Chapter 475 Fire dance three styles

Just relying on the outburst of boxing style.

This chaotic demon took the momentum of the Tianbao Pavilion master sister.

It was completely suppressed.

Next, I saw the master sister of Tianbao Pavilion, after seeing this scene.

Immediately screamed.

Directly used swordsmanship to resist the attack of the Chaos Demon.

After doing this, I saw this woman looking at the Chaos Demon and directly said:

“Outside the evil spirit, since you have appeared in front of me.”

“How can you tolerate your madness!

“Be obedient to me!”

After saying this, the Tianbaoge master sister directly mobilized the power of the heavens in the body.

Instantly stimulate the prepared magical powers.

Afterwards, I saw a flash of red light all over the woman.

An extremely fierce flame.

It directly covered her body.

As if Vulcan came to the world, it was shocking 850.

And the Tianbao Pavilion disciples who are fighting around.

Behind the scenes after seeing this.

A hint of shock also appeared in his eyes.

They never expected it.

My elder sister was so decisive, and really displayed that magical power.

At this moment, I saw a Tianbao Pavilion disciple with a ponytail, and some (bdfi) spoke in shock:

“The fire dance three styles, the master sister finally showed her magical powers.

“This supernatural power is the unspoken secret of our Tianbao Pavilion.

“Only when you become a master sister can you be taught by the pavilion master.”

“After the master sister learned this supernatural power, she seldom used it again.

“She told me that only at the moment of life and death.”

“Only this magical power will be used.

“Are we now in such a dangerous situation?”

And a disciple of Tianbao Pavilion nearby.

After hearing these words.

A hint of shock also appeared in his eyes.

She looked at the big sister who was wrapped in flame not far away, and muttered to herself:

“Master sister is strong.”

“After she displayed this supernatural power.”

“It must be able to kill the Chaos Demon.”

“There is no enemy that can escape from the hands of the master sister.”

“She can definitely win!”

And the other side.

The master sister of Tianbao Pavilion, after performing the fire dance three styles.

There was also a cold look on his face.

She looked at the Chaos Demon and said directly:

“Since you forced me to perform this trick.

“Then don’t even think about running away, just let me suffer to death.”

After speaking, the big sister of Tianbao Pavilion moved in shape.

It turned into a stream of fire and instantly disappeared in front of the Chaos Demon.

And the chaotic monster on the opposite side.

After seeing such a strange situation, a gloomy color flashed across his face.

I saw it look up to the sky with an angry roar.

Then he started to strike frantically at the surrounding area.

Attempt to shoot down the great sister of Tianbao Pavilion.

However, no matter how hard this chaos monster is.

But it was impossible to capture the figure of Tianbao Pavilion Master Sister.

I can only let my fists hit the empty place.

Seeing this, a sneer appeared on the face of the master sister who displayed the fire dance three styles.

She looked at the chaos monster like a headless fly, and said directly:

“I just increased the speed a little bit now.”

“Can’t you keep up?”

“It really disappoints me.”

“Since you are so unbearable, then I don’t have to test anything.”

“Just solve you directly!”

After speaking, the big sister of Tianbao Pavilion turned into a stream of light.

He rushed directly to the Chaos Demon. ,

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