Chapter 477 Behead

Hear the words of Tianbao Pavilion Master Sister like this.

This chaotic monster was naturally furious.

I saw it glanced at his arms.

He didn’t stay at all, and rushed towards the big sister of Baoge that day again.

Sister Tianbao Pavilion standing opposite.

After seeing this scene.

A trace of coldness suddenly appeared on his face.

She looked at the Chaos Demon rushing towards her, and said directly:

“Since you don’t know how to live and die.

“Then don’t blame me for being polite and beheading you here.”

“Next, let you take a look, the second move of the first style of the three styles of the fire dance!”

After that, the whole body of this Tianbaoge master sister.

Then there was a burst of fire, as if to burn everything in the world.

It was extremely shocking.

And the chaotic monster on the opposite side sprinting towards here.

Behind the scenes after seeing this.

The jealousy on his face became deeper.

After taking a deep breath, it raised its already riddled arm again.

Severely smashed the big sister of Tianbao Pavilion.

Facing the attack of this chaotic monster.

The elder sister of Tianbao Pavilion did not attack immediately.

Instead, he shook his head slightly.

She looked at the attack that was getting closer and closer, and said coldly:

“When death is approaching, you demon dare to use the same trick to deal with me.”

“I really look down on people.

“In that case, I will let you experience it.”

“What is true despair?

After saying this, the elder sister of Tianbao Pavilion raised her hands.

The palm quickly condenses the power of heaven.

Then burst out bursts of scarlet feathers, which directly pierced the Chaos Demon.

Then, only a moment passed.

The chaotic monster that was attacking was swallowed by these scarlet feathers.

Completely turned into ashes.

Not even the slightest trace was left.

And the many Tianbao Pavilion disciples who are fighting around.

After seeing this scene.

Excited expressions flashed across his faces.

I saw a female disciple clenching the long sword in her hand and slaying a demon.

Then he said:

“Master sister is so good!”

“You really killed that powerful Chaos Demon!”

“It really deserves to be the future heir to my Tianbao Pavilion.

Another disciple standing nearby, after hearing this.

A look of surprise appeared on his face

She originally thought she was under the siege of these chaotic monsters.

It will be difficult to escape.

Even fall here.

But now after seeing the performance of the master sister.

She only realized that she had been overwhelmed with her previous thoughts.

With such a powerful master and sister to protect herself, how can there be accidents?

Next, the chaos monsters who besieged the disciples of Tianbao Pavilion.

After seeing his bosses all killed.

The mood of the battle naturally steadily slipped.

They retreated in a row without the initial brave offensive at all.

And the great sister of Tianbao Pavilion, after killing the leader of the Chaos Demon.

There was no immediate rest.

Although she just performed the fire dance three styles, she brought a great burden to herself.

But dealing with ordinary Chaos monsters, there is still no problem at all in 5.8.

I saw that this woman was like a fierce battlefield, directly in and out of the many chaos monsters.

In an instant, these monsters who intended to besiege the disciples of Tianbao Pavilion.

It was completely defeated.

And then, just when all the chaotic monsters here were beheaded.

A cave in the depths of the water curtain secret.

A certain toad-shaped monster inside suddenly opened his own eyes. .

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