Chapter 417 Surrender

Li Daozi fell under the ground.

After seeing Ye Yuesheng preparing to attack again.

A look of horror finally flashed across his face.

I saw Li Daozi secretly said in his heart:

“Does this Ye Daozi really want to ignore the rules of Tiangong?”

“Just put me to death?

“If this is the case, then everything is over.”

“I still have to fight for the position of patriarch, so that I can completely make myself known as Chaos!”

Think of “August 20” here.

Li Daozi immediately spoke to Ye Yuesheng and said:

“Ye Daozi, I give up.

“Don’t do it, I will admit that I lost to you now!”

“Hurry up and stop!”

However, despite Li Daozi’s words.

Ye Yuesheng did not intend to stop.

For a guy who always thinks about himself.

Even if it really violates the regulations, Ye Yuesheng must completely kill it in his palm.

Thought of this.

Ye Yuesheng did not hesitate at all.

Immediately he called the Immortal King Xuying’s handprint, and directly slapped Li Daozi’s forehead.

Instantly let it fall on this battlefield.

And the other side.

Because Ye Yuesheng started too quickly.

Fairy Yaoqing and others haven’t reacted yet.

That Li Daozi was already dead.

Next, Fairy Yaoqing looked at Ye Yuesheng in shock.

Some incredulously asked:

“Ye Daozi, why did you do this!”

“No matter how wrong this Li Daozi is.”

“This kind of thing should also be handled by Tiangong.”

“Do you know that private suicide to kill Tiangong Daozi is a felony!”

“If there is a reason for having to act, let me know as soon as possible.”

“I will intercede for you.

I heard the words of Fairy Yaoqing.

Ye Yuesheng smiled immediately, he didn’t show the slightest panic.

Instead, he calmly said:

“Fairy Yaoqing, I am not committing suicide privately.”

“In front of you, he personally shot and killed this guy.”

“So what you just said was wrong.

After saying this, Ye Yuesheng seemed to think of something.

He glanced at Li Daozi’s body, then continued to speak:

“In addition, don’t you think Fairy Yaoqing is weird?,

“Although I just killed that Li Daozi.

“But this battle.”

“But it was carried out under the supervision of the elders of the Tiangong.”

“Didn’t these elders react?”

“You know, their Cultivation Base is much stronger than mine.”

“Why can’t I stop my behavior?”

Upon hearing this, Fairy Yaoqing suddenly flashed a hint of shock in her eyes.

She looked at Elder Tian Bing next to her and said directly:

“Elder Tianbing, why didn’t you stop it just now?”

“Could it be in this battle.

“Are there any hidden feelings?”

Upon hearing Fairy Yaoqing’s words, Elder Tianbing immediately smiled bitterly.

She did not directly answer Fairy Yaoqing’s question.

Instead, he looked at Ye Yuesheng and said directly:

“Ye Daozi is really amazing.

“I don’t know when you discovered that there is something wrong with this Li Daozi?”

“Dare to make such a decisive move.”

“It’s really admirable.”

Upon hearing this, Ye Yuesheng smiled immediately.

5.8 He said:

“Elder Tianbing can value me.”

“Actually, I was just a guess.

“After all, this Li Daozi’s pre-war ceremony is really too awkward.”

“It’s almost like a beginner.

“It’s really suspicious.”

“Plus Tiangong’s Taoism is useless.”

“I won’t beg for mercy in public.

“After all, as a Tianjiao, this arrogance is still there.”

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