Chapter 493 Go to war

Now that the big sister of Tianbao Pavilion has left here.

Then, Ye Yuesheng is also time to start fighting.

I saw him looking at the Chaos Demon in front of him, and said directly:

“Your opponent has changed.

“Now, let me teach you a lesson.”

Hear what Ye Yuesheng said.

A sneer suddenly appeared in the eyes of the chaotic monster.

It is the guard of the toad immortal.

Strong, almost no rivals in the same rank.

Now this new kid dares to challenge himself.

It’s a bit tired of life.

Thought of this.

This chaotic monster.

He screamed directly to the sky, seeming to indicate that Ye Yuesheng is not worthy of being his opponent.

And the other side.

Ye Yuesheng heard the other party’s howling.

A hint of coldness suddenly appeared on his face.

After shook his head slightly, he said:

“Since you think you can defeat me.”

“Then I will let you experience what despair is.”

After speaking, Ye Yuesheng did not hesitate.

Immediately mobilize the power of heaven in the body.

Directly displayed the supernatural power of Blood Coagulation Art.

Next, everyone present only saw a huge burst of energy emerging from Ye Yuesheng’s body.

Behind him, a circle of gods appeared directly.

The whole person is as if the fairy king has come to the world, which makes people feel extremely shocked.

And the big sister of Tianbao Pavilion who has been far away from the battlefield.

Behind the scenes after seeing this.

An incredible look flashed in his eyes.

She never expected that Ye Yuesheng was just showing off a magical power.

It was actually able to cause such a big power.

I saw her secretly said in her heart:

“Sure enough, I still underestimate the Taoism of this heavenly palace~

“He just displayed an ordinary magical power.”

“It’s actually possible to reach this point.

“It’s really shocking.”

“It seems that there is Ye Daozi’s help in this battle.

“Our Tianbao Pavilion should be able to win.”

Thought of this.

The elder sister of Tianbao Pavilion seemed to think of something again.

She stared slightly at the situation in her body.

He couldn’t help but smile.

“My physical condition is very bad now.”

“Although I have forcibly stopped when I used the fire dance three styles for the second time.”

“But because the previous battle was too expensive.

“So now the meridians in my body have suffered a lot of damage.”

“If there is no cure, it may affect my own foundation.”

After that, the master sister of Tianbao Pavilion did not hesitate at all.

Immediately took out a bottle from the storage ring.

Then pour out a round red medicine body from it, and put it directly into the mouth.

After doing this, the master sister of Tianbao Pavilion immediately operated the cultivation technique in the body.

Begin to refine the medicinal power in this pill.

And Guier sitting aside.

After seeing this move of the master sister.

A smile suddenly appeared on his face.

After she nodded lightly, she once again set her gaze on Ye Yuesheng’s Battle (Wang Le Zhao).

At this moment, Ye Yuesheng had already displayed the supernatural power of blood coagulation.

Several incomparable scarlet dragons were under his control.

He was pressing hard against the chaotic monster on the opposite side.

The monster on the opposite side, after seeing Ye Yuesheng’s attack.

The look in his eyes that had been contemptuous, finally became solemn.

Seeing this chaotic demon screaming from the sky, he raised his arms.

He rushed directly to the blood dragons, as if he wanted to break them up with one blow.

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