Chapter 484 Fighting self-esteem

Ye Yuesheng relies on an extremely amazing attack.

The chaos monster.

Only after resisting for a while.

Both arms were completely scrapped.

Next, an incredible look flashed across the face of this monster.

He couldn’t help but wailed to the sky, as if he had suffered some serious damage.

And the many entourages behind that chaotic monster saw this.

An unbelievable look suddenly appeared on his face.

They never expected that the guy on the opposite side had such a strong strength.

Just one blow.

He severely injured his leader.

This really makes them feel unimaginable.

Afterwards, a fierce light flashed across the faces of several chaotic monsters.

He started to walk forward, as if he wanted to encircle Ye Yuesheng.

And the other side.

Ye Yuesheng after seeing the enemy’s action on the opposite side.

A cold flash suddenly flashed across his face.

I saw Ye Yuesheng looked at the badly wounded monster and said directly:

“Why, do you want strength?”?”

“Have you completely lost your intent to fight just by being hit by me?”

“If that’s the case.”

“Then I will continue to perform the trick just now and completely kill you all here.”

“After all, guys like you don’t even have the qualifications to make me take it seriously.

Hearing this, a trace of anger flashed across the face of the heavily wounded Chaos Demon.

I saw it turned its head to his entourage, and said a few words in the unique language of the demon.

Those chaotic monsters who are about to encircle Ye Yuesheng.

Suddenly stopped.

These guys looked at Ye Yuesheng with fierce faces, as if they wanted to torture him severely.

Ye Yuesheng, who was on the opposite side, saw this behind the scenes.

An inexplicable color suddenly appeared on his face.

He looked at the chaotic monster that had been hit hard, and said inwardly:

“I didn’t expect that this Chaos Demon still possesses such a proud combat pride.”

“It’s really unexpected.

“Except for this.”

“The chaotic monsters behind it, after hearing the order, were able to suppress their desire to attack.”

“There is no such thing as the chaotic monsters who live alone in the chaotic world.

“Only know how to attack crazy.

“It seems that they are indeed different from ordinary Chaos monsters.”

Through the words just now.

Ye Yuesheng has already deduced.

These chaotic monsters are indeed different from the monsters in the outside world.

They are the guys with organization.

If you can find the leader behind it.

Then I might be able to harvest a lot of rare cultivation resources.

Thinking of this, an inexplicable color appeared on Ye Yuesheng’s face.

After seeing him smile slightly, he immediately spoke to the Chaos Demon:

“.々Very good, since you have such a high fighting pride.”

“Then I will do my best for you.

“Now, let us continue to fight!”

Hear what Ye Yuesheng said.

The chaos monster or the chaotic monster whose arms have been severely damaged (Qian Li Zhao).

Suddenly looked up to the sky with a loud roar.

It seemed to be extremely excited.


This chaotic monster.

When I first came to this place, the reason why I didn’t choose to hide my body.

Just to be able to face Ye Yuesheng in a fair fight.

After all, it is a monster with arrogant fighting pride, so it will never use such despicable methods.

Like that kind of sneak attack, it will definitely not do it.

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