Chapter 432 Mystery of the Secret Realm

Next, after Ye Yuesheng and others have done the test.

The pavilion owner of Tianbao Pavilion looked at Ye Yuesheng and said directly:

“Ye Daozi, I have already tested everyone for you just now.”

“As long as luck is not too bad.

“You can all enter the water curtain secret realm together.”

After saying this, Pavilion Master Tianbao seemed to have thought of something.

After seeing her thinking for a while, she continued to Ye Yuesheng:

“Although “August Twenty Seven” this expedition in the secret realm is not too dangerous.”

“But the situation inside.

“I’d better tell Ye Daozi.”

“After all, the chaotic monster in the secret realm still has some abilities.”

“If you are too careless when you encounter them, I am afraid you will encounter unimaginable disasters.”

Ye Yuesheng heard this.

Nodding immediately, he looked at Pavilion Master Tianbao and said:

“In that case, Pavilion Master Bao will talk about the situation of the secret water curtain that day.”

“After all, this is the first time I have come to this secret realm.”

“I still don’t know much about the Chaos Chaos monster inside.”

“If I learn about the weakness of these demons later.”

“That’s when I meet them.”

“It should be able to solve these chaotic monsters with ease.

The Lord of Tianbao Pavilion on the opposite side heard Ye Yuesheng’s words.

A smile suddenly appeared on his face.

She didn’t sell anything anymore.

Immediately spoke:

“Since Ye Daozi agrees with me.”

“Then I’ll be straightforward.

“According to the records of Tianbao Pavilion for many years.”

“In this water curtain secret realm, in fact, only the same type of chaos monsters exist.”

“They look like toads, but they have extremely high intelligence.

“When encountering an enemy, they can work together to cast thunder attribute spells.”

“And use it to defeat enemies stronger than yourself.”

Ye Yuesheng heard the words, and an inexplicable color suddenly appeared on his face.

He never expected it.

There is such a chaotic monster that will join hands in this water curtain secret realm.

It is really unexpected.

You know, the chaotic monster in the chaotic world.

They usually act alone.

They are except for special circumstances.

Hardly will cooperate with other chaos monsters.

And listen to the description of the Tianbao Pavilion Master.

It seems to be in that secret water curtain.

This kind of combination of chaotic monsters is very common

If they carry the blood queen, they encounter a large number of chaotic monsters in the secret realm.

That would be dangerous.

Thought of this.

Ye Yuesheng looked directly at the pavilion master that day, and then said:

“I don’t know if Pavilion Master Tianbao knows how many chaotic monsters are in this water curtain secret realm.”

“If there are too many, this mystery is probably a bit tricky.

Upon hearing this, the Lord Tianbao immediately smiled.

She glanced at the secret water curtain and said directly:

“Ye Daozi can rest assured.”

“Although the toad demon in this secret realm will join hands.”

“But under normal circumstances, they will only choose to fight in teams.”

“And the monsters in this 5.8 team.

“The number is generally only about ten.”

“As long as Ye Daozi is more careful, he should be able to deal with it easily.”

When Ye Yuesheng heard this, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

If so.

The difficulty of this water curtain secret realm should be only higher than that of the flying fairy secret realm.


It is relatively easy to protect Ye Qingxian and the others. .

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