered tootsuiyuan.

She didn’t think there was anything for the Master to find a concubine.

After all, it is not surprising that a man like Master accepts a hundred or more concubines.

However, there should always be a first-come-first-served rule for everything, right?

In terms of seniority, my spirit monster should also be ranked first.

I haven’t made up with the Master yet, why is it a newcomer’s turn?

Yu Ling’er chuckled and said, “You always like to turn into a fox. What can you do? Even if it is his intention, he can’t do it. You can only squeeze it.”

Ling Yao Yao looked distressed, paused, and said: “No, Master’s bridal chamber, I have to sleep in the middle.

After speaking, she flashed her figure, once again transformed into a beautiful and dexterous little white fox, swished, and rushed into the room Ye Yuesheng entered.

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