Chapter 63 Such a waste!

“Wanderer Tranquility Sect?”

Many schools in the field are at a loss.

It was the first time they heard of this name.

This is no wonder.

The practitioners of the profound realm have always respected the middle profound realm.

A place like the Western Profound Region is a backward barren land.

Generally speaking, no one pays special attention to the Western Profound Region.

Even if Wanderer Tranquility Sect wins the first place in the Sect competition in the Western Profound Region, due to lack of attention, and the time is too short, many Sects in the Middle Profound Region have not received news.

“Wanderer Tranquility Sect dare to openly challenge Sunset Sect?”

“That’s a king-level powerhouse, Wanderer Tranquility Sect, don’t you want to live anymore?”

“That woman’s Cultivation Base is a bit unclear, does she also have the strength of the King Realm?’

“How is it possible? How easy is it for a powerful person in the king realm to come to the lower realm? Besides, what is there in the profound realm that is worthy of a cultivator in the king realm?”

The crowd was talking quietly, looking at Huang Ronger on the spacecraft, watching the development of the situation.

They are all forced to succumb to the sunset sect, and at this moment they are very happy to see someone come out to beat the sunset sect in the face.

Nangong Gujian’s brows slightly raised.

“Unexpectedly, there are people who are not afraid of death!” He said lightly: “Zheng Chou can’t find any school to stand up for me, so let’s take your Wanderer Tranquility Sect.”

His momentum changed again.

The coercion that belonged solely to the powerful of the king realm erupted like a volcano.

“What a terrible pressure!”

“Is this the strength of the King Realm powerhouse?”

“Such coercion is more than a hundred times more than just now.”

“Fortunately, he is not an enemy. A strong king is really beyond my reach.”

The crowd was filled with horror, and everyone looked at Nangong Gujian in horror.

13 It was the first time that they faced a strong person in the king realm. I am afraid that this kind of feeling will not be forgotten in this life.

Compared with them, Huang Rong’er, who faced Nangong Gujian, was obviously more than a thousand times stronger.

It’s just that, for Huang Rong’er, it’s not even a breeze.

Huang Rong’er stepped gently, and her figure flashed from the spaceship and stood on the altar.

“Before you die, tell me what your name is?” Nangong Gujian said in a deep voice, “Under my sword, don’t kill the unknown.”

In his eyes, Huang Ronger was already a dead person.

Huang Ronger smiled indifferently: “I am a maid of Buwen Peak. As for the name, she swept her eyes lightly, and said calmly: “You don’t deserve to ask!

“Hahaha Nangong Lonely Sword looked up to the sky and laughed: “A handmaid, dare to be so arrogant? What do you think Buwen Peak is? Is it a god mountain in the fairy world? Even a handmaid from a god mountain can’t speak like this in front of me. ”

“Sacred Mountain?” Huang Rong’er has heard this name several times in the past few days.

The Sect competition this time is an order handed down from Shenshan.

It goes without saying that the status of the sacred mountain is noble.


“What about the sacred mountain? I, Buwen Peak, may not be weaker than the sacred mountain!”

She has absolute confidence in her master.

The master’s power, even if it is in the entire sky and underground, among the heavens and all realms, it should be the most top-notch.

It’s a pity that I am ignorant and have never heard of the owner’s name.

But with the master’s ability, if you want to be famous in the heavens and the world, isn’t it easy?

“It’s a big tone. It’s just a small sect in the lower realm. It dares to compare himself to the mountain. It’s really arrogant and arrogant.

Nangong Gujian slowly drew his sword: “Today, I will act on behalf of the mighty people on the sacred mountain, and give you a good lesson.

He held the sword in his hand and his expression became serious.

Although the words are very arrogant, once they are ready to do it, Nangong Gujian still shows the style of peerless genius.

Go all out and never underestimate the enemy.

Huang Ronger just stood there, her expression was extremely plain, and she didn’t have the preparations like Nangong Gujian.

She is like a surviving and independent fairy, floating in the dust.

“She is looking for death!”

In the eyes of Sunset Sect Sect Master Mu Wuxin, a murderous opportunity passed.

This Huang Rong’er actually stood up to stop the Sun Sect from taking the lead. It was so courageous.

However, facing the king realm master sent down by the Heavenly Dao Sect, she definitely kicked the iron plate this time, and she would definitely die.

“Could it be that she can really compete with the King Realm powerhouse?”

Looking at Huang Rong’er, who was calm and calm on the court, many people had such questions in their hearts.

If this is true, it would be nothing short of shocking.

The Profound Realm is just a lower realm, and a master who can compete with the king realm has been born. If this kind of news spreads to other realms, I am afraid it will be hard to believe.

On the spacecraft, Nangong Xuanyun’s heart even mentioned it in his throat.

He knew very well that the Sun Sect was going to take people to establish his prestige. If Huang Ronger loses in this battle, I am afraid the entire Wanderer Tranquility Sect will be used to raise his prestige and sacrifice the flag.

The legacy of Wanderer Tranquility Sect will also disappear.

Thinking of this, how can he not be nervous?

He didn’t know Huang Ronger’s Cultivation Base realm, so naturally he was extremely worried.

“You must win!” Nangong Xuanyun murmured.

In the eyes of the public, Nangong Gujian cut out with a single sword.

He was already very angry, and he was too lazy to talk.

The sword light wine came out, and in an instant, the sky on all sides, the earth in all directions, were full of solemn sword intent.

Sword light is like electricity, sword aura is like tide.

The power of heaven and earth was mobilized, locked on Huang Ronger’s body, and slashed towards him.

This is the strength of the King Realm powerhouse.

Even the top True Wonderland practitioner, under such an offensive, it is absolutely difficult to accept the move, I am afraid that he will be beheaded immediately, and it will be wiped out.

Nangong Gujian intends to stand up for its power. This sword has condensed the life-long Cultivation Base in one style.

He wanted to kill Huang Rong’er with a single move.

However, Huang Ronger’s figure disappeared from his sword light.

Nangong Gujian was slightly startled.

This sword just now, even if it is an ordinary king-level powerhouse, it is difficult to take it.

Unexpectedly, Huang Ronger completely ignored his lock and sword energy, with light footwork, and she got away in a flash.

At this moment, the crowds watching the battle off the court were all stunned.

“The strength of this girl is so real?”

People can hardly believe it.

That’s a practitioner of the king’s realm.

This girl who claims to be the servant girl of Buwen Peak does not show the mountains or the water, and can not see the depth of the Cultivation Base. Unexpectedly, this trick is so extraordinary.

“It seems that today is really a good show to watch.” Ask Xuanzong Sect Master’s gaze flashed sharply.

It was a certainty that the Sun Sect was in charge of the Profound Realm when the King Realm powerhouse appeared on the stage.

Who would have thought that a Wanderer Tranquility Sect would have been killed?

“This woman claims to be the handmaid of Buwen Peak. I don’t know where this Buwen Peak is? A handmaid is so good. Isn’t the master above it?”

He took a deep breath, and there were thousands of thoughts in his mind that could not stop for a long time.

On the platform of worship, the sword strokes of Nangong Gujian surging out like flowing water.

There are thousands of sword shadows, permeating the space within a few kilometers.

And within hundreds of millions of miles outside, they were all affected by the sword aura.

The mighty power of the powerful king is terrifying.

In his hands, every sword has the power to split space.

This kind of space crack is enough to smash everything, as long as a touch is a little bit, it will be broken.

However, Huang Rong’er’s posture was like a light butterfly, dancing in the sword light, but perfectly avoided all killings.

Nangong Xuanyun’s heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

Many times, he thought that Huang Ronger was about to be slashed by Nangong Gujian.

However, every time, she was always able to turn dangers into peace.

Gradually, Nangong Xuanyun also saw some doorways: “She shuttles in the shadow of the sword. She seems to be dangerous, but in fact she is comfortable. She seems to be…

Nangong Xuanyun can see that Nangong Gujian is naturally not a fool.

At the beginning, he just wanted to make a quick fight.

Use Huang Rong’er’s head to stand up for power and slow down the various martial arts of the profound realm.

But she didn’t expect that Huang Rong’er’s body shape was so wonderful, it was invisible and invisible.

However, she never counterattacked, just dodge.

Her gaze did not see any sarcasm, but was serious.

Seriously watch Nangong solitary sword out of the sword.

It seems that the sword that dodges him is of secondary importance.

What’s more important is to watch him make a sword.

Nangong Gujian suddenly flashed 610, and pointed at Huang Ronger with the sword: “Are you using me to practice?”

“How about it?” Huang Rong’er smiled calmly: “Your swordsmanship is quite remarkable. It would be too wasteful to kill you like this.”

“I was trying to create a set of swordsmanship, but I still couldn’t do it. I just borrowed your swordsmanship to encourage me.”

Huang Ronger was not polite, and stated all her goals.

If not, Nangong Gujian is just a practitioner of the king’s realm, she would have crushed it a long time ago.

These words fell in the ears of Nangong Gujian, and he suddenly jumped into thunder.

After he finished speaking, he pointed his sword at the sky, and a raging flame ignited on his body.

That is the origin of life, which was ignited by him to stimulate his own strength.

At this time, Nangong Gujian really wanted to work hard.

Huang Ronger sighed lightly.

Originally wanted to keep Nangong Gujian to practice a few more tricks, but he did not expect that he would behave like this.

At this time, if you still keep him not to kill, it will be of no use.

Nangong Gujian’s sword moves seem to be much more powerful, but in Huang Ronger’s eyes, it has lost its original aura and has no value in learning.

“Well, if you want to die, then I will fulfill you.”

Huang Ronger spoke softly.

She took a step forward and shook slightly, just to avoid the light of Nangong Gujian.

The jade hand lifted, and a finger popped out.

This is the ultimate move she has realized from Nangong Gujian’s swordsmanship.

Compared with Nangong Gujian’s swordsmanship, there are some similarities, but it’s a bit more clever.


A finger spit out.

Nangong Gujian’s figure condensed, his eyes widened, full of incredible color.

On his forehead, there was a blood hole the size of a finger, which penetrated from the front of his forehead, penetrated the entire brain, and came out from the back of his head.

In Nangong Gujian’s pupils, the light gradually dissipated.

With a snap, it fell to the ground.

The dignified kingly realm powerhouse, the peerless genius of Tiandaozong, died.

Huang Ronger shook his head and sighed: “It’s a pity, what a good whetstone, it’s too wasteful.”

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