Chapter 501 Behind the scenes

Guier at the center of the team.

After seeing the somewhat tangled face of Master Tianbaoge.

Immediately guessed her inner thoughts.

A trace of determination flashed across Guier’s face.

He looked at Ye Yuesheng and said directly:

“Since now Ye Daozi strongly invites us to act together.”

“That day Baoge will naturally follow Ye Daozi.”

“I hope that when there is a crisis in the future, Ye Daozi can help again.”

“Sixty-three zero” Master Tianbaoge heard Gui Er’s words.

A hint of surprise suddenly appeared on his face.

She never expected it.

Guier would actually say this directly, hoping that Tianbao Pavilion would act together with Tiangong.

This is really beyond her expectation.

Later, I saw the Tianbaoge master sister wanted to export the rejection of this matter.

Ye Yuesheng laughed suddenly, and he said:

“Now choose to act with us.

“It is indeed a very wise choice.”

“Tell me, why would you agree to this matter?”

Hear Ye Yuesheng’s question.

After Gui Er pondered for a moment, she immediately said:

“Ye Daozi is really amazing.”

“I can see through Guier’s mind so quickly.”

“It’s amazing.

“Since Ye Daozi, you ask Guier this question.”

“Then Guier said it directly.

After saying this, Guier calmed down the big sister Baoge that day with her eyes.

Then he said:

“It’s like this.

“Because Guier’s Cultivation Base is low, there is only the Third Stage Cultivation Base.”

“So when facing the monster in this water curtain secret realm.

“Usually it needs to be protected by someone.”

“And it is precisely for this reason.”

“I can observe Ye Daozi’s actions carefully.”

“With Ye Daozi you are so powerful, you need to interrogate that monster.”

“Obviously, there must be a stronger guy behind this monster.

“Otherwise you would not do such a thing.”

“And according to this situation.

“If Tianbao Pavilion does not act with Ye Daozi in the future, I am afraid we will suffer a devastating blow.”

Ye Yuesheng listened to the girl’s analysis.

A look of satisfaction flashed in his eyes.

This woman named Guier, in a short period of time.

I noticed the most critical part of this battle.

It can be described as extremely intelligent.

No wonder Tianbao Pavilion wants this woman to enter the secret water curtain.

It is really smart eyes and beads.

Thought of this…

Ye Yuesheng smiled slightly, and he spoke to Gui Er:

“You are very good.”

“According to the information I got.”

“The Chaos Demon with a huge size and high strength just now.”

“Actually, it’s just a subordinate of another monster.”

“This monster is now hiding somewhere in the secret water curtain, and maybe it will appear in front of us at any time.”

Hear what Ye Yuesheng said.

There was a flash of horror in the eyes of the many women around.

They never expected it.

Such a powerful Chaos Demon is actually just another demon’s subordinate.

It’s really incredible.

Next, I saw the master sister of Tianbao Pavilion.

After a moment of entanglement flashed on his face, he raised his head and said solemnly to Ye Yuesheng:

4.0 “Since the current situation is so severe.

“Then later, I will really trouble Ye Daozi.”

“With our current strength.

“I’m afraid I can’t deal with the chaos monster hiding behind the scenes at all.”

“You can only get rid of it with the help of Ye Daozi’s strength.

Now facing a severe situation.

The elder sister of Tianbao Pavilion can only forget the purpose of this action.

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