Chapter 459 Worries

This monster’s attack was extremely fierce, and the strong wind it brought up when it shot.

Just like an iron wall, he pressed hard against Ye Yuesheng.

And Ye Yuesheng saw this behind the scenes.

Naturally not careless.

I saw him secretly saying in his heart:

“This Chaos Demon is quite strong.”

“If I was too careless when resisting this attack, I might be injured.”

“In order not to let Ling’er worry about me.

“I should take this attack perfectly.”

Thought of this.

Ye Yuesheng bulged up his muscles.

Directly transmit all the power to both arms.

Afterwards, Ye Yuesheng glanced lightly at the Chaos Demon.

He did not hesitate at all.

Instantly blasted out his own attack.

And the other side.

Just when Ye Yuesheng was attacking.

Yu Linger and others outside the void.

A trace of worry has also appeared in my heart.

After seeing a good color in Yu Ling’er’s eyes, she said to the blood queen:

“The Queen of Blood, after the husband escaped into the void /”.

“It’s been a while.”

“With his strength, solve those chaotic monsters.”

“It shouldn’t take too long.

“Could it be that there is a very powerful chaos monster in the void?”

“If this is the case, then we must support our husband.

I heard Yu Linger’s words.

A trace of worry flashed across the face of the Queen of Blood.

After she pondered for a moment, she scanned the surrounding area directly.

Seeing that there was no abnormality, the blood queen said:

“Sister Ling’er, you are right.”

“Since the husband hasn’t come out after such a long time.”

“That’s obvious, the husband should be in some trouble.”

“However, even so.

“We should also follow the husband’s instructions now.”

“After all, if you leave this shield rashly, you may encounter unimaginable things.”

“In this case, everyone, or your husband, never sees it.

And Ye Qingxian, who was standing next to the Queen of Blood, heard this.

But shook his head slightly.

After seeing her take a deep breath, she said after facing the blood:

“Madam, although you have a certain point of truth.”

“But now, we already know that the Master is in danger.”

“Then it should be more to help the Master.”

“After all, Master treats us very well.

“If something goes wrong with him.

“Qingxian’s heart will feel very uneasy.”

And the nearby Ling Yao Yao heard Ye Qingxian’s words.

The originally pale face also showed a trace of determination.

She looked outside and said directly:

*.々 Yao Yao also felt that Senior Sister Qingxian was right.

“If there was no Master, Yao Yao would have died here just now.”

“Since all the teachers believe that Master is already in danger.

“Then we shouldn’t stay here anymore.

“It should act to help the Master.”

Yu Ling’er heard the words of Ye Qingxian and Ling Yaoyao.

A smile flashed across his face.

She looked at the void in the distance and said directly:

“If your husband knows that you are so worried about him.”

“My heart will be very moved.

“In that case, let’s take a risk this time.”

“See if you can help your husband.

After saying this, Yu Ling’er seemed to have thought of something again.

After she looked at the blood, she said directly:

“The Queen of Blood, since everyone wants to help her husband now.”

“Then you also act together.”

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