Chapter 479 Demon action

I heard what Old Toad said.

A hint of excitement flashed in the eyes of those guards.

After seeing them yelling up to the sky for a few times, they said to Old Toad:

“Old Immortal Toad, don’t worry, we will kill all those invaders.

“Thoroughly restore peace to the secret water curtain.”

“Toad ancestral land, absolutely forbid outsiders to invade!”

Seeing the passionate look of his guard.

A smile flashed across Old Fairy Toad’s face.

After seeing it glanced ahead, he said directly:

“Well, you can have this mindset.

“Old fairy, I am really very happy.”

“If this is the case, then I will give you more rewards.”

“Those invaders, after you kill or capture them, you don’t have to confess them.”

“Whatever you want to do, please follow your own wishes.”

Hearing this, the face of the several toad guards suddenly flashed a hint of ecstasy.

They stay in secrets all year round.

But it is rare to see outside creatures.

If a living intruder can be captured, this is really a rare thing.

Next, I saw a toad guard with some saliva from the corner of his mouth.

He couldn’t wait to laugh and said:

“The wines I made are still short of ingredients.” ”

“As long as you can catch a few intruders, you should be able to brew.”

“Big Brother Lu, let’s set out now and grab those people directly.”

“I can’t wait.”

Hear the words of the toad guard.

A smile suddenly appeared on the face of the monster named Lu Yi.

After a flash of hideous color on its face, it directly said:

“Well, since everyone said that.

“Now we will act immediately.”

“Grab all the guys who invaded the secret realm!!

After saying that, this huge chaos monster didn’t stay here anymore.

He took the other toad guards directly, left here, and walked out of the cave.

And the old toad immortal, after seeing his guards were dispatched.

A trace of satisfaction flashed across his face.

After it nodded lightly, it closed its eyes and began to cultivate.

at the same time.

Just when those chaotic monsters were dispatched.

I don’t know how far away from this cave.

Ye Yuesheng and Yu Linger et al.

Somewhere in the secret water curtain, enjoying the scenery here.

Ye Yuesheng glanced around for a few times, then said:

“.々The scenery of the secret water curtain is really beautiful.”

“This time to explore this secret realm, even if there is no gain, it is worth it.”

Hear what Ye Yuesheng said.

Yu Ling’er on the side suddenly covered her mouth and chuckled.

After she nodded, she said:

“What the husband said is extremely true, we are cultivating in the palace all year round.”

“There really is no chance to come out and enjoy the mountains and rivers.

“I came to this water curtain secret realm this time, in addition to gaining a lot of cultivation resources.”

“(Qian Lihao) You can still see such a beautiful scenery.

“It’s so rare.

Hear what Yu Ling’er said.

The blood queen sitting next to Ye Yuesheng also said:

“Husband, although the scenery here is really good.”

“But then, we still have to continue to collect cultivation resources.”

“After all, there are disciples waiting for us to return in Tiangong.

“If there are not many resources collected, then I am a little sorry to them.”

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