Chapter 367 Shocked

When all the onlookers are strong.

After seeing Ye Yuesheng resist the attack of the Mantian Demon.

Unbelievable expressions flashed across his face suddenly.

They never expected it.

Cultivation Base only has Ye Yuesheng on Fourth Stage.

It was so easy to send the attack of the Demon God to the next.

This is really incredible.


I saw a strong man from the underworld dressed in black and glanced at Ye Yuesheng.

“Seven Nine Three”

Then he said with some fear:

“Ye Daozi of the Heavenly Palace.”

“It’s too enchanting.

“If I hadn’t seen this with my own eyes, I would really hardly believe it.”

“Only with such a low Cultivation Base.

“It will be able to accept the crazy attack of the wild devil.”

“This is really shocking.

And a strong man nearby, after hearing these words.

Also nodded.

It seems to agree with this very much.

I saw this person looking towards the camp of Tiangong, a little lost and said:

“The Heavenly Palace has such a heaven-defying Taoist.

“I’m afraid it won’t be long.

“You can become more powerful.”

“Facing such a powerful enemy, I am afraid that our underworld will be in the days to come.”

“It won’t be so smooth.”

“I hope that this barbaric demon will be able to break out a more powerful attack again later.”

“It’s good to kill the Taoist priest directly.

“Otherwise, the underworld will really go downhill.”

And the other side.

Just when everyone in the underworld felt lost.

Tiangong is full of surprises and cheers.

The elders of those heavenly palaces.

I never thought that Ye Yuesheng could be so strong.

It was unexpectedly able to withstand the attack of the Man Tian Demon.

It is incredible.

Next, after a smile flashed across Elder Tianbing’s face, he spoke:

“This brat is really amazing.”

“In such a short time.”

“You can control the Immortal King Seal to this point.”

“It’s amazing.

And a white robe elder nearby.

After hearing Elder Tianbing’s words, he also smiled slightly.

He cut his beard and said:

“Elder Tianbing is right.

“This Ye Daozi is really a genius of cultivation.”

“You can control part of the essence of the Immortal King Seal so quickly.”

“Such a powerful comprehension speed”

“Even if it is placed in the history of Tiangong, it is enough to rank in the top five.”

“It seems that in this battle, my Tiangong is bound to win.”

At the same time.

Just when the camps on both sides felt shocked.

The Heavenly Devil who is fighting Fairy Yaoqing.

A hint of surprise flashed in his eyes.

After seeing a gloomy color flashing in the eyes of the heavenly devil, he secretly said in his heart:

“This savage devil is so useless.”

“Even a guy whose Cultivation Base is lower than him can’t be solved.”

“It really disappointed me.”

“It seems that it was a great mistake for the Man Tian Demon to play in this battle.”

“It was right that the second-ranked demon should be forced to play.

“In this way, underworld 5.8 can achieve an absolute victory.”

Fairy Yaoqing on the opposite side.

After seeing the sullen face of Heavenly Devil.

Then he smiled coldly:

“Sky Devil, you should have seen the scene just now.”

“Ye Daozi’s true strength is absolutely far beyond your imagination.

“If you still want to win this battle, then give up as soon as possible.”

“After all, this is absolutely impossible.”

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