Chapter 442 Cave

Although Ye Yuesheng and others entered the cave in the mountain.

But it’s not dim inside, but it has a lot of light.

Just look up.

You can clearly see the scenery ahead.

And Ye Yuesheng is behind seeing this scene.

A dignified color flashed in his eyes suddenly.

He glanced at the surrounding environment and said directly:

“The cave here is a bit strange.

“There is so much lighting in the “eight three three”.”

“It’s already a bit beyond common sense.

“You must be more careful next, lest you encounter a surprise attack by the Chaos Demon.”

After the blood standing beside Ye Yuesheng, after hearing these words.

Nodded suddenly, she raised her head and looked behind the wall somewhere on the right.

He said directly:

“My husband, I know why there is so much light here.”

“Look at the holes in the wall.

“It is precisely because of the existence of these holes that this place is full of light.”

After hearing the blood, everyone said this.

He immediately raised his head and directly observed the place where the blood back pointed.

It only took a while.

Ye Yuesheng sensed the position said by the blood queen.

After seeing a hint of joy on Ye Yuesheng’s face, he said:

“After the blood, your observation ability is really amazing.”

“These holes are so secretly hidden that you can actually find them.”

“Really amazing.”

After saying this, Ye Yuesheng seemed to have thought of something again.

After seeing those holes, he opened his mouth and said to Yu Ling’er beside him:

“Ling’er, since those holes have appeared.”

“That means it now.”

“We have entered the territory of the Chaos Demon.”

“You immediately urge the Heavenly Blessing Orb to protect Qingxian and the others first.

“Let me find out the situation.”

Yu Linger standing beside Ye Yuesheng.

After hearing this, he nodded immediately.

After seeing her take a deep breath, she took out the Fengtian Orb.

Directly mobilize the power of heaven in the body.

Then transfer the power of heaven to that orb.

Next, I saw this orb flashed a little light.

A white mask came out of nowhere, directly covering the Blood Queen and others in it.

And just in the next moment.

On the road in front of the cave, there were also strange roars suddenly and faintly.

It was as if someone was screaming in a low voice.

It is extremely creepy.

When Ye Yuesheng saw this, a cold expression suddenly appeared on his face.

He looked at the road ahead and said directly:

“Ling’er, you will stay in the shield later.”

“Let me take a look at the strength of those chaotic monsters first.”

“If the strength of these chaotic monsters is too strong.

“You use the Fengtian Orb to protect yourself, and then wait for the opportunity to escape.”

“If those monsters are too weak, you can also come out to help.

“In short, you have to learn to change your combat strategy according to the combat situation.”

Upon hearing Ye Yuesheng’s instructions, a dignified 5.8 color appeared on the faces of the Queen of Blood and others.

After seeing the blood queen nodded, he said:

“Husband, don’t worry.”

“As long as we have Sister Ling’er’s Fengtian Orb, we will be safe and sound.”

“How powerful are those chaotic monsters.

“I believe it is definitely not your husband’s opponent.”

The voice just fell after the blood.

Not far ahead.

Immediately walked out of several extremely ferocious chaotic monsters. .

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