Chapter 457 Battle in the Void

Hear the words of Ling Yao Yao.

A smile suddenly appeared on Ye Qingxian’s face.

She glanced around and said directly:

“You Yao, don’t worry, don’t worry.”

“Master’s powerful strength, you have also seen it.”

“Even if you encounter those chaotic monsters hiding in the space.

“He can definitely solve those chaotic monsters.”

“Don’t think so much.”

“Wait for “August 40″ until the Master returns.”

Hearing that, Ling Yao Yao’s somewhat pale face immediately recovered a trace of rosy.

After she nodded lightly, she looked at the surrounding environment.

He seems to be waiting for Ye Yuesheng to return.

And the other side.

Just when Ye Qingxian and others were waiting for Ye Yuesheng.

Within the void of this area.

Ye Yuesheng has also fought with several chaotic monsters.

I saw that he stretched out his right hand and directly blasted a monster back, then said to himself:

“This void is really weird.”

“I can’t use any magical powers here.”

“Only physical strength can be used to kill those chaotic monsters.”

“If it weren’t for the immortal king seal, it has brought a powerful improvement to my body.”

“I’m afraid that the moment I enter this void, I will fall here directly.”

Just now, Ye Yuesheng was wearing that necklace around his neck.

He instantly left the original space.

Enter directly into a void.

In this void.

Everything around is like a glass, directly isolating the outside world.

The chaotic monster staying in the void.

It is possible to clearly see the outside world.

They are like onlookers.

Can observe everything in the outside world.

Although these chaotic monsters who escaped into the void cannot attack the outside world.

But possessing this kind of peculiar ability can be regarded as quite excellent.

Just find a good time.

They can launch surprise attacks and directly kill the enemy.

After Ye Yuesheng entered this void.

Naturally, he immediately discovered several chaotic monsters hiding here.

These chaotic monsters.

At this moment, all surrounded this Yu Linger’s white shield.

It seems that as soon as they encounter an opportunity, they will immediately attack Yu Ling’er and the others.

Ye Yuesheng see here.

Naturally won’t let these guys go

However, just when he was ready to take action to solve these chaotic monsters.

Suddenly discovered that he could not use his magical powers, only able to use the power of his body.

And those chaotic monsters on the opposite side.

After seeing Ye Yuesheng, he started yelling.

He rushed towards Ye Yuesheng directly, as if he wanted to kill him directly.

Facing the enemy’s attack, Ye Yuesheng would naturally not sit still.

After taking a deep breath, he raised his fists and directly attacked the chaotic monsters.

Next, I saw Ye Yuesheng wave his right arm.

After blasting the head of a chaotic monster, he said:

“These Chaos Monsters are really amazing.”

“When you can’t use magical powers.”

“The physical strength of their 5.8 is enough to crush practitioners of the same rank.

“If the Immortal King’s Seal does not have the function of increasing physical strength, I am afraid I will capsize in the gutter this time.

After saying this, Ye Yuesheng shook his head slightly.

He raised his head and looked not far away, with an extremely jealous face of the Chaos Demon, and continued to speak:

“There are three left.

“Since you dare to fight Ling’er and the others, then take it to death.”,

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