Chapter 470 The enemy appears

Guier was so excited to see the big disciple of Tianbao Pavilion.

A smile could not help flashing across his face.

Seeing that she walked forward in front of the woman, she immediately said:

“Master sister, we are trying to avoid Ye Daozi.

“It’s already spent a lot of time on the road.”

“Now is the time to save time and explore directly.”

“Otherwise, we won’t be able to collect a lot of resources.

Hearing Gui Er’s words, Bao Ge’s senior sister suddenly nodded.

She looked at the road in the distance and said directly:

“Guier, you are right.”

“Since we are on the road, we have already spent a lot of time.”

“Then there is no time to waste now.”

“So let’s act now and go directly to explore the interior of this mountain.

After finishing speaking, the elder sister of Tianbao Pavilion 850 moved her body.

It turned into a bright glow in an instant, and flew directly towards the distance.

And other disciples see this.

Naturally, it will not stay in place.

They immediately cast their spells, turning themselves into streams of light.

Follow this big sister closely.

Next, just after these Tianbao Pavilion disciples had all left this place.

More than a dozen chaotic monsters hiding in the void.

But suddenly appeared here.

I saw one of the huge chaos monsters.

After an extremely ferocious glance at the direction where the Tianbao Pavilion disciple had left.

He stepped his legs and chased directly.

Except for this chaotic monster.

Other chaotic monsters hiding in the void.

Also appeared one by one.

I saw these guys looking at the road ahead with the same ferocious look.

Also quietly chased the past.

It only took a while.

These chaotic monsters following the disciples of Tianbao Pavilion.

They have been found.

I saw the huge chaos monster.

Slightly glanced behind the figures of the Tianbao Pavilion disciples in front of him.

A smirk flashed across his face suddenly.

Its eyes flickered slightly, and immediately concealed itself into the void.

The other chaotic monsters who follow it.

Behind the scenes after seeing this.

He also smirked, hiding himself in the void likewise.

It seems that he is ready to attack the (bdfi) appearance of those Tianbao Pavilion disciples at any time.

at the same time.

Those Tianbao Pavilion disciples who have encountered enemies and are fighting the Chaos Demon.

It doesn’t seem to be noticed.

At this moment, they just focused their attention on the monster in front of them.

It seemed that he wanted to get rid of those monsters as soon as possible.

Next, I saw the big sister of Tianbao Pavilion pulling out a long sword.

He attacked a chaotic monster in front of him fiercely.

She looked at the chaotic monsters ahead, and after a cold snort, she said:

“You monsters.”

“If you are interested, leave here immediately.”

“If you still want to stop us Heavenly Treasure Pavilion recklessly.”

“Then there is only a dead end.

Those chaotic monsters on the opposite side.

After hearing these words, a hint of anger suddenly appeared on his face.

Seeing that they made a strange cry, they raised their arms directly.

Facing the big sister of Baoge that day, he attacked.

Seeing this, a frost flashed across Qiao’s face.

She took a deep breath and held the long sword in her hand.

Directly stab the chaos monster fiercely.

Afterwards, everyone saw only a cold light flashing.

The Chaos Demon who was about to attack immediately turned into ashes.

It fell here in an instant. .

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