Chapter 381 Magic crystal

Ye Yuesheng saw everyone’s curious attitude.

Naturally, it won’t be sold anymore.

After he nodded, he said directly:

“Well, since you guys are all interested in it.

“Then I will naturally take these things out later.”

“However, before that.

“I still have to remind you one more thing.”

“These things, if you can really use them.”

“Then don’t let it out at will.

“Avoid unnecessary trouble when you get it.”

And the other side.

Ye Qingxian and others heard this.

A hint of speculation flashed in his heart.

After seeing Ye Qingxian nodded solemnly, he said:

“Master, don’t worry.

“We have followed you for so long, so naturally we know what to do.”

Similarly, the many disciples standing beside Ye Qingxian.

After hearing this.

He also nodded.

It seems to agree with this very much.

And Ye Yuesheng sitting on the main seat.

After seeing the solemn attitude of all the disciples, there was a trace of worry in my heart.

Also disappeared completely.

After seeing him smile slightly, he said:

“Since you all understand what to do.”

“Then I will take these things out first, and let you take a look at them.

After saying this, Ye Yuesheng immediately took out another storage ring.

Directly took out the many rare resources in it.

And these disciples after seeing these strange things.

A shocking color also appeared on his face.

They never expected it.

Ye Yuesheng was able to harvest these strange things in the secret realm.

at the same time.

After sitting next to Ye Yuesheng’s blood, after watching these resources.

A look of shock also appeared on his face.

I saw her speak:

“This is not a magic crystal, right?”

“Husband, how did you get these things?”

“as far as I know.

“Every magic crystal is a very rare existence.”

“Ordinary practitioners are simply not qualified to get it!”

And the nearby Yu Ling’er heard the words of the Queen of Blood.

An unbelievable look also appeared on his face.

Although she had already guessed in her heart.

But after hearing the affirmative words of the blood queen.

Still feel a little weird.

…For flowers…

Ye Yuesheng laughed suddenly after seeing the surprised face after the blood.

He directly said:

“My method of obtaining these resources is very simple.

“It’s just killing a powerful enemy.”

“Then grab these treasures from him.”

“It is for this reason.”

“The power of the underworld also came to make trouble for me.”


After the blood on the side.

After listening to Ye Yuesheng’s words.

A dizzy expression suddenly appeared on his face.

She really didn’t expect it.

My husband just went to the secret realm.

It actually brought out the top power of the underworld.

This is really incredible.

Then, after seeing the blood queen, he took a deep breath, looked at Ye Yuesheng, and said directly:

“Husband, you are not going to kill the demon of the underworld, right?

“After all, only by adopting this approach can we harvest so many magic crystals.”

And Ye Yuesheng listened to the words of the Queen of Blood.

He nodded suddenly, and calmly said:

“After the blood, you are right.

“The demon of this underworld indeed died in my hands.

“So these resources are also his things.”

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