Chapter 349 Altar preaching

After getting the order of the Taoist Lord of Heaven.

The Great Elder of Tiangong did not stay here anymore.

He turned around and left the Great Hall, and then went to look for Fairy Yaoqing.

And the other side.

After seeing this scene, Tiangong Taoist nodded slightly.

He looked into the distance and continued to speak:

“The rest of you will set off directly to the Yunyin area.”

“You have to get there before Ye Daozi is enclosed by the prefecture.”

“You must not delay the opportunity.

“Do you understand everything?”

Hearing that, the elders below.

Naturally, they have expressed their opinions one after another.

Promise that he will definitely reach the Yunyin area earlier than the strong man in the underworld.

And the Taoist Heavenly Palace was hearing the words of everyone.

He smiled slightly, and he didn’t say anything more.

Immediately perform magical powers,

A spatial passage was opened directly in the square not far away.

Next, I saw the Taoist Lord of the Heavenly Palace saying to everyone:

“This channel can go directly to the Yunyin area.”

“You go now.

“As long as Ye Daozi can return smoothly.” ”

“Then I will open the Temple of Heaven and preach once, as a reward for you.”

The elders below, after hearing these words.

A look of surprise suddenly appeared on his face.

They never expected it.

The Taoist Lord of the Heavenly Palace would be willing to start preaching on the altar.

This is really amazing.

I saw a white robe elder, after a trace of emotion appeared in his eyes, he spoke:

“It seems that Dao Master really values ​​Ye Daozi.”

“The last time Tiangong opened the altar to preach, it seems to have been thousands of years ago.”

“If you can seize this opportunity.”

“Maybe I will be able to break through the existing bottleneck.”

The preaching on the altar of the Tiangong is an extremely magical existence.

It can make all people whose heavenly realm is below three Tenth Stage.

Experience the realm of the next First Stage directly.

In order to increase the probability of breaking through its own bottleneck.

This kind of thing is for Ye Yuesheng et al.

Maybe not very attractive.

But for those elders who have stayed in a certain realm for a long time.

It is very charming.

Therefore, these elders learned this news.

They couldn’t wait to turn into streams of light, and rushed directly to the space passage of the distant square.

And at the same time.

Just when the elders of Great Hall acted.

The great elder of the Tiangong has also come to the residence of Fairy Yaoqing.

A faint smile appeared on his face.

He looked ahead and directly said:

“Yaoqing, do you have time now?”

“Tiangong Taoist has some small things, I need to trouble you.”

*.々If done well.

“Then Grandpa will meet one of your conditions.”

The voice of the Great Elder Tiangong just fell.

A glow of glow flew from the depths of that residence.

He appeared directly in front of him.

I saw Fairy Yaoqing swaying, looking at his grandfather, and smiling:

“This is what you said, Grandpa.”

“Will you go back then.”

“Otherwise, Qing’er will definitely hate you.”

Hear what my granddaughter said.

The Great Elder Tiangong immediately (Zhao Qian Zhao) laughed.

He cut his beard and said:

“When did Grandpa fool you?

“As long as I promised you, Grandpa can do it.”

The opposite fairy Yaoqing heard this.

Suddenly smiled slightly.

She didn’t mess around anymore, and said directly:

“If that’s the case, then grandpa, just talk about it.”

“What on earth does the Taoist of Tiangong want me to help.”

“If it is reasonable, Qing’er is not unable to help.”

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