Chapter 342 Defeated

The two puppets that regained their power.

A trace of hideousness flashed across his face.

Then once again launched an attack on the chaotic monster.

I saw one after another incomparably dark ghost claws, as if they were about to tear the world apart.

He hit the monster hard.

Directly let this demon roar continuously and violently.

It is clear.

At this time the battle between the two.

Compared with before, it is completely different.

“Seven Eight Three” now these two puppets have completely gained the upper hand.

Directly pressed that chaotic monster out of breath.

Even the chaos monster.

There have also been signs of wanting to escape.

It is retreating continuously, trying to escape the attack of these two puppets.


I saw one of the puppets, after an angry roar from the sky.

He stretched out his two ghost claws.

Directly and fiercely he tore off an arm of that chaotic monster.

And the Chaos Demon who was hit hard by this.

Immediately wailed.

Directly issued a terrible roar.

Its torn wound.

Streams of thick black liquid spewed out in an instant.

It’s like an endless stream of spring water, which is very creepy.

See this on the other puppet.

Did not stop the action.

Also transformed into two huge ghost claws, and directly grabbed this chaotic monster.

Let it be hit hard again.

Next, as time passed.

The chaotic monster was constantly attacked by two fierce puppets.

The body has begun to falter.

As if in the next moment.

It will fall on this piece of land.

When the two puppets saw this, a trace of healing appeared on their faces again.

I saw one of the puppets, and said intermittently:

“finally ”

“I’m going to seize the soil.”

“For the future of the immortal Tianzong.”

“These costs are still worth it.”

“You demon, let me suffer to death!”

After speaking, the strength on the puppet ghost’s claws increased a bit again.

He blasted directly at the monster on the opposite side.

However, at the next moment.

The chaos demon that has been attacked frantically by two puppets on the other end.

Under the crisis of life and death.

Suddenly a new change occurred in Jing.

I saw its round, spherical body unexpectedly began to become uneven.

As if covered with a thick layer of rock

It was shocking.

When the two puppets on the opposite side saw this, a sneer suddenly appeared on their faces.

They seem to think that this chaotic monster has changed.

Can not change the situation today.

Afterwards, I saw one of the puppets, and screamed to the sky.

Then he opened his mouth, and sprayed a green flame fiercely towards the chaotic monster.

This green flame is extremely fierce.

Like a poisonous flood, it directly bit the monster head fiercely.

And the other side.

Just when this green flame was about to attack the Chaos Demon.

This demon screamed directly to the sky.

In an instant, his arm became extremely large.

Then he blasted the two puppets on the opposite side fiercely.

It’s as if a huge mountain is pressing on the top.

5.8 directly smashed them all.

And those two puppets.

It seems to be unexpected.

This Chaos Demon was able to burst out such a powerful force in an instant.

Until the moment of being beaten.

Their faces are still full of incredible expressions.

At the same time, at the same time.

Just when these two puppets were defeated.

Ye Yuesheng has travelled a lot.

Finally came here.

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