Chapter 435 action

I heard what my disciple said.

Pavilion Master Tianbao suddenly said:

“You naturally need to enter the secret realm.”

“But the purpose is not to hunt for treasures.

“But to help Ye Daozi.”

“As long as his team encounters difficulties, you can help him.”

“Let the other party owe us the favor of Tianbao Pavilion.

“If you are lucky.”

“It can make Ye Daozi owe a lot of favors at once.”

“Then he will have a greater effect on Tianbao Pavilion in the future.”

“Do you understand it?”

After saying this, Pavilion Master Tianbao seemed to have thought of something again.

She glanced at Ye Yuesheng and others who were preparing to enter the secret water curtain at 830.

He continued to speak:

“Of course, except to help Ye Daozi.”

“You can also easily find some resources that are helpful to you.”

“Use this to speed up your cultivation.”

“After all, the higher your Cultivation Base, the more you can help me in the future.”

And the female disciple heard this.

Immediately spoke:

“Pavilion Master, don’t worry.”

“Since you saved the life of the disciple.”

“After that, I will do my best for Tianbao Pavilion.

“Complete your orders wholeheartedly.

The other side. (bdfi)

Just when the Master of the Tianbao Pavilion was talking to his disciples.

Ye Yuesheng et al.

Has also come to the entrance of the secret water curtain.

Ye Yuesheng glanced at the entrance lightly, then said:

“As long as we cross this light curtain later, we will be able to enter the water curtain secret realm.”

“According to Tianxin Sweetheart.”

“If we are not destined for this secret realm, we will be blocked from the light curtain.”

“However, after the test of the pavilion master that day.

“We all have a great opportunity to enter this water curtain secret realm.”

“So you are ready to start entering this secret realm.

Hear what Ye Yuesheng said.

After the blood standing beside him, he directly said:

“My husband, don’t worry, we are all ready.”

“Now you can try to enter this water curtain secret realm.”

Yu Linger not far away.

After hearing this, he also nodded.

It seems to agree with this very much.

Next, after seeing Yu Ling’er ponder for a while, he said:

“Husband, it’s better to let Qingxian and the others enter the secret realm later.”

“After all, their failure rate is the highest.”

“If you can’t get in, we can also send them to Pavilion Master Tianbao by the way.”

“Let them take care of one or two.”

Ye Yuesheng heard what Yu Linger said.

A look of satisfaction flashed in his eyes.

He turned around, looked at Ye Qingxian and Ling Yao Yao, and said directly:

“Qingxian and Yaoyao, you should go and test it first.”

“See if you can enter the Secret Realm.

“If you can’t enter this secret realm, then the Master will take you to Tianbao Pavilion later.

“If you can enter the secret realm.”

“Then don’t move around after entering, wait for the arrival of the Master there.”

Upon hearing this, Ye Qingxian immediately said:

“Well, since Master, you have said so.

“Then Qingxian will see if he has a predestined relationship with this water curtain secret realm.”

After saying this, Ye Qingxian took a deep breath.

Then, she glanced behind the light curtain in front of her.

When he moved his body, it turned into a streamer and moved forward.

Next, everyone only heard a muffled sound.

Ye Qingxian didn’t pause at all, walked directly through the light curtain and entered the secret water curtain.

Ye Yuesheng, who was standing by, saw this behind the scenes.

A hint of joy suddenly appeared on his face. ,

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