Chapter 481 Enemy approach

Ye Yuesheng heard Ye Qingxian’s words.

Nodded immediately.

After seeing a faint smile on his face, he said:

“Qingxian, you are right.

“Since these demons can find our place.”

“Then no matter where we go, we will be overtaken by them.

“Faced with this situation, I can only remove all the demons and demons that came here.”

“All were killed.”

After that, Ye Yuesheng seemed to think of something again.

After he pondered for a moment, he continued to speak:

“Later, Qingxian, you will stay in this white shield first.”

“If those chaotic monsters are not strong.

“You just come out and support me.

“If they are very powerful, you should stay in them.

“Don’t get hurt.”

Yu Ling’er nearby heard what Ye Yuesheng said.

Nodded suddenly.

She glanced at the demon queen who was getting closer and closer.

Then he said:

“Husband, if you think those chaotic monsters are a bit tricky.”

“Then don’t fight with them recklessly.”

“When you are injured, go back into this white shield.”

“Presumably with the protection of this white shield, those chaotic monsters should not be able to deal with us.”

Upon hearing this, Ye Yuesheng laughed suddenly.

After he nodded slightly, he said directly:

“Ling’er, don’t worry.

“If the enemy is too strong, I will naturally not choose to fight hard.”

“However, I think these chaotic monsters should not be as powerful as this level.”

“After all, according to the information I got.”

“The degree of danger of this secret realm is at most more dangerous than the flying fairy secret realm.”

Yu Linger heard Ye Yuesheng’s words.

Suddenly shook her head slightly, only to see a trace of worry in her eyes.

Then he said:

“Husband, I always feel that the enemy coming this time is very powerful.”

“If you are too careless, you may encounter an unimaginable predicament.”

Upon hearing this, Ye Yuesheng nodded immediately.

After he squeezed Yu Ling’er’s hand tightly, he said:

“Good Ling’er, since you have said so.

“I will go all out for this battle.”

“If the enemy is really too strong, then I will take you out of the secret realm.”

“I will definitely not fight them recklessly.”

Yu Ling’er saw Ye Yuesheng’s vows.

My heart felt relieved immediately.

After she nodded, she said directly:

“Husband, it’s great that you can think so.

“Don’t feel overwhelmed by Linger.”

“Ling’er is just a little worried about your husband’s safety.”

Upon hearing Yu Ling’er’s words, Ye Yuesheng laughed immediately.


After he shook Yu Ling’er’s little hand forcefully again.

He left the white shield directly and flew towards the chaotic monsters.

And the other side.

Just when Ye Yuesheng acted.

The faces of the chaotic monsters not far away also showed surprise.

They didn’t expect it.

The invaders on the opposite side were so bold.

Only one person was sent to challenge them, which is really a bit reckless.

Next, I saw one of the huge chaos monsters.

After an angry roar from the sky, he rushed directly towards Ye Yuesheng.

The forward speed of this monster is extremely fast, and the figure is like a flash of lightning.

In just an instant, I came to Ye Yuesheng’s presence!

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