Chapter 424 Dongtian area

Looking at the unique scene in front of me.

A look of shock appeared on the faces of Yu Ling’er and others.

This cave sky area is very different from other areas of Chaos.

There are lakes of Mizusawa everywhere.

And the bamboo forests.

They are like continuous silk.

The scene in front of me was all dyed emerald green.

After that, Ye Qingxian sighed inwardly, and said:

“Master, this chaotic world is really colorful.”

“Unexpectedly, except for the Qingtian area.

“There is still such an interesting place.

“Even if I didn’t enter the secret water curtain afterwards, Qingxian would be satisfied.”

Ye Yuesheng heard this.

A smile suddenly appeared on his face.

He finally understands now.

Why does my own disciple always think about leaving the palace?

Go out and take an adventure with yourself.

After all, just seeing this peculiar sight has already made people feel extremely shocked.

Next, Ye Yuesheng looked at Ye Qingxian and said directly:

“According to Tianxin Sweetheart’s statement /”.

“In the secret water curtain, there is a more exciting view than this.”

“If Qingxian has fate for you.”

“You should be able to see even more beautiful scenery.”

After saying this, Ye Yuesheng seemed to have thought of something.

He looked at the bamboo forest in the distance and continued to speak:

“In fact, this cave sky area can be regarded as a relatively elementary area.”

“If you want to compare.

“It may be similar to the Yunyin area.”

“So according to my estimate.”

“That water curtain secret realm should also exist similarly.”

“Maybe more advanced than Flying Fairy Secret Realm, but it should not be much worse.

After the blood standing aside, after hearing what Ye Yuesheng said.

He couldn’t help but nodded.

She took out a map and looked at it carefully, then said:

“Husband, you are right.

“This cave sky area is indeed a relatively junior area.”

“A lot of the existence under the third stage of Heavenly Dao, they all like to hang around here.”

“In order to find the secret water curtain, they won the secret treasure inside.”

“But I have stayed here for many years.”

“On the other hand.”

“The reason why those people insist on staying here.”

“I feel that the water curtain secret is a safer secret.”

“After all, whether this secret realm can enter or not depends on fate…”

“Naturally, there will not be too powerful enemies to compete with us, and we can collect resources more safely.”

And Yu Ling’er nearby, after listening to these words.

Suddenly shook his head helplessly.

She looked at the distant scenery and said directly:

“.々Those practitioners with low Cultivation Base think very well.

“But it’s also a bit naive.

“Do they think that there is no chaos monster in this water curtain secret realm?

“If the strength is not enough, just enter the secret realm directly.”

“I’m afraid I will still let my own life be lost there.”

The Ling Yao Yao standing beside Ye Yuesheng heard Yu Linger’s words.

Also expressed agreement.

I saw her speak directly:

“Sister Niang is right.

“According to the information provided by the Master, this (money is good) water curtain secret is also in danger.”

“We have to be more cautious.”

“If it is too careless, something unexpected may happen.

Ye Yuesheng nodded immediately after hearing the words.

A hint of satisfaction appeared on his face.

Then he said:

“Very well, since everyone is mixing so cautiously.”

“Then this secret realm shouldn’t bother us.”

“It’s not early now, and it’s time to set off to the secret water curtain.”

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