Chapter 66 Hand of Good Fortune!

“Look at me slaying demons and eliminating demons, extinguishing the chaotic evildoer, and restoring the order of heaven and earth.”

Ye Yuesheng said softly.

It was so seemingly like that, he himself resisted forcibly, so he didn’t laugh out loud.

Chu Qingyin’s expression was even more weird.

How does the Master kill demons and demons like this?

Except for a three-year-old child, who would believe it?

While thinking about it, I saw that the atmosphere on the horizon suddenly changed.

The stones hit by the slingshot, completely ignoring the endless spatial distance, were impartial, and were hitting an emperor realm powerhouse.

The aura of the strong imperial realm before, suddenly disappeared like water.

In Chu Qingyin’s perception, it was clearly killed by a slingshot-?

The original chaotic atmosphere of the world suddenly cleared.

The war caused damage and recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The collapsed world has returned to its original state.

Spatial cracks are also quickly stitched.

The horror and vision of the sky disappeared without a trace.

Suddenly, the sky was clear and clear, and there was no cloud in the sky.

Where is the crisis of extinction?

The feeling of apocalypse just now seems to be just people’s illusion.

Chu Qingyin opened her mouth wide in surprise.

If it hadn’t been for her to advance to the emperor realm, she would be very keen on all this, I am afraid she would not be able to detect it.

This slingshot not only killed an emperor realm powerhouse, but also restored the world he had just destroyed!

What a heaven-defying skill!

Before Chu Qingyin thought that Master took out the slingshot, it was funny.

Only now did I know that the real ridiculous person was actually her own.

It is true that the slingshot lowers demons and demons.

Not only that, but also repaired the world by the way.

You know, damage is easy to recover and hard to recover.

This is like a teacup, it is too easy to smash it to the ground.

But it’s too difficult to recover a teacup that has been broken into pieces

However, Ye Yuesheng did it.

Of course, what he recovered was not the teacup, but the world.

It goes without saying that the difficulty is so great.

But as the voice of “restoring heaven and earth order” fell, all changes were restored.

It seems so simple, so easy.

Chu Qingyin’s mouth opened into an “O”, and he really didn’t know what to say.

After a while, she finally recovered and clapped her hands: “The Master is so amazing, the demons have been eliminated, and the order of heaven and earth is restored.”

Ye Yuesheng was also slightly stunned.

Looking at the sky on the horizon, there was a hint of surprise on his face.

It turned out that I just wanted to fool Chu Qingyin, what is the situation now?

This astronomical phenomenon has become too fast!

Even in June, it doesn’t change like this.

Do I really have the power to do it?

With a turn of his mind, he stretched out his hand and pointed at a branch a few meters away.

Don’t move!

Nothing happens!

There is no mana output at all, and the branches cannot be shaken.

Ye Yuesheng couldn’t help but smiled wryly.

I really don’t have any magic power in Cultivation Base.

Or, it’s the Damn it system that locked its mana Cultivation Base.

In short, he can’t use it.

The scene just now was probably just a coincidence.

The changes in the vision of heaven and earth should have nothing to do with his slingshot.

“Master is amazing!”

Chu Qingyin’s eyes are full of little stars.

Ye Yuesheng glanced at her, smiled and nodded.

The second girl is really flickering, is this really true?

However, it feels pretty good to enjoy the worship stare cast by a beautiful girl.


At this moment, the sound of the system also rang in his ears.

“Ding, the system has been loaded to 8%. Congratulations to the host for getting a set of bows and arrows.”

Sacrifice above the Tiantai.

Huang Ronger is in trouble.

To deal with An He Dao, she can only do her best with gua.

But in that case, the entire Profound Realm might be destroyed in this battle.

However, if she did not resist, she would definitely die.

When we were unable to advance or retreat, suddenly, a beam of light blasted from the distant horizon.

Huang Ronger saw it clearly that it was a small stone that had passed through the space and was hitting An He Dao.

He didn’t even enter An He Dao to make any resistance movements, the stone had already hit An He Dao’s forehead.


An Hedao’s body suddenly seemed to be sealed, and was put into an invisible mirror.

And the stone just smashed this piece of land.

As a result, An Hedao’s body, together with the mirror, was torn apart and shattered to pieces.

An Hedao’s eyes were terrified.

He wanted to struggle, but when he started to struggle, there was no movement.

Because his body and soul were divided and broken together.

Heavenly Dao Sect Sect Master, An He Dao, a strong emperor, fell.

The originally destroyed world was restored at an extremely fast speed.

It has become a turbulent space, like ironed clothes, restored to its original state.

The sky is refreshing.

All things return to the original.

It’s just that An He Dao’s figure no longer exists.

As if there was an invisible hand of good fortune, repairing all this.

“Master, this is the breath of the master!”

Huang Ronger screamed and wept with joy.

“It was the master who saved me, and the master is so kind to me!”

There was a happy smile on her face.

The surrounding crowd finally recovered from the shock.

Just experienced one, it seemed like a nightmare.

An Hedao shot, clearly without any scruples.

…For flowers…

Horror, they will all die with the destruction of the world.

At the last moment, a flying stone from the sky saved all of them.

After hearing Huang Rong’er’s words, they also understood that it was the existence of Buwen Peak who made the shot.

“The one from Buwen Peak, how exactly does it exist?”

“The power of the Emperor Realm can be so easily beheaded. The high realm of this person and the strength of the Cultivation Base can hardly be imagined.

“The cultivation world is so big, there are no wonders. I didn’t expect my profound realm to appear like this!

What happened today has left them an indelible impression in their lives.

The name of Buwen Peak is deeply engraved in everyone’s heart.



“No, Sect Master… Sect Master’s soul tablet is broken!”

A scream came from the soul hall of Tiandaozong.


Tiandaozong’s rules, from the Sect Master to the named disciple, everyone will leave a soul card in the soul hall.

Once it falls, the soul card will be broken.

Today, the Sect Master soul card, which has always been high above and safe forever, is broken.

Soon, a group of figures descended into the soul hall.

The elders of Tiandaozong were all shocked.

Looking at the broken Sect Master soul cards above, their expressions were uglier than the dead.

“What is going on? Why does Sect Master’s soul card suddenly shatter?”

After a while, an elder slowly asked in a trembling voice.



No one can answer this question.

“Sect Master should have gone to a lower realm called “Xuanjie”.”

Finally, an elder answered: “The Profound Realm is where the Nangong Gujian fell. Could it be that there are some people there?”

“Sect Master is a powerful emperor!” Another elder interrupted him.


A strong emperor!

There are really not many people in the world who can beat him.

Moreover, it shouldn’t appear in places like the Nether.

“It’s useless to think about this matter.” An elder said: “The most urgent matter is to report the news of the fall of Sect Master to the person on the mountain. As for how to deal with it, just wait for the order from the mountain to come.

The other elders nodded.

No matter what the reason for An He Dao’s fall, this is beyond the scope of their ability.

The existence of being able to kill the strong in the emperor realm is not something they can afford.

After all, in the entire Heavenly Dao Sect, only An He Dao, the Sect Master, is the emperor realm powerhouse.

None of these elders had ever proved that Dao became emperor.

Even if I wanted to check it, I couldn’t do anything about it.

The one on the mountain is the Master of An He Dao.

Only he can handle such things. Of,

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